Chapter 3737 Declined

"Director Jiang, this mineral water will also be a big market in the future. In the pure water market, we are lagging far behind, but in the mineral water market, we are now the best..." Mr. Zhong saw Jiang Xiaobai Interested, I carefully introduced Toyama Spring Water.

 Jiang Xiaobai did not doubt the future market of mineral water. Mr. Zhong would become the richest man in the country by selling mineral water in the future. How could the market for this mineral water not be huge?

Of course, at this time, the mineral water market is definitely not as good as the purified water market. Due to this objective historical condition, for cities now, many people use water dispensers and buy purified water. .

 But in the future, water purifiers will become popular, and the market for pure water will begin to decline.

Still, it is not necessarily the same as the defeat of you. The two of the two soldiers compete with each other. As a result, the water purifier occupied the market.

Of course, pure water still dominates the world at this time. In fact, not many people drink this mineral water. It has only been five years since the new century has just entered the new century. People with the consumption power have been from the 1990s or even the 1980s. from the past.

 In the simple concept, everyone still cannot accept that a bottle of water costs money.

 So there are not too many people buying it, and the market is not too big. This is because Toyama Spring Water’s advertising is good. In a word, Toyama spring water is a bit sweet, which makes many people remember it fresh.

 Actually, this mineral water has no taste at all. On the contrary, pure water is more likely to make people feel sweet, because we are used to drinking water containing impurities, which misleads our sense of taste.

 But why is Toyama spring water said to be sweet? In fact, to put it bluntly, "sweet" is a psychological suggestion.

 Because in popular perception, mountain spring water is sweet. "Toyama spring water is a bit sweet" makes consumers think that it is mountain spring water and comes from the mountains.

I have to say that this marketing is really good.

However, Jiang Xiaobai is not very interested in this investment. What can he do if he joins the shares? It is just to make some money. But Huaqing Holding Group is still short of money to make money. There is no shortage at all, so there is really no need. Invest in shares.

He was not very interested, so after waiting for Mr. Zhong to introduce it for a long time, Jiang Xiaobai said tactfully: "This, regarding water and beverages, when we at Huaqing Holding Group invest in these industries, we always let the family and From the company.

Our company is mainly engaged in beverages and food. Investments related to these industries are also the responsibility of our company, so you have to go to our company to discuss this matter. "

Hearing this, Mr. Zhong looked a little embarrassed and opened his mouth not knowing what to say. He could feel the meaning of refusal in Jiang Xiaobai's words, but he had to admit that Jiang Xiaobai declined very well.

Because Jiahe Company started with Jiahe herbal tea, it now invests in Youzhilibao, Jiaduobao, Heqizheng, and other small brands of beverages. In the domestic beverage market, these are also giants. of.

 Now Jiahe's instant noodles are also very famous. The entire Huaqing Holding Group, if it is involved in these industries, should normally talk to Jiahe.

But since Mr. Zhong came to find Jiang Xiaobai, he definitely didn’t want to find a home and company. This one is the group headquarters and the other is a listed subsidiary of the group. How big is the investment gap between the two? Needless to say, just based on the affiliation You can see it from above.

 In addition, there is a huge gap in influence. The companies invested by Jiang Xiaobai personally and the companies invested by Hejia and his company are completely different concepts.

In the process of competing with Wahaha and Robust, what he needs is a company that can protect him from wind and rain, not just some funds.

 What he wants is Jiang Xiaobai's influence, not simply more money for marketing or other things. But there is really no way to refute Jiang Xiaobai’s words.

Mr. Zhong sighed inwardly. He knew that the negotiation might not be successful tonight, but he was not discouraged. After all, many businesses cannot be negotiated in one go. If he wanted Jiang Xiaobai to take him seriously, it would take more than just two sentences. .

At the end of the dinner, before leaving, Mr. Zhong once again proposed that he would like to talk to Jiang Xiaobai alone.

Jiang Xiaobai said perfunctorily: "Okay, if the time is right later, I will ask the secretary to make an appointment, and we will look for an opportunity."

 Mr. Zhong nodded, but he knew in his heart that he still had to find a suitable opportunity. If he was waiting for Jiang Xiaobai's secretary to make an appointment with him, then just wait. There was no way he would wait.

After the group left, Director Lu looked at Jiang Xiaobai with a smile and asked, "What? Director Jiang is not optimistic about this Fushan Spring Water?"

 In fact, he thinks it's pretty good, that is, others don't ask him to invest, otherwise, he might be tempted.

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head: "It's not that I'm not optimistic about it, but it's really not necessary. Now Huaqing Holding Group is involved in many industries. I don't want to invest in the past two years. I can't bite off more than I can chew."

Director Lu noticed what Jiang Xiaobai said. Indeed, apart from Internet companies, Jiang Xiaobai’s number of investments in the past two years was indeed very few.

Of course, Huaqing Holding Group Investment Company must continue to invest, but Jiang Xiaobai personally invested in very few of them. The last time Gurley Company can be counted as one.

 But it was also invested by its investment company, and the somewhat awkward press conference was actually held in Shanghai.

“Hey, people who are ready to retire, why invest so much? I have invested too much, and I will have to go public in person when the time comes.” Jiang Xiaobai said with some emotion.

But I didn’t expect that Factory Director Lu would be unhappy all of a sudden: “I haven’t retired yet at such an old age, and you are actually thinking of retiring.”

“I definitely want to retire. Every time I look at Mr. Wang, I feel very strongly about retiring. After so many years, I should take a rest.” Jiang Xiaobai said seriously.

  When Wang Shi was mentioned, Director Lu also sighed with emotion. Wang Shi lived a really free and unrestrained life, which made everyone envious.

“When Wanxiang Motors comes out with real cars, I will retire.” Director Lu said slowly.

 In fact, he is really old, but he still can't let go of his dream of building a car.

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai originally wanted to say a few words of persuasion, but in the end he hesitated and said nothing. In fact, sometimes, walking on the road to pursue dreams is also a kind of happiness.

 (End of this chapter)

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