Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1666: Claudio cut in half

late at night.

In a luxurious villa, Claudio wakes up from the bed. He has a nightmare. He dreams that he has a son and is snatched away, no matter how he chases it.

"Natalia, follow me." Claudio told the woman who was awake but still sleepy.

Natalia rubbed her eyes and asked, "My dear, what's wrong with you?"

"I have a bad hunch that something may be wrong." Claudio couldn't wait for Natalia to get up, climbed alone, found the helmet, and sat in the chair to enter the game.

The light flashed.

Claudio appeared in the hotel of the Celestial City. He immediately sent a special space invitation message to his five main vice presidents and ordered them to come to the meeting quickly.

Olajue was in close contact with Tom. Suddenly he received an order to horrify the guilty thief and said to Tom, "Have our actions been discovered?"

Tom was also taken aback. He hadn't finished the last two cemeteries. He called and said, "Go first, and I'll be ready to attack immediately."

Olaju nodded, entered a special space, and saw Claudio and the remaining 4 people and 3 senior staffs coming, saying, "Sorry, it's late."

Claudio looked grimly at Olaju and asked, "Why are you late?"

Olajuben was scared, and he was even more flustered when he asked, "No, nothing. I just asked about the spy in front, and I'm afraid you asked me."

Claudio eased a little, and asked, "Come and sit down. Has Tom changed?"

Olajue shook his head and said, "No, we didn't see any rally in the spies in the five strongholds of Goddess, Linshan, Boulders, Ranger, and Canyon. Tom's men were still fighting in the copy. "

Claudio looked at the other four people and asked, "Where are you?"

All four shook their heads, indicating that there was no abnormality. Claudio relieved slightly, looked at the staff around him and asked: "Analyze the situation of Tom and Mitomon Gate in the near future. Maybe I am more attentive, but tonight I always feel wrong. "

The first staffer Bruce opened his map with a frown, looked at the broad defense line and shook his head. "I'm still the suggestion. Spend money with Jerz and Tom to make peace and give up their area. We only occupy the area of ​​the G8. . "

"Wouldn't that be an enclave, you are betraying the boss." Elvis, the second staffer, said angrily.

"What is betrayal?" Bruce was furious and pointed at Elvis and cursed: "Don't you just want to protect your interests? Just say it and it's over."

"You, you, you nonsense." Elvis was very angry.

Claudio watched the two most important staff members quarrel again, silently, clapping at the table angrily and cursing: "There is no end, there is noisy in front of me. What you want to do, don't want to is not it."

Bruce and Elvis just shut up, but the two still didn't see each other for a moment. The reason for this was because both were heroes who started with Claudio, but in the distribution of credits, they both thought My credit is greater, and over time, this is what it is now.

Claudio is not a person who can deal with his own heart with cruelty, he can only use Huairou's method to prevent both of them from being too impulsive.

Third Staff Officer Dennis stared at the map for a long time and said, "Boss, I have always been skeptical of one thing."

"What is it?" Claudio asked.

Dennis said, "For a few days, Tom said where have all the players above the head level gone?"

Claudio frowned, and asked, "What do you mean?"

Dennis said: "It stands to reason that even if Tom wants to play high-end copies, these people must be recruited, but these people should occasionally record in their respective legions. Our agents do not follow their news at all, I do n’t know him What do you want to do. "

Claudio said: "His players above the head are only 300,000. What can you do?"

Dennis suddenly widened his eyes and said in horror, "No, we've been fooled."

"What's wrong?" Claudio asked.

Dennis hurriedly said, "Boss, let our agents spy to find out where the Sanyoumen and Olma groups and above players have gone. Their family is 300,000. If 8 people are added together, that is 2.4 million. If these 2.4 million people attacked by surprise, the threat to us would be too great. "

Claudio still didn't care, and said, "No matter how elite, 3 million to 2.4 million, it's okay to guard the fortress."

As soon as the words fell, Claudio's opened map originally had 298 fortresses that were glowing, and suddenly 297 were extinguished. Only one twin tower fortress was glowing. This means that there are 298 fortresses in the teleportation array. Destroyed by a space-time mage.

[World Channel] Tom: Claudio, who owes us, it's time for you to repay. Our eighth strongest guild is here.

[World Channel] Mitoemon: ...

[World Channel] Radvedev: ...


The presidents of the eight strongest guilds issued a statement at the same time, and at the same time, the war under the twin tower fortress finally began.

The sudden emergence of more than 2 million players, with the help of Olaju's traitors, easily attacked the walls in four directions and opened all the gates.

Olajue panicked and said, "No, my twin tower fortress was attacked."

Claudio stood up angrily and cursed, "Not yet hurried back, recruiting everyone to fight."

Olajue immediately exited the special space.

"Are we going to support?" The four vice-chairmen asked.

Under Claudio's nervousness, the cold sweat came down and said, "Do n’t move four of you, do n’t move. The enemy is deliberately deceiving us all, there must be a conspiracy there."

Claudio was miscalculated this time. If 12 million people in the other 4 regions were to help, Claudio could really defend the 2.4 million attack tonight, and even change houses with the other side ~ ~ directly He broke into Tom's hinterland and forced him to quit.

Unfortunately, it was because of his hesitation. Except for 100,000 who stayed in 10 cemeteries, the remaining 2.3 million people entered the city within a short period of half an hour. Those returned by Olajue entered the safe zone. One batch is dead.

Three million people died again in a short time. Then, they were resurrected outside the necropolis and died again. When they thought it was safe to go to the next necropolis, there was no one in the next necropolis.

Three million people have died in 10 cemeteries in this way, and their entire equipment has been lost. Almost everyone has only one or two pieces of 160-level dark gold equipment left, and the rest have been blown out.

And Tom and Mitomonemon took the opportunity to plug in from the twin tower fortress to separate Claudio ’s former G8 area from his existing area. The total time was less than 3 Hours.

Claudio reacted at this time, but the twin tower fortress was also destroyed. At the same time, Jerz, Olma, Miyomori, Tom, and Roland had summoned the night battles of their respective guilds. Player, marching towards Claudio's various areas.

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