Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1411: Chaos 7 Guilds

Tiger mouth fortress outside.

Stephen was the first to attack. He led millions of players right in front of the fortress. 500 meters behind Stephen, Samyoumon, Jerz, Radvidev, Roland, Tom, and Galga Lead millions of players to each other.

Sanyouweimen commanded in the middle. He saw under the fortress in the telescope. Stephen's people were almost dead. He shouted loudly: "Olma attack, replace Stephen."

Olma raised his weapon and yelled, "The warriors of Tangerus, follow me to attack and lay the tiger fortress."

"Woo la la la ~!" Millions of people rushed into the tiger's mouth with Olma.

The player killed by Stephen's soldiers rushed towards the battlefield after being resurrected half an hour away from the necropolis.

At this time, both sides of the tiger mouth fortress are doing their best. In order to block the enemy, the white lion orders the player to go out of the city to fight. They line up in front of the penultimate broken city wall. There is a curse mage and a slinger behind. Hit by a forbidden spell and a catapult.

The players of the seven strongest guilds died quickly. A 10,000-person team couldn't hold it for 3 minutes and died. The players in front of the screen were yelling.

Millions of Olma only played for an hour and died, but he succeeded, using several 150 level players to launch attacks and completely breaking the second fortress.

There was no pity on Sanyouweimen's face, and he shouted, "Nakamori Weimen, ready to attack."

Nakamori was the cousin of Mitoemon, and when he heard the order, he rushed into the tiger's mouth with 1 million Japanese players.

G7 joint live broadcast platform.

The American host said with a sigh, "The tiger's mouth is really worthy of the name. If you enter the mouth, you can't get out."

The British host shrugged his shoulders and said, "Unfortunately, he has met the seven strongest guilds, and the tiger's mouth will become the old cat's mouth."

Everyone laughed, and the loyal fans of the seven strongest guilds in front of the screen were also inexplicably excited.

"Offensive, offensive, enter the tiger's mouth, destroy the Brotherhood of the Iron Blood."

"Win, and finally win."

"Haha, we are the strongest."


The live room was screened by a barrage.

The British host was talking eloquently, and suddenly his face showed an excited light, shouting: "Breaking an exciting news to you, Mr. Olma, the president of the Sudanese Tangerlus Guild, sent me a message. News, he is very grateful to the players for his love, and at the same time he solemnly stated to everyone that he will enter the tiger mouth fortress before tonight. In the future, the Huaxia area will officially become the joint area of ​​the seven guilds. "

The fans of the seven major guilds in front of the screen exploded, clamoring wildly, and the seven major guild players on the battlefield, many people waiting for the battle were watching the live broadcast platform, and their faces also showed a victorious smile, like iron blood The Brotherhood will lose today.

The White Lion is also watching the live broadcast. Through the live broadcast, he can see the battle situation outside the field, sneer and said: "Forbidden Curse Masters, the first centurion, come on."

Hei Yan directed 100 people to take a step forward, and at the same time read the spell. After 10 seconds, the forbidden spell fell in a large area within 500 meters outside the city. At the same time, the enemy's forbidden spell also fell.

The battle before the last fortress was like the original battle for the resurrection point in the Wuliang Village. The curse mage on both sides kept falling like a rainstorm at a distance of 500 meters before and after the fortress. The players on both sides knew that it was dead and they were desperate. The offensive was to be able to occupy an inch of land.

One million people in Radvedev had only been hit for an hour and the whole army was wiped out. Then they rushed up to the G8. They spent more than 40 minutes on waste, and then Roland ...

For a full 5 hours, more than 7 million players from the seven strongest guilds outside the fortress all died, and more than 3 million players on the defensive Brotherhood of the Iron Blood Brothers were dead. I do n’t know how many times.

Sanyouwei looked ugly at the last fortress in the depths of the tiger's mouth. Obviously this was the weakest defensive fortress, but when the White Lion blocked it with a human wall, it didn't kill a few walls in 5 hours. On the stone.

"Asshole, we don't have enough attack power. We must strengthen our attack again." Sanyou Weimen was also anxious.

Stephen frowned. "But we've done our best, can't we win if we keep playing?"

"The players of the Brotherhood of Iron Blood have stronger willpower, and our willpower is not enough," said Santoemon.

Olma said indifferently: "It is estimated that the fortress will be hit tonight, it's okay."

Radvidev shook his head and said, "I agree with the view of Sanyouweimen and continue to fight like this. If it has not been hit at night, it will have a great impact on our morale and we really need to strengthen our offense."

"How can it be strengthened," Gertz asked.

"I recommend that you reconfigure your current occupations. We will form a coalition to deal with the enemy's curse and shooter, and ensure that our special army can reach the city and engage with the enemy at close range," said Santoemon.

