Chapter 3586 Li Laosan

Wang Fu left. When it came to new energy vehicles, Jiang Xiaobai was relieved that Wang Fu was in charge. The next step was the matter of canned food for educated youth.

After Jiang Xiaobai arranged the itinerary, he took Zhang Tingting and Li Longquan back to Longcheng, and then returned to Jianhua Village from Longcheng.

But just after getting off the plane and before leaving the airport, Jiang Xiaobai received a call from Li Xiaoliu.

“Dr. Jiang, my cousin is gone.”

“What?” Jiang Xiaobai didn’t realize what Li Xiaoliu was talking about at the first time.

“My cousin, Li Laosan left this morning.” Li Xiaoliu choked and repeated it again. Jiang Xiaobai staggered as he listened to the voice on the phone.

Li Laosan was in poor health. Jiang Xiaobai knew this. When Li Laosan was young, the village was very poor and there was no food or drink at that time.

Life was very hard. When Jiang Xiaobai went to Jianhua Village, Li Laosan was already forty years old. Later, life became better.

 But at the beginning, it was also for business matters, running around all day, drinking and socializing.

Li Laosan's health has been in poor health in the past few years. Jiang Xiaobai was actually prepared for Li Laosan's departure, but when it really happened, Jiang Xiaobai still couldn't accept it for a while.

 Li Longquan and Zhang Tingting had been following Jiang Xiaobai. When they saw Jiang Xiaobai staggering, they quickly stepped forward to help Jiang Xiaobai.

“Dr. Jiang, are you okay?”

“Director Jiang, what happened?” they asked with concern.

Jiang Xiaobai waved his hands towards the two of them in just a moment and sat down on the bench beside them.

On the phone, Li Xiaoliu listened to the voice on the other side and understood Jiang Xiaobai's feelings. Jiang Xiaobai sat on the bench for a while before he finally calmed down.

“Okay, I know, I’m going back now.” Jiang Xiaobai said into the phone, then got up and walked towards the outside of the airport.

 Li Longquan and Zhang Tingting looked at each other and both understood that something must have happened, but they didn't understand what happened that could make Jiang Xiaobai's expression change drastically.

 In the greeting outside the airport, people from the Longcheng Branch of Huaqing Holding Group greeted Jiang Xiaobai with a smile on their faces. However, Jiang Xiaobai's expression was very calm. He just nodded slightly and got in the car.

The greeting staff looked confused. They had done a lot of work in Longcheng to welcome and drop off people, and they also received high-level executives of the group. The big boss here, Jiang Xiaobai, had no airs, and sometimes even talked with him. They chatted and stuff.

 But what happened to the big boss this time?

Zhang Tingting shook her head at the greeting staff: "Get in the car and leave for Jianhua Village immediately."

The greeting staff nodded with fear and quickly got in the car and set off.

 After leaving the airport, Zhang Tingting asked tentatively: "Director Jiang, did something happen?"

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the scenery outside the window. His reaction was a little slow when he heard this, and he turned his head and nodded: "Li Laosan is gone."

With just such a sentence, Jiang Xiaobai seemed to have exhausted all his strength. After finishing speaking, he continued to turn his head and look out the window.

Zhang Tingting was stunned, and Li Longquan who was sitting next to him was also stunned. At this moment, they understood why Jiang Xiaobai was so rude, especially Li Longquan.

Zhang Tingting was a little better. When she went to work, Li Laosan had already retired. She basically had no dealings with Li Laosan. She just knew that this should be one of the veterans who started a business with Jiang Xiaobai and came out of Jianhua Village. of.

Even now he is one of the people with the highest status in Jianhua Village. There are not many villagers in Jianhua Village who have grown up with Jiang Xiaobai and have become senior executives of Huaqing Holding Group. Li Laosan is one of them.

The same goes for Li Xiaoliu, Jianhua Village, there are only two people in this village. Not only are they the link between Jiang Xiaobai and Jianhua Village, but they are at least one of the witnesses.

 She knows that Li Laosan has a lot of weight in Jiang Xiaobai's heart, but she doesn't know much about the past.

But Li Longquan knew it very well. When he followed Jiang Xiaobai in the capital, he knew Li Laosan. Later, he followed Jiang Xiaobai back to Huajian Village and witnessed Li Laosan's status in Jiang Xiaobai's heart.

 Jiang Xiaobai didn’t know when he lit up a cigarette. Although Jiang Xiaobai likes to smoke these years, he rarely smokes in a closed space, and one of them is in the car.

 But Jiang Xiaobai lit up a cigarette today, opened the car window, and the cold wind outside the car window blew in.

It is now mid-to-late April, and the weather in Shanghai is already very high. Some people have already taken to the streets wearing thin coats, and some clothing stores have begun to prepare to buy summer clothes.

But in Jin Province in mid-to-late April, just like what Lu Yao wrote in the opening chapter, the long and cold winter on the Loess Plateau has passed, but the warm spring is far from coming.

 The chill in the air made several people in the car shiver uncontrollably.

But Jiang Xiaobai had no intention of closing the car window, letting the cold wind blow all over his body. He took a puff or two of the cigarette in his hand from time to time, and then let the rest float away in the air with the cold wind.

After finishing one cigarette, Jiang Xiaobai lit up the next one, one after another, and even in the end, Jiang Xiaobai just lit up the cigarette mechanically and smoked the cigarette mechanically.

"Director Jiang." Zhang Tingting wanted to persuade Jiang Xiaobai, but as soon as she spoke, Li Longquan grabbed Zhang Tingting and shook his head gently towards Zhang Tingting.

The driver drove the car very fast. Inside the expensive car, cigarette ashes swept in by the cold wind were falling, but no one said a word.

 Two and a half hours later, the car had entered the county, and then drove all the way towards Jianhua Village without stopping.

 Jianhua Village used to be very prosperous and full of laughter and laughter, but today, Jianhua Village is full of people and there are no smiles on many people’s faces.

Jiang Xiaobai's car didn't even stop at the entrance of the village and drove directly towards Li Laosan's house.

When we arrived at the door of Li Laosan's house, there were already people inside and outside the house, and many people had their arms wrapped in white cloth.

 There are a lot of relatives in the village.

After Jiang Xiaobai’s car stopped, Jiang Xiaobai got out of the car without waiting for the driver to come over and open the door.

“Dr. Jiang, Uncle Li is gone.”

 “Dr. Jiang…”

"Dr. Jiang..." A group of people gathered around. The moment they saw Jiang Xiaobai, many people's voices choked up.

“Yeah, I know.” Jiang Xiaobai nodded, said in a hoarse voice, and then walked towards the yard of Li Laosan’s house.

 (End of this chapter)

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