Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1410: Brigade

Tiger mouth fortress outside.

The presidents of the seven strongest guilds have gone mad, and took turns to attack day and night, but it took 5 days to lay 3 city walls. This is a shame to them. Fortunately, in an attack in the early morning, the tiger mouth fortress was exposed and flawed. They broke half the city wall.

"Today we have no rest, we will attack together in the afternoon. Just today, I will tear down Lu Yang's last city wall and break into their tiger mouth fortress." Radevjev roared.

Sanyouweimen was embarrassed on his face. It was a whole day longer than he expected. Although it seemed that there were not many days, they needed each guild to spend more than 100 million credit points every day. Even them, they felt too much. hurt.

"Today must be a decisive battle, we can't afford it." Orma also showed a depressed expression on his face.

Stephen said: "I agree with Radvidev's point of view, the players of the night shift should not rest, and insist today, it is Sunday, we attack together, we can completely win Lu Yang."

Jerz said, "I'm fine."

Mitomonemon thought for a while and said, "We can also insist."

He originally wanted to remind everyone not to be too impulsive, so as not to give Lu Yang a chance, but he thought for a long time, and could not imagine where Lu Yang could attack them from.

The Blood Wolf Legion has been killed by all members and returned to Tiger Mouth Fortress. These days they have also confirmed that 100,000 people are at Tiger Mouth, and all the resurrection points within 5 hours of Tiger Mouth have checked. Now, there is absolutely no player in the Iron Brotherhood.

If you want to send troops to the Sword Fortress, you must pass through the entire area of ​​Steige and pass through a mountain range to reach the tiger mouth fortress. They have arranged a lot of spies there, only the south of the tiger mouth fortress. , There is the seaside, the only few resurrection points do not even upgrade players, the vast sea they explored for 2 hours, counting the 5 hours of the past, 7 hours, did not find any A dockable island was used to build the fort.

Sanyouweimen couldn't think of how they needed to prepare for Lu Yang, as long as they attacked hard and did nothing else.

"People, our bouldering vehicle has passed the five days, including the surviving and construction, and there are 40,000. I suggest that all of them be pushed to the front once every day to prepare for the decisive battle." Sanyou Weimen said.

Everyone agrees.

"I'm the first one." Radvidev turned and walked towards the battlefield.

Above the Tiger Mouth Fortress, Lu Yang is waiting with 2 million players to stand up. At this time, he only has the last half of the wall, and the half will be smashed in less than three hours. At that time, only the last one will be left. It takes him all out to defend.

"Guys, don't drop the chain. If this fortress is broken, we're finished." Lu Yang said.

The White Lion said: "I take 2 million defensive forts and you are responsible for attacking."

Lu Yang said, "I can't give you 160 elites. I can only rely on these 2 million people. Are you sure you want to defend?"

The White Lion said: "Among you, I have the best knowledge of the seven strongest guilds. I have been fighting with them for several days. When they use whom, I know that I am confident that I can prevent them for more than 8 hours. . "

"Okay." Lu Yang nodded and said, "Then you will defend, I will take the rest of the main force offensive, brother, this is left to you."

"Relax," said the White Lion.

Lu Yang nodded and said to the bitter lovers around him, Zhou Tianming, Tian Yao, Jiang Ze and others, "Immediately lead their teams to the Blue Island."

"Yes." The crowd dispersed immediately.

Lu Yang opened the guild interface and chose to open Blue Island to the 3 million participating teams, and then he flew over.

A flash of light flashed, and he appeared in the city's main mansion. When he just jumped to the wall, a white light flashed through the city's teleportation position.

"The Tianyao Army has arrived." Tianyao shouted loudly.

Another white light flashed, and bitter love shouted for a long time: "Our army is here."


In less than half an hour, the six vice-chairmen had taken 3 million people out of the fortress and came outside the city walls.

The cute queen and others also brought 300,000 160-level elites to the battlefield. At this time, the 160-level elites are all in their early 160s experience. Once they die, they cannot wear 160-level equipment.

Lu Yang looked at the following 3.3 million people and said with satisfaction: "Brothers, I have no time to say anything to you today. The war is imminent. Our tiger fortress can only persist for up to 8 hours. If the fortress is broken You know exactly what will happen. I only tell you that for our common guild and our common home, I hope that everyone will fight hard to defeat the seven guilds. "

"Kill ~!" 300,000 and 160 elites shouted at the same time, fighting for more than two weeks in a row, these 300,000 people have a hint of the battlefield atmosphere.

The same is true for 3 million players, followed by a shout.

Lu Yang motioned to everyone to be quiet, saying: "All the chiefs of the regiment have been dispensed with enough acceleration scrolls. Now you are using the vice-chairman as a unit to swim across the sea at full speed. I lead the way in the front. Don't be crooked. "

Why the spies of the seven strongest guilds couldn't find this blue island, just because there was no island in the vast sea, they couldn't tell the direction, and they were caught swimming by swimming.

From the beginning of the land leaving the New World, the coordinates disappeared and the map could not be opened. This is an official special setting because there are many treasures in the open sea.

As for air combat players, there is no way to fly for an hour in a row. Every hour, you must fall down and rest for half an hour, otherwise it will be exhausted, which makes the blue island hide so well.

"Transformation of the Phoenix"

Lu Yang became a phoenix ~ ~ flew to the sea first. He did not bring the air combat corps alone. The air combat above the tiger mouth was extremely fierce.

Fortunately, his goal of this phoenix is ​​still very big, and there is a map drawn by the player in his hand, allowing him to identify the direction.

"Swim with me."

"Catch up, all go to sea."


Six vice-chairmen urged loudly, and 3 million people rushed towards the beach.

Those who love bitterly for half a life, Tianyao, Jiang Ze and Zhou Tianming are the fastest, even nearly twice as fast as Jiang Ze and Xia Yuwei's team.

"What's the situation, rushing so fiercely?" The bitter love scratched his head for a long time. The general player legion around him swam faster than him and chased Lu Yang.

Seeing this, Lu Yang immediately turned his head and flew towards the shore.

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