On the battlefield, the purification frequency and control skills of both sides are used more frequently than everyone thinks. At a distance of 500 meters, both sides have tried their best, but the iron brethren ’s fortress has already exited the tiger ’s mouth, so The Jagged Brothers League quickly deploys players.

The people of the seven strongest guilds were all crowded in a few kilometers of the Tiger Mouth Canyon. The staffing was laborious, and the occupational distribution of each guild was uneven. This was the key to Sanyouemon's launch of this initiative.

The guild leaders such as Radevjev and Jerz are all understandable, and one after another feels that they have chosen to agree.

Gelgar said with a frown, "If we redeploy the combat effectiveness, our own team will be chaotic, and it is likely that hundreds of regiments will not have the command of a regiment or even a regiment commander."

Olma smiled sternly and said to Galga, "Careful, what if we mess up outside, all of you are behind your fortress, and there is no Iron Brotherhood."

Radvijev and others laughed.

Sanyou Weimen said: "Our spies have cleared the map around them in two weeks, and Lu Yang has no way out."

Radvedev said mockingly, "You are scared of being beaten by Lu Yang, coward."

Gale was furious, but was pulled by Daniel, saying, "It's because we are too careful, we listen to everyone's opinions."

"What are you holding me for?" Galga asked Daniel in a message.

Daniel replied: "People have to bow their heads under the eaves. You fight against them, be careful that they will destroy us."

Gale was so horrified that he realized that the few opposite parties were real alliances, and they were just outsiders.

"I listen to everyone," Gelgar said.

Santoemon said: "Quickly gather the Paladin class, the **** warrior class and the Grand Druid class ..."

Outside the fortress, the seven guilds quickly formed a team, and the **** warriors and paladins in the guild went to the entrance of the tiger mouth fortress.

Hell warriors have shields in front, Bloodsea warriors in the middle, natural guards and town magic knights in the back, hidden melee classes and priests such as Skyfury knights, and archers and mages behind them. These are 500 people in a row, each When 100,000 people had assembled, they immediately entered the tiger mouth fortress.

White Lion ’s most worrying is the enemy ’s attack mode. Once the strongest forces of the seven guilds are assembled, the inferior lineup on the Iron Brotherhood is difficult to have an advantage, but after so many days of fighting, White Lion has gained experience. He You can't win, but you know how to hold the enemy longer.

"The white wolf is ready," the White Lion roared.

"The 113th to 149th Legion, follow me to attack." White Wolf raised the battle flag, and took the same defense team to actively affix with the enemy's defense group.

Both sides have the same career, the same skills, and the same style of play. They are also iron shell soldiers. They lack the ability to output and no one can move.

The topography of the Tiger Mouth Fortress is narrow. At the time of stalemate on both sides, 600,000 people have entered the canyon. The next few teams have also lined up and are preparing to go inside the Tiger Mouth.

Jerz led the first attack team, found this situation, and quickly reported to the rear Sanyoumen and others.

"Damn, the White Lion actually used a meat shield to make the city wall. What do they mean? Delay time? Does it make sense?" Stephen cursed.

Sanyouweimen frowned and thought. In the past, they played against the White Lions. The idea of ​​the White Lions was how to destroy their team, but this time turned out to be a delay, which made Sanyouweimen think that the White Lion's approach has another profound meaning.

"Is Lu Yang conspiring?" Daniel asked.

Sanyouweimen glanced across the crowd and asked, "Can you know where Lu Yang is? I haven't seen him on the wall for a long time."

Radvedev and Olma shook their heads.

Mitoemon continued to ask, "Is there any news for your spies?"

The crowd still shook their heads.

Olma couldn't hold it, and asked, "What can you say straight?"

Sanyouweimen thought for a while and said, "The White Lion shouldn't choose to delay time, but what is he waiting for? Is there any other play that Lu Yang arranged behind the city wall ~ ~ That's why the White Lion was delayed. Is it time? "

Everyone knows where their spies have been screened by Lu Yang, and they are not even qualified to participate in this war.

Radvijev couldn't resist this situation, saying, "Don't wait any longer, we should quickly gather Fire Mage and a large number of 150 elites."

Sanyouweimen thought about it again and said, "Well, then send the 150th-level elite and the fire mage into it."

Stephen said in surprise: "But we have entered 600,000 people, let them out."

Sanyou Weimen said, "Let them come out."

Stephen was speechless and said, "Do you know how hard this is?"

There is no problem in organizing players to enter. All people move forward in the front row of the team. They are also the sharp knife players of each guild. They play the role of command, and those who stand behind are often confused and do not know what is going on. Following the rushing players, now turning around and letting these confused people lead, Stephen feels that Sanyouweimen is crazy.

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