Chapter 3931 Old Files

“It’s okay, as long as we can find the files. The address from back then may have changed, but I believe those people from back then must still be alive. If not, I’ll just figure it out then.” Jiang Xiaobai said decisively.

Chu Beiping understood the meaning of Jiang Xiaobai's words and took a deep breath. He really didn't expect that Jiang Xiaobai would actually take things to this point. The implicit meaning of these words was that if there was really no other way, Jiang Xiaobai will come forward in person.

He now understood that this was not Li Longquan's business. It was clearly Jiang Xiaobai's own business. Jiang Xiaobai wanted to do this, and Li Longquan was just the one responsible for the execution.

 In fact, not to mention that Chu Beiping was shocked. After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, he was slightly stunned. He did not expect how he could say such words.

I am indeed curious about this matter, but do I really have to make such a big effort for such a curiosity?

 But I don’t know why, but I have a feeling in my heart that I want to figure this out very strongly.

Jiang Xiaobai decided to be emotional for once and not explain much to Chu Beiping, just let Chu Beiping do as he told him.

Soon the car arrived at the door of Jiahe Company. Jiahe Company had only one headquarters left in Shanghai. There were factories everywhere, including production plants all over the country.

When we arrived at the door, the senior management of our home and company in Shanghai were already waiting. Before Jiang Xiaobai got out of the car, he told Chu Beiping.

“In a moment, ask the person in charge of personnel affairs to follow Brother Li and check the files.”

Chu Beiping nodded to show that he understood.

After a group of people got out of the car, a group of senior executives came over and said hello.

 “Hello, Mr. Jiang.”

“Director Jiang, welcome to the company for inspection…”

“Dr. Jiang, welcome, welcome…”

Jiang Xiaobai also changed his serious demeanor when he was in the car, put on a smiling face, shook hands with everyone without any pretense, and then went into the house to drink with everyone.

Li Longquan greeted the members of his investigation team and entered the company. He was accompanied by other vice presidents. Chu Beiping called the person in charge of personnel over and gave them some instructions.

The person in charge of personnel nodded and left with Li Longquan. Only then did Chu Beiping accompany Jiang Xiaobai again.

He knew that Jiang Xiaobai came over for an impromptu inspection this time. It was just a formality. Not to mention that every one of the company's top executives was here to accompany Jiang Xiaobai on inspections at home and in the company. It was quite a scene.

But in fact, compared to the personnel files, the thunder here is loud and the raindrops are light, so Jiang Xiaobai doesn't pay attention to it at all. Jiang Xiaobai pays attention to the situation in the personnel files.

So Chu Beiping was a little absent-minded throughout the whole process. After transferring to several departments, he took Jiang Xiaobai to the conference room and asked other vice presidents to report on the company's situation, while he went out to make a phone call and ask about the files. progress over there.

Jiah Beverage has a long history and is developing very well. It is also a dominant player in the domestic beverage industry. It has many employees, although not all files are qualified to be managed at the company's headquarters in Shanghai.

  But because of the passage of time, there is really a lot of information in this archives. I slowly checked forward along the years. At noon, Jiang Xiaobai stayed in the cafeteria of Jiahe Beverage Headquarters to eat, and Li Longquan didn't even show his face.

I am still looking for some old files, but I have found very little. Most of these files were newly created after I came to the magic city. Are there any old people from back then? Yes, there were some people from my family and company back then. Came over.

 But there were not many people in this group, so Li Longquan first presented this part of the files.

Although I am a little disappointed, I have searched all over the archives room and there is nothing anyone can do. I plan to take these files back and look at them.

But before leaving, the person in charge of the human resources department said: "By the way, Director Li, I remember that not long after I started working, I heard a colleague chatting and talking about the fact that there are more human resources files now. One senior said ,

 Be content. When we were in Dragon City, we put down those files and didn’t bring them back. Otherwise, there would be more. "

"Well, if you do, call Longcheng immediately and see if those old files can still be found." Li Longquan said excitedly.

The person in charge of personnel nodded and called, but there was no result for a while. The search also took time. Of course, Li Longquan would not wait all the time. After meeting Jiang Xiaobai, the two returned to Jiang Xiaobai's office of Huaqing Group. .

Before leaving, Jiang Xiaobai specifically called Chu Beiping aside and told him that this matter must be kept confidential.

Chu Beiping nodded solemnly. In fact, even Jiang Xiaobai knew it in his heart even if he didn't say it.

"Director Jiang, there are not many files found, but I have to check it today to be sure. The other side is Longcheng. There may be a batch of old personnel files, but I can't be sure. We are in contact..." Li Long Quan briefly reported the situation.

Jiang Xiaobai simply acted willfully and said directly: "Don't wait to work overtime at night. In this case, you can bring the files over and let's go over them together now. You don't have many files anyway?"

Li Longquan nodded when he heard this: "Okay, Director Jiang, I'll get the file now."

Ten minutes later, Li Longquan took all the files he mentioned from home and drinks to Jiang Xiaobai's office. The old files had a slight musty smell, so Jiang Xiaobai didn't care so much and opened the files directly.

In fact, it is definitely inappropriate to take away files directly like this, but in Huaqing Holding Group, what is appropriate and inappropriate, and what is not according to the rules, when Jiang Xiaobai wants to do something, then Jiang Xiaobai is the rule, Jiang Xiaobai It's appropriate to say it's appropriate.

 The two began to comb through the files carefully.

This is something that the original group of old people were not able to do. They had to check their resumes carefully to see if they had the opportunity to stay with Song Xin. Only those who had the opportunity to come into contact with Song Xin might know some clues.

To keep this matter secret, Jiang Xiaobai and Li Longquan could not borrow the help of others. They could only do it themselves, and there were not many files.

 But these old people have a thick stack of files until today, and it is not that easy to search.

Soon it was time to get off work. Zhang Tingting came in and was kicked away by Jiang Xiaobai, who just asked her to bring some lunch.

 (End of this chapter)

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