Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1732: The current situation in the New World

Eduardo and others naturally had no opinion. The group followed Lu Yang's words and spent the whole day in Donghai City. On the other side, Lu Yang sent a message to Gertz, saying: "The team is preparing for it and will start full battle next Monday."

Gertz knew that Lu Yang would n’t lie to him in this matter, so he tried his best to prepare the player, starting with the orange fortress, the black fortress in the west, the purple fortress in the south, the blue fortress farther away, elite players and The main players began to gather one million and one million, and the face of Tom looked green.

Tom wasn't stupid anymore, he saw through Gertz that he was about to hit him, but to his surprise, Lu Yang still didn't move, as if he didn't want to hit him.

"It is inevitable that Lu Yang will allow Jerz to attack me, the purpose is to give all of my area to Jerz to confirm that Jerz fell to him in full?" Tom muttered to himself.

Was with him only a few vice presidents at this time. As for Christina, he couldn't find it and didn't know where he was.

"Really damn, where did Christina go?" Tom scolded a little irritably.

He Meng drooped his eyes and looked at the map. He had been countered by Lu Yang for a long time. Now is a good opportunity for him to show his purpose. He said to Tom: "Your Excellency President, we must send the main force to sapphire, screen, fire dragon This line of area, at least blocked Gerritz's attack. "

Tom looked at the map, then at Hermon, and asked, "Are you sure of blocking Gerrard's attack?"

Hermon nodded happily and said, "The problem of blocking is not big. We are not operating these fortresses for a day or two. The fort cannons and the defenses are very adequate. The only problem is the area below the Fire Dragon Fortress until we The Claudio area occupied, such a large area, we do not have too high defensive strength, which requires you to send more people. "

Tom didn't reply immediately. He thought for a while and said: "You bring the 500,000 elite players from the headquarters to the Dragon Fortress. I will send you 2 million main players. You must defend the Dragon Fortress area."

"Leave it to me." Tom looked excited. This was the first time he had command of so many players. Until now, he has become a true vice president.

Several other vice presidents disdained Tom, as if he was looking at the villain ’s face. The first vice president, Deguss, said: "I ’ll defend Sapphire Fortress and Screen Fortress. These two areas have always been My zone. "

Tom nodded, with more than 3 million players in Digus's hands, plus the sturdy sapphire fortress and screen fortress.

He looked at Yuga, the second vice president, and said: "The Claudio area will be handed over to you. Gertz does not get through the sapphire and dragon fortresses. He dare not break into our other fortress areas for too long."

The majority of the players in Yuga's hands are Claudio's old department, which adds up to about 2 million people, and counts Yuga's own 1 million people. The total number is about 3 million people.

These players are all players who have reached level 170 and received a dark gold set of level 170. They are also the main force of two-thirds of Tom's men. As for the other one-third, they are all upgraded in the fortress of Canyon Fortress and Linshan Fortress. The offense of the Iron-Blood Brotherhood.

At this point, the fortress in the Tom area has become a fortress defended by the affiliated guild. Tom's elite players and main players do not have the ability to defend at all. At the same time, Tom's eyes are mainly concentrated on the Jerz side.

Originally, Tom hadn't thought that Gertz would turn against him completely. Although there are two large areas between the two, a dozen fortresses are bordering, and there are some minor contradictions between the two, which can evolve into this way. I can't think of it.

Because there are too many borders between the two, Tom wants to break his head and does not know how Gertz will deal with him. On the other side, Roland, who borders Gertz, faced this situation. The floor is also discussing countermeasures.

Vice President Bakarev is a big fat man, and said with a smile: "I suggest that we still wait and see the changes, let them play enough, and wait until they lose both defeats, we will attack."

Roland is trying to take advantage of this opportunity to attack the Brotherhood of Blood, because this time, with the help of Sanyou Weimen, it seems that the odds are greater.

"Can this be done?" Roland asked.

Bakalev said slowly: "There are tens of millions of defensive players on our side of the Iron-Blood Brotherhood. Although the strength is not very good, after all, it is a large number of people. Let Sanyou Weimen first try it out. If you can fight, It ’s not too late for us to fight. "

Second Vice Chairman Spicey said suddenly: "No, I think we should attack with Sanyou Weimen. This opportunity is rare. If we win, we can completely defeat Lu Yang."

Bakarev shook his head and said slowly: "I still suggest that we should not be so impulsive, first look at the situation and talk about it."

