Chapter 3585 Discussion Meeting

Wang Fu left to collect and sort out relevant information, and Jiang Xiaobai also began to contact some experts and professors to come to Shanghai.

Of course, the main purpose of finding these experts and professors in Shanghai is not to choose a better development direction between lithium batteries, nickel-metal hydride batteries and lead-cobalt batteries, but to let these experts And professors and the like, persuade Wang Fu.

 Let Wang Fu identify the direction of lithium batteries, and then head down. Don't think about changing to a new track, thinking that the direction of lithium batteries can't go on.

 So it is very important to find what kind of experts. When it comes to inviting experts, the first one that cannot be avoided is the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Needless to say, the development history of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is amazing. It has manned spaceflight and manned deep diving, successfully developed the first computer, independently developed chloramphenicol and penicillin, completed the artificial synthesis of bovine insulin for the first time in the world, and pioneered the mechanization of mathematics. The various achievements such as proofs, finite element methods, etc. can be said to be countless.

When the Chinese Academy of Sciences began to transform society in the early 1980s, there were also many companies that came out. At that time, researchers from major research institutes began to go overseas.

 Among them is Liu Chuanzhi of the Institute of Computer Science. At that time, he and 10 employees of the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences used 200,000 yuan to establish the computer company that became Lianxiang today.

The Institute of Computer Science is just one of more than 100 research institutes affiliated with the Chinese Academy of Sciences. In fact, the Chinese Academy of Sciences holds shares in many companies.

This is also a behemoth. Even in later generations, there are still active companies such as Zhongke Suguang, Cambrian, ZhongkeSoft, iFlytek, etc., with holding companies spread across various provinces.

The subsidiary China Science and Technology Co., Ltd. alone has more than 50 holding companies, distributed in 13 cities in 11 provinces and municipalities across the country. The industry covers new generation information technology, high-end equipment manufacturing, environmental protection and new materials, fund investment, In many fields such as modern services, there are 39 listed companies among the institute's investment companies. There is also a saying in the stock market that these companies are called "national science sector".

Jiang Xiaobai called the Chinese Academy of Sciences. After making an appointment, he even invited him personally. In addition to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, there were also some famous professors and experts from other domestic universities.

 Many of them can be recognized, and when Jiang Xiaobai invited them, he specifically selected those who had conducted in-depth research on lithium batteries.

It took a week to invite people. Wang Fu had been waiting impatiently in the magic city. Before the formal seminar began, Jiang Xiaobai invited these experts and professors to have a meal alone, and then expressed himself idea.

ˆ said that he is very optimistic about the direction of lithium batteries. He hopes that at tomorrow’s discussion meeting, everyone can conduct a targeted analysis of lithium batteries, mainly about their future prospects and commercial use.

Jiang Xiaobai’s words were relatively euphemistic, but everyone at the scene understood what Jiang Xiaobai meant.

  Simply put, let them focus on lithium batteries and start a discussion around this lithium battery.

 Wang Fu thought Jiang Xiaobai invited these experts and professors to discuss the differences between lithium batteries, nickel-metal hydride batteries, lead-cobalt batteries, etc.

 But in fact, Jiang Xiaobai’s hint to these experts and professors was that he was optimistic about lithium batteries, mainly for the sake of lithium batteries.

As a result, at the discussion meeting on the second day, these experts and professors mainly talked about the shortcomings of the other two types of nickel-metal hydride batteries and lead-cobalt batteries. Rather than saying anything about its advantages, Wang Fu mentioned the development prospects of the other two types of batteries several times, but they were all dismissed by these experts and professors.

Jiang Xiaobai may not be able to convince Wang Fu technically, but let’s not talk about the abilities of these experts and professors. They deal with academics every day. In terms of professionalism, they are definitely better than Wang Fu, who is already in business.

 Coupled with their status and other factors, there will naturally be bonuses.

The seminar lasted for three days in total. Within three days, Wang Fu was finally convinced. Jiang Xiaobai was present throughout the whole process, and Zhang Weiyi also took the time to come over twice.

Zhang Weiyi is not that concerned about the development direction of new energy vehicles. This new energy vehicle is a project that Jiang Xiaobai personally took charge of. He came here mainly because he was curious. New energy vehicles, which are making a lot of noise, can really replace traditional fuel. Car?

 After Jiang Xiaobai sent all the experts and professors away, he called Wang Fu into his office again.

“Mr. Wang, although I don’t understand technology, I know that times are definitely moving forward. Why lithium batteries can replace lead-acid batteries is because lithium batteries have many advantages over lead-acid batteries.”

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Wang Fu and said: "I know that the current lithium batteries are in trouble to a certain extent in terms of research and development.

 It is natural for people to want to change the route, but have you ever thought about what happens if the route fails? New energy trams are a new thing.

It can even be said that it is a completely new direction in the use of batteries, and there are definitely many difficulties in it.

 Once you’ve made your choice, just keep going, instead of just talking about it, researching and developing this, researching and developing that...”

Jiang Xiaobai said in a nonchalant manner, and Wang Fu nodded. During these three days of seminars, these experts and professors still convinced him.

Having convinced Wang Fu from a professional perspective, Jiang Xiaobai is now consolidating Wang Fu's strategy from the perspective of the company, or just pouring some chicken soup for the soul.

“Well, Mr. Jiang, I understand.”

"Mr. Wang, we must have perseverance and perseverance in what we do. Now in China, you can be said to be the leader of new energy vehicles. Now everyone in the country who is interested in developing new energy vehicles is looking at you. action.

You are the pioneer. If new energy vehicles are successful in China, I believe your name will definitely remain in the history of domestic automobiles and leave a strong mark in the history of domestic automobiles..."

Jiang Xiaobai fed Wang Fu free chicken soup, which made Wang Fu a little excited. When he came out to hang out, there were only two kinds, either seeking fame or profit. If he made a new energy vehicle, he would gain both fame and fortune.

"Okay, Director Jiang, don't worry. After I go back, I will continue to promote the technology of lithium batteries, battery life and charging speed. No matter how difficult it is, I will definitely make it to your satisfaction and make the first pure electric vehicle in the country." Electric car." Wang Fu stood up and said solemnly.

 (End of this chapter)

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