Chapter 3930 Search

Jiang Xiaobai's office fell into silence for a moment. Jiang Xiaobai had never thought that it was difficult to check people, and Li Longquan didn't expect it either. As a result, when Chu Beiping mentioned it, both of them fell silent.

 If all the old employees are no longer here, who will they look for?

The silence between Jiang Xiaobai and Li Longquan made Chu Beiping confused. What happened to them? Isn't this just a casual mention? If it can be done, then don't do it; if it can't be done, then don't do it.

 Why are these two people so solemn? They act as if they came here not to report on their work, but because of this matter...

When Chu Beiping thought of this, his heart skipped a beat. Yes, this was probably the main reason why he was not called here.

Otherwise, the good Jiang Xiaobai called him over to report what he was doing. If Jiang Xiaobai had any special instructions, forget it. In the end, Jiang Xiaobai just asked casually and didn't say anything important about work.

 On the contrary, this seemingly casual mention at the end seemed very serious.

“What about the list of old employees from back then? Are there still any files?” Jiang Xiaobai asked.

“Director Jiang, I want to take a look at this when I go back, because it’s been too long. It’s been more than ten years. We are a private enterprise, and in the past, business management was not so strict.” Chu Beiping said with a wry smile.

He now understood that the main point of Jiang Xiaobai calling him over today was here, and the work was incidental.

“Moreover, Director Jiang, our company has also undergone a relocation, from Dragon City to Magic City, so some of the personnel files have not been brought over..."

As Chu Beiping explained, Jiang Xiaobai was not surprised or angry. This incident was indeed not Chu Beiping’s fault. All the personnel files back then were in paper form, which was different from today’s electronic files.

  Electronic files are stored in the computer, which is more or less a memory problem, but paper files are different and really scary.

 This can also be seen in many TV dramas. Many offices are filled with metal cabinets and many paper files. It is very troublesome to save them.

 This is not to mention a private enterprise like Jiahe Company. Even the case preservation of some well-doing hospitals will sometimes be lost.

 Even some of the household registration files at the police station have been lost, which is not a strange thing.

What's more, the private enterprises of home and company were just in time to relocate. If they had not been relocated, it would not be impossible to discard them directly.

“Then try your best to find this file. We’ll go there with you in a minute. It just so happens that I haven’t been to my house and have a drink for a long time, so I want to take a look around.” Jiang Xiaobai said and stood up.

At this moment, Chu Beiping immediately understood that Jiang Xiaobai was going to do this under the guise of work. At this moment, Chu Beiping became really curious about who Jiang Xiaobai wanted to find, and he was so interested in it.

It's just that he didn't ask. Jiang Xiaobai was so secretive. It was obvious that he didn't want him to know. If he had to ask, he would be a little ignorant.

Jiang Xiaobai called Zhang Tingting and asked Zhang Tingting to push back the work arranged for today, or some activities and meetings, directly to other people, and he wanted to go to his home and beverage factory to visit. Zhang Tingting nodded and was about to turn around to make arrangements. Jiang Xiaobai directly ordered: "By the way, you don't have to go. This company is in Shanghai. I will go and inspect it and come back. You stay in the group to coordinate." Let's work."

The fewer people know about this, the better.

Li Longquan brought a few people downstairs together. Li Longquan drove Jiang Xiaobai. Chu Beiping sat in the back with Jiang Xiaobai. After driving out of the underground garage, a Huahai seven-seater business car followed closely behind. It was the investigation team that went abroad with Li Longquan.

Chu Beiping turned to look at Jiang Xiaobai. Jiang Xiaobai was looking out the window at this time. He didn't know what he was thinking. Chu Beiping hesitated for a moment and then said: "Director Jiang, in fact, even if these files are saved, I probably want them now." It’s also difficult to find these old people.”


Jiang Xiaobai turned his head and looked at Chu Beiping.

 Chu Beiping was a little helpless. If possible, he really didn't want to say these depressing words, but there was no way. If Jiang Xiaobai had a lot of confidence in this matter now, he would definitely be disappointed.

If you wait until you are disappointed after checking the time for a long time, you will definitely feel more unhappy at that time. After all, the greater your hope, the greater your disappointment. Now let Jiang Xiaobai not have so much confidence, but it may be better.

“Director Jiang, it’s like this. If you take a step back, you can find the files from that year. The files registered in those files are also the original situation, what was your original name, where did you live, and what is your contact number.

 Names, family members, etc., are definitely not easy to change, so we don’t have to worry about that.

But the home address and contact number may have changed for many people. Needless to say, the phone number. Many people left the phone number of the small shop at the entrance of the alley, and they could be contacted through this phone number.

 Nowadays, it can be said that the public telephones at the entrance of this alley are basically gone, and everyone has their own mobile phone..."

Jiang Xiaobai's expression became heavy as he listened, and Chu Beiping continued: "And there is another home address. Although the development of Dragon City in recent years cannot keep up with the Magic City, Dragon City is also developing continuously. Many places have been demolished and cannot be found, but the files from more than ten years ago, or to be more precise, fourteen or five years ago.

Let’s not say that we can no longer find the home address registered above, it is even difficult to find the original address..."

 Jiang Xiaobai fell silent. This is indeed a problem. The city is changing too fast. It is not like the rural people. The personnel are fixed, and domestic and foreign countries are different.

 In some foreign Western countries, as long as you have money, you can do things very efficiently. This is the case in capitalist countries.

 But this is not possible in many cases in China. Although it is possible to find a relationship, but in that case, the movement will be too great.

 Jiang Xiaobai sighed inwardly, but he did not give up. Before making a decision, he must have been a little hesitant, but after making a decision, he would definitely continue and would not shrink back when encountering any difficulties.

 (End of this chapter)

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