Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1665: Blitz

Xia Yuwei hung up Lu Yang's phone, turned around and said to Liu Juan, "The boss agrees that you have participated in this task."

"Great." Liu Juan jumped excitedly.

The little girl is young, just 19 years old. Although she is not very tall and she is not very beautiful, she is full of energy.

"Don't be too happy, the boss has given you a test." Xia Yuwei said.

"What test?" Liu Juan asked.

"Through the Lingshui River without anyone's help," Xia Yuwei said.

"Small." Liu Juan said proudly: "Sister, our little sisters have already studied how to pass through these areas, and there is no problem anywhere."

"Oh?" Xia Yuwei originally wanted to mention them. After all, it was his vice chairman. He didn't need Lu Yang to order. She also had to find a way to break through the enemy's defense area. She also walked through the Lingshui River many times, Weaknesses at the level.

"Since you said no, then my sister will not have to disobey the boss's order. Look at yours. If you succeed, your destiny will really change." Xia Yuwei said earnestly.

Liu Juan nodded firmly and said, "I'm going to prepare."


No Moon Fortress.

Ten thousand young girls who are anxiously waiting for the helper demon legion in the inner city are constantly praying to enable them to participate in this war. They really want to change their destiny.

Liu Xiang, the head of a regiment, said with anxiety, "On the relationship, how can we be better than those young soldiers, this time I am afraid there is no chance."

The head of the second regiment Li Yan said persuasively: "Why are they all good? The boss cannot always be so biased."

Tao Fei, the head of the three regiments, looked at Li Yan and said, "Don't say bad things about the boss."

"I didn't mean that," Li Min argued. "I'm just angry with the young army. Why?"

The 10 heads are all worried, but their expressions are different. They are still so, and other ordinary female players are even more anxious.

"I don't know what happened to the boss." Tao Fei said.

As soon as the voice fell, Liu Juan stepped out of the teleportation array in a white light. When she saw Li Yan, Liu Xiang and others, she said excitedly: "Boss agreed, everyone is ready, we will leave tonight."



Several girls jumped up in excitement, and the news spread quickly. 10,000 girls were very happy. That night, they quickly packed up their equipment and used the druid's leopard shape stealth skills to trot all the way to Lingshui River.

In Lingshuihe defense area, a large and spacious river still has a place. In the area near the silent mountain, there is a shallower river. Inside the river, there are many lush reeds and lotus flowers.

This location belongs to the junction of the Lingshui River and the Silent Hill Defense Zone. For a long time, Liu Juan and Tao Fei will come here quietly to find a way to go in stealth. The purpose is to be able to one day Lu Yang face the central area. They can make use of it during the war.

Kung Fu is worthy of care, Lu Yang really used them. Liu Juan watched the lotus and reeds swaying in front of him and whispered to 10 heads such as Tao Fei: "It is just the time for shifts. There is an hour of blank time here. , Everyone followed me through quickly. "

The defensive position at the junction of Silent Hill and Lingshuihe was jointly defended by both sides according to the original idea of ​​Heisha, but the commander of the army who guarded Lingshuihe had resentment with Cumberbatch, and the two did not discuss the defense time at this position. Just defending each other, so that whenever there is a shift, there is a vacuum period of nearly an hour.

If there is no stealth, you can see clearly from a distance, how Liu Juan and them quickly and deftly ran through this reed in the form of a cheetah.

Just 40 minutes later, Liu Juan took 10,000 people across this area, waiting for them to get out of the Lingshuihe defensive position. Suddenly, a large number of players suddenly appeared on the Lingshuihe position.

Liu Juan looked at this group of people in surprise, all of them were tall orc players, and then looked at the face and the badge on her body carefully. She opened her eyes in surprise and quickly sent a message to Xia Yuwei. There are about 50,000 American players in Tom's position on the Lingshui River. "

"What?" Xia Yuwei had already withdrawn from the game and was recovering with a massage chair. She sat up sharply and asked, "Are you sure you read that right?"

Liu Juan said: "Absolutely right. As soon as we walked across the Lingshui River, a large number of players entered the defensive position of the Lingshui River, but they all hid and did not come out to inspect."

"Your intelligence is very important." Xia Yuwei said with a smile: "Fu Jiang, Xiao Liu, my sister will give you a credit first, and I will report to the boss."

"Thank you, sister." Liu Juan said excitedly.

Xia Yuwei hung up the phone and immediately called Lu Yang, saying, "Boss, Liu Juan has passed the Lingshui River. At the same time, she found that nearly 50,000 American players under Tom had hid in the Lingshuihe Fortress."

Lu Yang laughed. He just learned the news from Cumberbatch and said, "It looks like tonight is the time when the war started, but I don't understand. Where can they be confident that they can think of them? Can Claudio be defeated? "

Claudio's 15 million players are divided into five sections and are standing on the side of the border. Even though there are only 3 million people in each area, Claudio has absorbed 2 million G8 players. There are also a group of 5 million players as reserve forces, and a total of 7 million as reserve forces.

Even if it was a sneak attack, Lu Yang did not think that the Sanyouweimen could succeed. At most, it was a bit cheaper in the early stage, but the later war became a tug of war.

"What shall we do?" Xia Yuwei asked.

Lu Yang thought for a while and said, "Forget it, let's do nothing, just watch and let them fight for a while, upgrade first, and upgrade."

"OK." Xia Yuwei said.

Lu Yang hung up the phone. He had the intention to tell Claudio about this, but he was afraid that the spy would be exposed. Finally, after thinking about it, he decided to go to the theater.


The twin tower fortress, a giant fortress located between the two magic towers, Olaju, the vice chairman of the fortress, patrolled the city walls as usual.

There are not many defensive forces on the city walls. 3 million elite players and first-line players are playing strange leveling near the 170-level map in the distance of the fortress, and many people are playing equipment in the copy.

The reason for this relaxation is that Olaju has a large number of spies ambushing in the Goddess Fortress, Boulder Fortress, Linshan Fortress, and Ranger Fortress in the Tom area.

If Tom has any trouble, Olaju has enough time to mobilize players to come back to defend, so now the fortress, the total number is less than 5,000, most of them are the players who come back to supply.

"Boss is good." A player guarding the gate near the northwest side saw Olaju come over and said respectfully.

"The young man is good, he persists very well." Olajue said with a smile, his face was kind.

No one could see that this was a rebellious enemy. Just as Olaju was talking, he sent a message to Tom and asked, "Why the money is not enough."

Tom is taking a million stealth players to the side of the Twin Towers Fortress ~ ~ and hit the last 3 million US dollars and said: "This is a deposit, we will wait for the attack to start before we call you, we are the Grand Guild It is impossible to regret it. You have to believe in our credibility. "

"Well, I believe it," Olajue said, and he smiled and replied that the player just said that he should protect the fortress with all his strength.

"There are no people around me at the resurrection point, but I can't restrain them for too long. You only have one hour." Olaju continued to send a message to Tom.

"Rest assured that this hour is enough." Tom said with a smile.

The 1 million people are divided into 10 teams, which are stationed in the twin tower fortresses to most of the resurrection points of the full moon fortresses on the left and right sides. Tom's task is that after the war begins, any player who died from the fortress must Guaranteed to be killed twice.

As for the fortress, it was handed over to Sanyouemon and Ormalay. The 2.4 million most elite players in the eight strongest guilds all used stealth potions, and they had already done half of the way. When he put 10 The defense of the resurrection point has been arranged, and they should go down town.

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