Chapter 3599 Trouble

As soon as the news from the headquarters arrived, supermarkets everywhere began to take action. Supermarkets that were open began to urgently remove HWL Food Company's products from the shelves. Supermarkets that were not open also notified their warehouses and made removal notices. .

 At the same time, Yaohan Supermarket also officially sent a notice to HWL Food Company, and all products were removed from the shelves.

HWL Food Company has been established for a long time. George is the major shareholder and boss, but now the company’s CEO is responsible for the specific affairs of the company.

HWL Food Company was very confused after receiving the notice. The company’s CEO, Angus, personally called Liu Xiaomei to inquire about the cause of the matter.

"There is no reason. This matter was notified by our group headquarters. You should know the reason better than me." Liu Xiaomei said this, and he hung up the phone.

She knew about Jiang Xiaobai's trip to West New Zealand, but she had not asked or inquired about Jiang Xiaobai's purpose in West New Zealand.

As a result, after Jiang Xiaobai went to West New Zealand, he had a conflict with the local HWL Food Company in West New Zealand, and ordered HWL Food Company's products to be removed from the shelves.

Liu Xiaomei doesn't know the reason for this, but she knows Jiang Xiaobai fairly well. Although Jiang Xiaobai has a bad temper, he is not a fussy person.

 HWL Food Company must have done something to make Jiang Xiaobai angry. Otherwise, Jiang Xiaobai would not have done such a thing.

 So Liu Xiaomei was not too polite to Angus from HWL Food Company, and just went back to him.

Angus had some guesses when he heard that it was an order from the headquarters of Huaqing Holding Group. Previously, the boss George asked them to report the educated youth cans to the relevant departments, saying that the educated youth cans were anti-dumping.

At that time, he persuaded his boss George that although Educated Youth Can was just a canning company, it was not the kind of company without any background.

 Companies with no background, just report them. It doesn’t matter. Of course, the canning industry is restricted by the industry, so there are no big companies in this industry.

 But only Educated Youth Canned Food is different. Educated Youth Canned Food is backed by Huaqing Holding Group, and Huaqing Holding Group and Huahua Bank have the same owner.

 In separate rankings, Huaqing Holding Group and Huahua Bank are both among the top 100 companies in the world. If combined, they are among the top 30 or even the top 10 companies in the world.

This is a behemoth born from that ancient and huge country that is recovering. That is to say, because the two companies are not combined together, their international reputation is not that prominent.

 But anyone who has really reached a certain position knows about this behemoth lurking under the water.

Educated Youth Canned Food is not a big deal in the market here in West New Zealand, and their company mainly deals in food and the like. In fact, canned products do not account for a large proportion in their company.

 There is no need to compete with them.

But George didn't listen to the advice at all and insisted on reporting it to others. He thought he was the one who stood out. Now that things are better, he made others anxious. Now that so many products have been removed from the shelves, the losses caused are not even a little bit.

Angus will definitely not take the blame. Otherwise, he will have no way to explain it to the board of directors and shareholders.

Before George returned home, he received a call from Angus. He didn't expect that Jiang Xiaobai would actually take all their products off the shelves.

 George had no choice but to turn around and come to the company.

"Mr. George, what should we do now?" Angus looked at George and asked. The environment abroad is different from that at home. Things are done more directly. If the boss can't do it, then change the boss. But you cannot put a stain on yourself, otherwise, no one will dare to use you in the future.

 “Angus, what do you think we should do now?” George asked with a frown.

“This is not within the scope of my accusation. To a certain extent, it belongs to the political category.” Angus said, although he said it a little euphemistically, but the meaning was actually very clear.

 That is what happened this time. It was caused by the previous anti-dumping report. He should not be responsible for handling it, but George's responsibility.

 George sounded a little headache, but there is no way now. Angus still needs to appease the market. The company has undergone such a big change, and if Angus continues to give up, there will be no way.

George comforted him for a long time before Angus reluctantly agreed.

  After all, he was doing a good job at HWL Food Company, and he wouldn't want to leave if he could.

“Mr. George, if possible, please explain to me clearly the issues between you and Huaqing Holding Group.”

 George nodded. He didn’t hide anything at this time and directly told what happened at noon today.

"You are saying that taking this company's products off the shelves is only the first step. Next, Jiang Xiaobai will use all the power of Huaqing Holding Group and Huahua Bank to promote our company's products and anti-dumping measures around the world. Open an investigation."

Angus asked with his eyes widened.

 George nodded.

"No, what are you thinking about? Mr. George, I don't know what you are thinking. Let's do this. I won't play with you anymore. I will submit my resignation to the board of directors later. During this time, you can look for There are other candidates to take over." Angus no longer wants to say anything to George.

Just the issue of one product being removed from the shelves has already caused a lot of trouble. Yaohan Supermarket is now one of the global supermarkets.

Although on a global scale, there is still a certain gap compared with the scale of Wal-Mart and Knorr Supermarkets.

  But this is also the third largest super retailer in the world and a truly global enterprise.

 Such a supermarket has directly removed the products of HWL Food Company from the shelves, which has already caused a great impact to a certain extent. There is no need for Yaohan Supermarket to give any reason. Competitors will naturally come to take advantage of them.

  Compose some reasons for right and wrong at will. There may be a problem with the product, or there is a suspected problem with the product. It will not be clear at all at the time. There is a saying that spreading rumors starts with one mouth, and refuting rumors will break your legs.

What’s more, it is still a fact that Yaohan Supermarket removed HWL Food Company from its shelves.

how to explain? The explanation is unclear.

This matter itself is very difficult to handle. If HWL Food Company is filed for anti-dumping in various places, then HWL Food Company will really be in big trouble.

 (End of this chapter)

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