Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3543: Four major achievements

Chapter 3543 Four Major Achievements

 “Mr. Ni.”

“Mr. Liu.” Yanagawa Satoshi and Ni Guangnan finally stood face to face again. There was an invisible confrontation in their eyes, but more of them were filled with emotion.

It is equivalent to two people starting a business together and going all the way, but later they had differences and disputes, and each of them had their own persistence.

 Now they are also making achievements on their respective paths.

It is conceivable that the original differences between the two have not ended, and will continue for a long time until one day in the future.

  Media reporters raised their cameras one after another, and with flashes of flashlights, they recorded this historic meeting.

 The two of them didn’t talk too much about anything else. They just nodded and walked into the venue together.

 Jiang Xiaobai arrived as the finale character, and basically everyone else had arrived, sitting in the core position in the first row. This was also arranged by Lian Xiang.

 They wanted to invite Jiang Xiaobai over to make this anniversary celebration more lively, but they were definitely not insulting Jiang Xiaobai.

With Jiang Xiaobai’s identity, it would be an insult if he didn’t sit in the first row. Jiang Xiaobai got up and left immediately, and no one could find fault.

Ni Guangnan also sat next to Jiang Xiaobai. Jiang Xiaobai agreed to come. Many big bosses from domestic shopping malls also came, and even Mou Qizhong also came.

Members of the Taishan Society, one by one, basically all who had nothing special to do, came. Some members of the Oriental Society also came after Jiang Xiaobai agreed to come.

Mr. Liu still has a lot of face. Without Jiang Xiaobai’s worries, everyone is still willing to give Mr. Liu some face.

It goes without saying that in the IT industry, people from several major portals, plus Teacher Ma and Guo Fansen, who are doing well in the Internet industry, are all here.

 It’s just that Teacher Ma and Guo Fansen did not sit together. There were some conflicts between the two, mainly due to industry competition.

 Brother Xiao Ma was sitting in the third row at the back, and the rest, including Mr. Chen from Shengda, etc., were all present.

It can be said that in this venue today, even if half of the domestic private shopping malls are gathered, at least half of them are famous and can be called business figures.

After Jiang Xiaobai sat down, many people came over to say hello to Jiang Xiaobai. In addition to people from Dongfang Club, people from Taishan Club on Mr. Liu's side were also the same.

For example, Mr. Lu from Fanhai Group, Mr. Guo from Fuxing, and Mr. Duan from Sitong are all qualified enough to come and chat with Jiang Xiaobai. There are also some members of Taishan Club who want to I came here to chat, but I don’t have the qualifications.

Even though Jiang Xiaobai and the people from Taishan Club are not very good at dealing with each other, everyone is still willing to come and chat with Jiang Xiaobai. This is Jiang Xiaobai’s current position in the domestic shopping mall.

Mr. Liu looked at this scene and felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, but at the same time he knew very well that if he invited Jiang Xiaobai over, he would inevitably be overshadowed by Jiang Xiaobai to a certain extent, but there was nothing he could do about it.

The anniversary celebration also officially started at this time. Mr. Liu, Yang Yuanqing and Guo Wei were on the stage. The host was Guo Wei. He first welcomed the guests, and then Mr. Liu spoke. After Mr. Liu took the microphone, the audience burst into applause.

Indeed, Lianxiang also deserves this applause. Lianxiang Group, which came out of a small bungalow, has overcome difficulties and twists along the way and grown into a towering tree in 20 years.

More than 7,000 representatives from Lianxiang Group and all walks of life celebrated the 20th anniversary of Lianxiang with a warm and solemn celebration meeting on the 15th.

“Twenty years ago, in a small bungalow in the communication room of the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 11 of us scientific and technical personnel put down their iron rice bowls, picked up their clay rice bowls, and started Lianxiang Group with 200,000 yuan of capital.

Despite the ups and downs along the way, Lianxiang continues to grow. Today, Lianxiang has total assets of 19.8 billion yuan, 18,000 employees, turnover of 42.5 billion yuan, and after-tax profits of 1.3 billion yuan. "

 Amidst the applause, Mr. Liu’s face was full of satisfaction. At this time, four big characters appeared on the screen behind the three of them.


"This is the theme of our anniversary celebration. We commemorate the ups and downs of the past twenty years and think about the future of our company. In the past twenty years, if we want to commemorate and summarize, I think our company should have achieved a total of 4 major achievements. Key achievements, these achievements not only strengthen the company itself, but also have an impact in a larger field.

 First of all, it is to take the lead in the competition with international PC manufacturers. In the PC field, the leadership position gained by domestic enterprises has reduced the cost of our domestic informatization, accelerated the speed of informatization construction, and also encouraged domestic enterprises in other fields to compete with foreign opponents. "

 Mr. Liu can still brag. Although it is normal to brag a little, but you are bragging in the IT industry.

This also encourages private enterprises in other fields, which is a bit too much.

Even in the PC factory, they only relied on the cheap domestic labor force to seize some markets, and there was no major technological decline.

What's more, the domestic competitor is Lianxiang Computer, which has come from behind. Where can Lianxiang Computer take its turn to cheer for other fields?

Of course, at this time, no one stood up and said, Mr. Liu, you are bragging. Even Jiang Xiaobai just looked at Yang Yuanqing on the stage. This was his first time meeting Yuanqing.

  It has been rumored on the Internet for a long time. It is estimated that as soon as the 20th anniversary conference starts, Yuan Qing will become popular again.

"Second, it explores a path for domestic high-tech industrialization. High-tech industrialization is the bottleneck of our country's technological power. Lianxiang's practice shows that the carrier of high-tech is enterprises. After 20 years of exploration, Lianxiang has become A pioneer in high-tech industrialization.”

“Third, the successful realization of shareholding reform paved the way for the transformation of property rights of state-owned enterprises, especially high-tech enterprises. Lianxiang spent 8 years on the shareholding reform, so that enterprises can give full play to scientific incentive mechanisms.

 Fourth, we improved the management concept with the “Three Elements of Management” as the core, allowing us to select outstanding leaders. Yang Yuanqing and Guo Wei are both the practical results of this concept. "

Everyone knew that Mr. Liu would definitely brag, but they didn’t expect Mr. Liu to be so capable of bragging. He also cheered for companies in other fields, said that he was a vanguard, and that he had blazed a unique path. Talents have been cultivated.

 (End of this chapter)

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