Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1731: The next **** is in place

hang up the phone.

Lu Yang said to the white lions and others around him: "A week later, the war began and everyone prepared for the war."

"Yes." White Lion and Zhou Tianming said together.

The War Machines of the Iron-Blood Brotherhood immediately went into operation. More than 400,000 players living in the game city gradually entered a large-scale deployment activity. All relevant personnel in important positions must not go home to rest or make another call.

From the outside, there is nothing unusual in the Iron-Blood Brotherhood, but the inside has entered an extremely tense state. Within a week, mobilizing tens of millions of players to participate in combat is not a simple matter.

Now that Tom is in trouble, the eyes of the media around the world have gathered on the Jagged Brothers Alliance and his Lu Yang. As long as the players of the Jade Brothers Alliance dare to send players to the ruins, caves, gods, bites, and magic bull fortresses, then, all The world knows that Lu Yang is going to attack Tom.

Lu Yang didn't want people to focus their attention on himself, because it was Gertz who was attacking with him. He thought about it and decided to hold an online media conference.

8 am.

Lu Yang sent a message to the outside world. After 1 hour, thousands of media from all over the world sent an application letter. Lu Yang invited them to his special space. This is a venue similar to a press conference. He opened the door and told everyone : "The Jagged Brothers League has absolutely no idea of ​​attacking Mr. Tom. Now the Jagged Brothers League has digested all the forces in the Group of Eight and Orma regions. Therefore, please look around our three friends Mr. Weimen, Mr. Roland and Mr. Gertz is assured that I will never attack Mr. Tom. Let him handle his family affairs with peace of mind. We will watch the changes. "

Tom is explaining to Christina that if there is a problem with their marriage, Lu Yang will take advantage of it, but suddenly seeing what Lu Yang said on the TV, Tom almost smashed the TV, Scolded: "Asshole, fall into the rock."

Sanyou Weimen also saw Lu Yang's live broadcast and said with a sneer: "Ghost talks."

Gertz said in the conference room: "A sign of action."

Roland sighed and said, "Hope not to fight, it's not a good day to fight."

All parties have different attitudes. Although they do not believe, they all want to know what Lu Yang is going to do. In the video, Lu Yang then said: "In order to commend the Spatial and Time Breakers of the Spanish Golden Legion against the Brotherhood of Blood in all wars Help, I decided to invite Chairman Ayala to bring 20 outstanding players of time and space law breakers to the Headquarters of the Brotherhood of the Iron-Blood Alliance in Donghai City to receive the commendation. "

As soon as this remark came out, including Sanyou Weimen and Jerz and others, it was ignorant. This is an open event. If the Bronze Brotherhood has been busy with this matter recently, it is really impossible to attack the Tom area.

"It's strange, what does Lu Yang mean?" Sanyou Weimen and others, for a while, could not understand Lu Yang's ideas.

On the other side.

Ayala had already been informed that he took 20 time and space breakers with a level of 175 to fly to Donghai City.

From Spain to Huaxia, the distance was more than 12 hours. By the early morning of the next day, Ayala and his team arrived in the East China Sea. When they got off the plane, Lu Yang brought nine main vice-chairmen of the Iron-Blood Brotherhood to the airport.

The TV station reported that Liu Jie was dumbfounded, and they looked at each other with dead grass. The dead grass said blankly: "The evil gate is here, and the nine main vice presidents have arrived. Whoever organizes the players to gather and wants secrets Gathering, it is impossible for a few of them not to come forward in person, is it true that Lu Yang really does not want to fight Tom. "

Liu Jie shook his head and said, "It's impossible. This is his best chance. If he doesn't fight, he won't have a chance."

As soon as the words fell, his men came to report and said: "Someone found Gerr's anomaly, as if Gerl was about to start Tom."

"How is this possible? Absolutely impossible, Gertz is not that stupid." Liu Jie said.

The dead grass frowned, and said, "What is his military deployment?"

Menhuihui reported: "Gerz is mobilizing at least 3 million elite players and nearly 5 million main players. The 1 million people who have assembled now are in the area near the orange fortress."

"Xiemen." Liu Jie frowned a little.

On the other side.

Tom was dumbfounded and quickly called Gertz by video call and asked, "What do you mean."

Jerz's face was uncomfortable, and said: "What can I mean, of course, I am ready, Lu Yang will definitely fight you, you hurry to arrange your defense, although you do not know when, but this time you quarrel, Lu Yang does If he hits you two, who will he hit? "

Tom frowned and asked, "Did you really hit me?"

Gertz said: "What good is it for me to beat you, can I ever beat you?"

Tom nodded and said, "We are pretty good ~ ~ No one can beat anyone, then I thank you for your help, and I will pay you later."

hang up the phone.

Tom looked at Christina imploringly and said, "My dear, now the two of us can't quarrel. If we go on like this, our guild will be finished."

Christina sneered at Tom and yelled, "We are already, completely, and over. I can't have this business, can you? Fool!"

Not to mention how Tom begged Christina, the Predator Brothers side, after Ayala and his party arrived in the East China Sea, they took them on the first day to give awards. From the next day, during the day, Lu Yang personally took Ayala People visited Donghai City and waited until late at night, and these 21 people all entered the game.

Lu Yang took out the experience dan, **** light and **** fragment, the ancient **** suit and the skill book of "Partitioned World" that he had prepared earlier, and said, "You guys, congratulations on your formal transfer to the next god."

Ayala and others were a little surprised. After some upgrades and transfers, Ayala looked at his attributes and said in surprise: "Boss Lu Yang, you have so many ancient **** equipment, how can you do it? "

Lu Yang smiled mysteriously and said, "Of course it was made out, but I have a full-time understanding of the history of the game and the huge research team immersed in the Tianyu God City Library."

Ayala and others were surprised. After being a full-time law-breaker, he became the next **** of time and space. Captain Eduardo sighed and said, "It is indeed the First Guild. What do we need to do now?"

Lu Yang said: "The mission is to play. All the rest of the work will be done for you. Believe me, this will be a very comfortable battle. You will be invincible on the battlefield unless the other party also has a lower god. I can guarantee that their subordinate gods must not have as much equipment as you. "

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