Chapter 3677 Goal

"First of all, it's about the shares. CCB is going to take out about 15% of the shares this time, and then divide them between us and Bank of America. But the specific share of each company needs to be discussed. But it is very likely that one family will pay half, that is, each family will give about 7%.

From this point of view, CCB is likely to offer only about 14% of the shares, which is easier to divide. "

Mr. Huang guessed and said, although guessing like this is as simple as children playing house, but just like "high-end ingredients often only require the simplest cooking", in fact, big business and small business are similar. .

 Everyone’s thinking model is basically the same. It is easier to distribute, which must be considered as a factor in everyone’s evaluation of whether this thing can be successful, especially when CCB is now facing two companies, Bank of America and Flowers Bank.

It goes without saying that Bank of America is strong, but Huahua Bank is also very calculating. The reason why they can have Huahua Bank's share is not that they are looking for Huahua Bank, but that Huahua Bank has a cross-hand relationship.

The result of squeezing Bank of America out of the bank, you can imagine what kind of character Huahua Bank is. Both companies are relatively strong, and CCB will definitely consider fairness factors.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "What about our thoughts? How many shares do we want to get at Huahua Bank?"

"Director Jiang, if we want to, we must be able to get more shares of CCB. If we can get as much as possible, we will be able to take more initiative in the future. We can also speak more clearly when arranging directors in CCB. Be more forceful.

If we follow our thinking at Huahua Bank, it would be best to get more than 10% of the shares. "

Mr. Huang looked at Jiang Xiaobai and said slowly. Obviously Mr. Huang is also ambitious. As one of the four major domestic banks, CCB is also the first to be listed on the market. It goes without saying that its influence is natural. If it can be listed on CCB If it occupies a certain proportion, it will expand Huahua Bank's influence in the mainland.

 As for participating in the subsequent listing of other banks, even more directly, this listing is profitable. Naturally, the more shares you hold, the more profitable you will be.

In this case, everyone does not want to make money, and naturally it is better for Han Xin to have more troops.

“Then let’s talk to China Construction Bank and ask them to take out 20% of the shares. After we reach 15%, we will also get about 5% of the shares from Huijin.

Huijin also holds a large number of shares in China Construction Bank..." Jiang Xiaobai said directly.

"Whether it can be done or not, but first we have to talk about taking as many shares as possible, as many shares as possible. As for whether we can hold so many shares in the end, and how many shares we can hold, that's Things to talk about later…”

Mr. Huang's eyes lit up when he heard this, he looked at Jiang Xiaobai and asked, "Dr. Jiang, do you mean to get 20% of the shares?"

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head: "Twenty percent is impossible. According to domestic regulations, foreign banks with foreign capital cannot hold more than 20% of the shares in any domestic bank.

 So we will hold 19.9% ​​of the shares. As for how much we can get in the end, that is the last thing to say.

"But let's follow this first..." Jiang Xiaobai paused and continued: "Bank of America is really good, but it is abroad. Now the home of negotiations is in our country. We can't bully Bank of America."

Who said China Construction Bank will divide the shares equally? Bank of America has already acquired 9% of the shares in Huijin, and we don’t have any shares at all. "

Mr. Huang nodded in agreement. Indeed, before they established a cooperative relationship with CCB, they didn’t know much about Bank of America. They thought Bank of America was still in the negotiation stage with CCB, so they didn’t know much about Bank of America. many.

But after they decided to cooperate with China Construction Bank, they knew more about Bank of America. The original secrets were no longer secrets to Huahua Bank. First of all, Bank of America and Bank of America Some transactions between CCB have been confirmed.

For example, Bank of America has spent US$2.5 billion to acquire about 9% of China Construction Bank's shares from Huijin, and has made it clear that it may increase its holdings to about 19% in the future. .

Basically, it is due to regulations. This is still a secret to the outside world and will not be announced until the final stage of CCB’s listing. But for Huahua Bank, it is no longer a secret.

Everyone already knows that, so Huahua Bank now wants to compete with Bank of America, and it also wants to get a certain share of China Construction Bank shares.

There is no doubt about this. The shares received are too few, and Huahua Bank will have much less say in CCB in the future.

"Okay, Director Jiang, then we will make a plan according to your instructions." Mr. Huang quickly recorded and said at the same time.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "Yes, this negotiation on the share ratio is divided into two parts. One is from China Construction Bank. We want to get about 15%, and let CCB prepare at least 20% of the shares.

Of course, in the end our bottom line is 10% of the shares.

For Huijin, we want to get about 10% of the shares. Anyway, our goal is to eventually reach 19% of the shareholding ratio in China Construction Bank.

Of course, if it really doesn’t work, then we have to be able to get more than 10% of the shares. This is our bottom line, and 7% is definitely not going to work.

 The other thing is that we have the option to increase the remaining shares to 19%..."

After discussing the shares, the next step is to select directors. Huahua Bank definitely wants a director with one seat. China Construction Bank also has more director seats, with a total of more than 16 people on the board of directors.

The board of directors of China Construction Bank generally consists of sixteen to nineteen people. If Huahua Bank can obtain more than 10% of the shares, it is not much to have a board seat, and it can even be said to be a matter of course to a certain extent. matters, even two board seats are not something that cannot be considered.

 (End of this chapter)

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