The third deputy chairman Tamas said: "I agree with Bakarev's simplicity, we still have to wait first. There are too many uncertainties in this war, it is better to let Sanyou Weimen fight Luyang first, wait for them When the fight is indiscriminate, we will participate again. "

Sparcy looked at Tamas and Bakarev with some surprise. In the past, the two had a normal relationship. This time, they stood on the same front against him, which made Spicer a little puzzled.

Roland trusted his three vice presidents. After thinking about it, he said, "Well, let's defer to join. Let's talk before we talk."

In fact, Roland did not know that the three vice presidents under him had different ideas. The first vice president, Bakarev, had already achieved the greatest strength. He was the first under Roland. Vice President, no matter how he beats the world, he couldn't get promoted and his salary was over.

If the battle is won, it will not be of much benefit to Bakalev. If he loses, his first vice president has the greatest responsibility.

Spicy ’s idea was to replace Bakarev, which was naturally the main battle, and his vision was extremely accurate. If Roland listened to him, Lu Yang would have suffered this time, because the Roland side also had a lot of "Magnetic Storm" Lei Master.

Not only did he have it, but also the Sanyouweimen in Japan. The last time Lu Yang defeated Orma, everyone clearly saw the impact of "Super Electromagnetic Storm" on the war. This is a superpower that makes non-physical occupations lose their ability to attack. Strong skills, he returned the war to its most primitive state. Any party who possesses such skills in a certain area will occupy a great advantage.

Now Roland and Sanyouweimen can organize more than 15 million players. This is during the winter vacation. If there is a big decisive battle, only 30 million players of the affiliated guild of the Iron-Blood Alliance can't stop this attack. .

It's a pity that Lu Yang is doing destruction everywhere. Gertz and Tom turned against each other. Roland and Sanyou Weimen didn't dare to cooperate sincerely. Radvedev and Stephen had their own offensive goals. Under such a gap, Lu Yang finally had Hope to break the game.

City of Heaven, the headquarters of the Brotherhood of Blood.

Lu Yang listened to the news from the agents and laughed and said, "Roland, who is so foolish, wants to take advantage of the fisherman."

Tu Feng nodded excitedly and said, "In this way, we only need to guard against a Sanyoumen in the area of ​​the borderless land, and we don't need to pay too much attention to Roland in the west sky fortress area."

Zhuojiu nodded, pointing at the map and saying: "The defensive strength of the Sky Sword Fortress is still enough with 500,000 people. I don't need too many people to help."

Lu Yang looked at Zhuojiu and said, "You have worked hard and you have to defend this fortress. This time I will give you the Mage of" Super Electromagnetic Storm "to make it easier for you to defend."

As the player's level rises, to the 170-level area, high-level skill books are more and more easy to obtain. This time, 20,000 "Super Electromagnetic Storm" skill books were hit in the Indian area, and there were more than 8,000 in the China area. There are more than 7,000 copies in the South Korean region, more than 5,500 copies in the Nine-Star Alliance region, and more than 7,000 copies in the Spanish region ~ ~ add up to a total of 27,500 copies.

Turbid wine thought for a while, and said: "The minimum configuration, Steiger and Liu Jie will eventually decide a win and lose, there will not be too much time to control me."

Lu Yang said: "More than 7,000 Lei Masters in the South Korean region and more than 5,500 Lei Masters in the Nine-Star Alliance region are all under your command. You must guard the Sky Sword Fortress. That is our fundamental. If the Sky Sword Fortress is lost, We are like being spine broken. "

The Iron-Blood Brotherhood has extended such a large area from the tiger ’s mouth, including the original one-step ascent area, the Spanish area, the black yarn area, the G8 area and the Orma area. These six areas seem to be important, but they are still in China. This area.

If this part of the China region is lost, there will be rebellion in the three major regions of South Korea, the Nine Star Alliance and India, and there will be a crisis in the Spanish region. Furthermore, the tiger mouth and Dingzhou fortress are both external defenses, and there is no defense inside. Once they were attacked, these two areas could not defend internally and were lost in a blink of an eye.

The task of muddy wine seems simple, but in fact it is the most important every time. What he guards is the spine of the Iron-Blood Brotherhood. The spine is constant. It can be repeated 10,000 times. The spine is broken and it is completely destroyed.

Lu Yang seriously said to Zhuojiao: "Brother, the battle outside can be defeated, but you alone ca n’t afford to fail once, I know you are wronged, there is no chance for you every time you attack, but stability Come, no one here can compare with you, you have to work hard, you have to defend here. "

The turbid wine nodded abruptly and said, "Relax, the Sky Sword Fortress will be handed over to me without any problems."

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