Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3598: Removed from shelves

Chapter 3598 Removed

“Mr. Jiang, are you threatening me?” George stood up and looked at Jiang Xiaobai angrily.

"I'm not threatening you, but stating a fact." Jiang Xiaobai looked at George and said word by word: "I will treat others the same way others treat me." There is a saying in the Bi Code, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

A saint who also lives in our country also said the same thing: How can we repay evil with kindness?

 So Mr. George, I am not threatening you, but telling you, what will I do to you? "

George's face turned gloomy for a while as he listened to Zhang Tingting's translation. If Jiang Xiaobai threatened in anger, George might not care.

  After all, the one who suffers now is Jiang Xiaobai, the canned educated youth.

It is normal to say harsh words when you are angry, just like two people had a quarrel and one of them said: "I'll f**king kill you later." And so on, who cares?

If you report this kind of threat, no one will care.

  But what if a person sat down calmly and told you that I was going to kill you, and also told you why I wanted to kill you like this, and what were the methods and steps to kill you?

 Who is not afraid at this time?

 Because at this time, he is not only telling you, but also telling himself that he can kill you.

 Theory usually seems to be of little importance. It seems that it is not important, and practice is the most important. But in fact, theory is very important.

Throughout history, every uprising and the like is supported by his theory, just like modern Marxism.

If you shout out during an uprising, "I want to be emperor, you all come and help me fight. When I become emperor, you go home and continue farming, hahaha." You will only be beaten to death mercilessly by the masses, and the uprising will fail.

 For example, if you are famous, does the prince, general, Xiang Ning, have any kind of talent? Attack the unjust and punish the Qin Dynasty. For example, land equalization, exemption from taxes, etc.

These are all theoretical. You have no theoretical support for anyone to do big things with you.

 Similarly, it also illustrates one thing. If you have a theory, you can do it.

Now Jiang Xiaobai is telling George, why should I do this to you? It’s because you have done this to me, so I have to do this.

This was no longer true, and George had to believe it.

"Mr. Jiang, I have to remind you that the consequences of doing this are that you are also a global enterprise. If you do this, you will also suffer great losses." George also threatened.

"If you do things recklessly like this, you will get the same results. Believe me, your losses will not be smaller than ours."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded when he heard this, and did not refute George's words, but agreed with it and said: "Yes, you are right, but as long as we have our own domestic market, we can survive, because the structure of our country's market itself The amount is huge enough.

 But what about you, if your company’s products cannot be exported to West New Zealand, how big will you still be? "

George opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but in the end he was speechless.

West New Zealand has a total population of only five million. Of course, West New Zealand's economy is definitely more developed than China's economy, but with such a small population, it is useless no matter how developed it is. "If Mr. George can't figure it out, you can go back and think about it. I'll give you three days." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

George left with a gloomy look. Zhang Tingting looked at Jiang Xiaobai with some worry and asked: "Director Jiang, are we pushing George too hard?"

 Normally, this kind of thing must be handled through consultation, and to a certain extent, George's HWL Food Company takes the initiative.

But from the very beginning, Jiang Xiaobai was very strong, and faced various threats. He never thought about what kind of conditions to solve this problem, but directly forced the opponent.

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head: "We just have to push harder. The history of West New Zealand is different from other places.

 In the history of this place, there is no tradition of resistance. They have always been proud of their own sons, who are from there where the sun never sets.

 To deal with such a place, you have to be tough to the end. Moreover, this is the first anti-dumping case our group has faced. How we handle it is very important. This is related to how we handle such things in the future.

The outside world is also looking at our attitude. If it is normal, it will be fine if a case is filed. Enterprises will report this at every turn. If this continues, from now on we will just stay in the country. "

 Zhang Tingting nodded and remained silent. After a while, Zhang Tingting received a call from Liu Xiaomei and came over to report to Jiang Xiaobai: "Director Jiang, Mr. Liu called and asked if it is convenient for you."

 Jiang Xiaobai nodded and answered Liu Xiaomei's call.

“Dr. Jiang, did something happen just now? Did you talk about removing all products of HWL Food Company from the shelves?” Liu Xiaomei asked tentatively.

Although she didn't know what was going on with Jiang Xiaobai, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly called like this, explained something, and then hung up the phone. It was obvious that this was not the way to explain work normally when threatening someone.

So she waited for a while and then called to ask for instructions. If it was just a threat, then don't worry about it. But if it wasn't a threat and she really wanted to do this, she would formally report it to Yaohan supermarkets around the world. Notice sent.

"I'm not saying angrily, I want you to implement it immediately and send this notice to all stores. It is now 12 noon here and before 8 pm, any product related to HWL Food Company , cannot appear on the shelves of Yaohan supermarket.”

“Dr. Jiang, what’s the reason for removing this notice?”

"There is no reason. I just informed you that it will be taken off the shelves and I won't cooperate." Jiang Xiaobai said directly and straightforwardly. He didn't even find a reason, he just wanted to target you openly.

Liu Xiaomei opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but in the end she just nodded: "Okay, Director Jiang, I understand, the notice will be sent out immediately."

Liu Xiaomei hung up the phone with a headache. Jiang Xiaobai didn't say anything. He just said that it would be removed from the store. He didn't even give a reason, and he didn't allow himself to give a reason. He just wanted to remove it from the store.

 But Jiang Xiaobai has made it so clear that he still can’t stop doing it.

It was still morning at the Yaohan Supermarket headquarters, but after hanging up the phone, Liu Xiaomei had someone send out a notice in the name of the company's headquarters.

Yabaihan supermarkets are located all over the world, and there are also time differences. Some are in the morning, some in the afternoon, and some in the evening.

 (End of this chapter)

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