Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3676: return home

Chapter 3676 Returning to China

"Director Jiang, as far as I know, during the first West Lake Forum and Internet Industry Conference, it was the bubble period of the Internet industry. At that time, all funds were withdrawing from the Internet industry. Why did Director Jiang Dare to do the opposite..."

“Investment is not based on what everyone says. When everyone rushes into an industry, it does not mean that the industry has good prospects. But when everyone withdraws from an industry, it does not mean that the industry will not be good.

 You also talked about bubbles, but when I invested, the bubbles had burst. That means the rest are real things, so why can’t I invest..."

“Excuse me, Director Jiang, you are in the real industry, why are you optimistic about the Internet industry?”

“The times are advancing and science and technology are developing. Only by keeping up with the times can we remain invincible. It is not advisable to be self-contained. There are many lessons in history.”

After Jiang Xiaobai answered the interviews of several media reporters, he looked at everyone and said: "This time Baidu Company is listed. You should ask more questions about the protagonist. I have some things to do here, so I will leave first."

After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, he left under the **** of Zhang Tingting and others, without even having time to say hello to Li Yanhong.

Jiang Xiaobai's status is here. If Jiang Xiaobai wants to leave, there are really no reporters or media who will stop him from leaving. But Li Yanhong does not have this treatment. She is surrounded by a group of media reporters and has various problems.

Of course, Li Yanhong is also willing to have such publicity opportunities. Marketing is also an important part of business operations, especially those founders in the Internet industry, who like publicity in public.

They are completely different from the bosses in traditional industries. They are more trendy.

After Jiang Xiaobai got in the car, he went directly to the hotel where the Huahua Bank team negotiating with China Construction Bank in Beijing was staying. Mr. Huang was already waiting. Mr. Huang originally wanted to pick Jiang Xiaobai up at the airport.

However, Jiang Xiaobai was afraid that he would be surrounded by reporters. What would the reporters and the media guess when Mr. Huang came to pick him up? The negotiations between China Construction Bank and Huahua Bank have not yet been completely finalized. The two parties are still in the negotiation stage. What are the details? The investment share and the like have not yet been determined.

The listing of China Construction Bank is also a big event. If it were exposed now, it would bring more attention to this investment out of thin air.

Mr. Huang was waiting in the hotel lobby. When Jiang Xiaobai got off the car, he came over to greet him.

“Dr. Jiang, the rooms have been opened. I will accompany you up.”

“Okay.” Jiang Xiaobai nodded and walked towards the elevator with Mr. Huang. On the way, Mr. Huang gave a general report on the negotiation.

"Director Jiang, after preliminary contacts and so on, the negotiation between our Huahua Bank and China Construction Bank has almost been finalized. This negotiation is expected to last three days. After this negotiation, it will be officially finalized. Now, when we both sign a contract and CCB goes public, everything will be settled.

 It is expected that it will be officially listed in two months, so this is basically the last negotiation. Our investment share and other matters will be determined in this negotiation. "

Mr. Huang said and handed over a plan: "Director Jiang, this is the general outline of the negotiations. You can take a look at it when you have time."

 “Okay, I understand, when is the time for the negotiation to start.”

"Early tomorrow morning." "Well, I'm jet-lagged. It's nine o'clock in the morning, about three o'clock in the afternoon. At three o'clock in the afternoon, I will notify the negotiation team to have a meeting in the conference room. Let's first present the negotiation plan. Again, make an appointment with Mr. Wang and Mr. Zang to see if they have time in the evening. If so, let’s have dinner together and have a brief chat first.”

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Mr. Huang and ordered.

“Okay, Director Jiang, I’ll make some arrangements later.” Mr. Huang nodded.

“In addition, the people from Bank of America will also participate in the negotiation with us, or will tomorrow’s negotiation be between us and China Construction Bank?”

“We have not received any notice from CCB, but Bank of America will not attend the negotiations. As far as we know, the negotiations between them and CCB have been completed long ago and are now settled.

  The last signing and contract between them was a week ago, and Huijin was also present..."

"Okay, I understand. Are the people from Bank of America in Beijing now?"

"Director Jiang in the capital, CCB's idea is that after they finish talking with us, they can directly announce it to the outside world, so their people are also waiting in the capital to attend the final press conference, and then they will announce it to the outside world. The countdown to CCB’s listing has officially entered…”

While the two were talking, they arrived at Jiang Xiaobai's room. After Mr. Huang put down the outline of the negotiation, he exited the room without disturbing Jiang Xiaobai. Jiang Xiaobai slept until about two o'clock in the afternoon, ate something casually, and then Came to the conference room.

 In the conference room, members of the negotiation team from Huahua Bank to Beijing this time are already waiting, including the legal team and accounting team. This cooperation will involve at least more than one billion U.S. dollars.

This team will definitely not work if it is not complete. Every small issue and small cooperation project must be explained clearly. Of course, there are so many people, the most important of whom are Jiang Xiaobai and Mr. Huang.

 It is even said that it is mainly Jiang Xiaobai. As long as Jiang Xiaobai nods, there will be no problem, but the necessary team is indispensable, and a lot of detailed work still needs the team to do it.

"Director Jiang." When Mr. Huang and others saw Jiang Xiaobai come in, they all stood up and said hello. Jiang Xiaobai nodded, waved his hand for everyone to sit down, and then said, "Thank you for your hard work. Let's officially start when everyone is here. Mr. Huang , please introduce to everyone the matters to be negotiated this time.

 Let’s go through it first and then talk about it…”

"Okay, Director Jiang." Mr. Huang looked at the outline and began to introduce it. Among the negotiations with China Construction Bank, the most important item was the issue of how many shares CCB would issue to Huahua Bank.

 The other issue is how much each share of these shares will be priced at. This will definitely be the top priority in tomorrow's negotiations. Another important issue is Huahua Bank's entry into the board of directors of China Construction Bank.

 With shares in CCB, one must send people to the board of directors of CCB so that they can maintain their influence over CCB.

 (End of this chapter)

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