Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1813: Reversal

"Yes." Xia Yuwei immediately issued a command excitedly.

The roof of the cave is 500 meters away from the Firestone Mountain Teleportation Formation. The members of the 10,000 sisters group have sorted out the formation. Every member of the sisters group is looking forward to this moment when they hear Xia Yuwei's life.

Liu Xiang didn't come out with excitement, but instead endured his excitement and issued an order on the team channel.

"My sister group, Sister Yu Wei formally issued an order to attack us. Waiting for this moment, we have been waiting for too long, for Li Juan who is serving his sentence in prison, for us to have a place in the game city, for us The future of life is also for our loved blood brotherhood, everyone listens to my orders, sister group, attack with me~"

Liu Xiang's two spider forelimbs in the spider form pointed forward, and 10,000 spiders quickly ran forward in batches at the top of the cave.

In front of the teleportation array, there are only 10 lower gods and nearly a thousand players guarding. In contrast, the sister group includes Liu Xiang, and their team has a total of 100 lower gods. The equipment they wear is all the **** flames of the lower **** level 3, in addition They also have 5000 killing gods.

When Liu Xiang clenched their teeth and endured excitement to come to the top of these 10 people, 100 people each locked a lower **** in groups of 10 people, and jumped down.

In mid-air, they changed back to human form and size, and with their daggers in their hands, they stabbed in the deadly parts of the neck, heart and other parts of these 10 people.

The 10 subordinate gods of Jerez died instantly. At the same time, other members of the sister group also fell from the air, killing more than a thousand players in an instant.

"The first team is finished."

"The second team is done."

"The third team is finished."


The 10 teams successively reported that the assassination mission was completed. Liu Xiang did not look back. He completely trusted his sisters and jumped into the teleportation. He looked at the gang badge on the shrine. He smashed the badge of the Free Legion from the backpack. Here he took out the chairman of the Brotherhood of Blood and placed it on it.

"Report the boss of Yu Wei and the presidents, the sister group successfully laid down the Firestone Mountain, and ask for support." Liu Xiangqiang endured the excitement and reported the situation to the guild general channel word by word.

In the video, Lu Yang saw Liu Xiang’s success with his own eyes, and he made a fist. He said: "Good job, clean up the remaining enemies inside the Flint Mountain, and guard the Flint Mountain is the cave entrance. I will send someone to support you immediately."

He turned to look at the body of De Bu, who was already ready to go, and said: "Order, you take all the air combat players to support the sister group. Be sure to keep the Fire Rock Mountain one day and one night. Successful, all of you are the first Merit."

"Yes." De Buchen answered with a fist, jumped into the air, turned into a fire phoenix, and quickly flew towards the Firestone Mountain. In mid-air, De Buchen corpse made a burst of phoenix sounds.

With his cry, more than 20,000 fire phoenixes and tens of thousands of black iron war eagles and vultures spread their wings to his side. They spread their wings together to cover the sky and cover half of the sky. Too.

The players on both sides of the ground saw that there were so many people suddenly appearing in the sky, and they were all taken aback. The side of the Iron-Blood Brothers found out that they were themselves, and they all showed excitement and excitement. Ugly emoji.

Lu Yang looked at the legion, with a hopeful expression, muttered to himself: "I hope they can hold the Firestone Mountain. If they hold it, our war will really win."

Flintstone Teleportation Formation, just like the fortress teleportation formation, he can teleport not only players on the Jerz side, but also players on the Jagged Brotherhood side, but after changing the guild badge, a buffer time of one day is required.

The focus of the two-sided war between the Brotherhood of Blood and the Freedom Legion is not only the orange fortress, but also the Fire Stone Mountain. If the sisters and the Druid Army resist, at this time tomorrow, ten million players of the Brotherhood of Blood You can enter the rear of the enemy's defense line through the Firestone Mountain teleportation array, and attack the Liberty Legion on both sides.

Xia Yuwei said: "Please rest assured, boss, I have confidence in the sister group, they will definitely be able to do it."

Lu Yang nodded and said, "The battle over there is up to them. We should now clean up the orange fortress. Everyone listens to my orders and returns to their respective positions to launch the most intense attack on the enemy. The enemy will have extra troops to support the Firestone Mountain."

"Yes." Hard-loving half-life, Zhou Tianming and White Lion responded loudly. They had seen the hope of victory in this war, and everyone was full of energy.

The presidents of the affiliated guilds such as Ayala and Darwin also stood up and showed serious expressions, following the half-life of love and Zhou Tianming and they left.

Lu Yang looked at the remaining Xia Yuwei and said, "You are responsible for attacking the front. I personally lead the team to fight the side of the orange fortress. Within two hours, we strive to beat him."

"Yes." Xia Yuwei said.

Lu Yang withdrew from the special space and rushed to the forefront, with more than three million players including three thousand sword killers, light and dark thieves, and Hansha, and swooped to the north side of the orange fortress.

At this time, the orange fortress has completely become an isolated city, which is itself besieged on all sides by the Brotherhood of Blood, and the only way to transport supplies is to rely on Fire Stone Mountain.

Now Firestone Mountain has been beaten down. More than 2 million players inside the Orange Fortress have completely lost the supply line. That is to say, if the players inside the Orange Fortress now lose their equipment, they can only supply through the warehouse in the city.

When the supplies in the warehouse in the city are used up, they will completely lose their resistance. Therefore, Lu Yang chose one of the simplest offensive methods, and UU reads to attack on all sides.

There are more than 10 million players around the orange fortress in the Iron-Blood Brotherhood, besieged on all sides, no matter how difficult the muddy forest outside the fortress is, for four players for one player, even forty players for one player. Law, Lu Yang dare to use it.

By virtue of the fact that the side of the Iron-Blood Brotherhood has supplies, the players in the orange fortress have no supplies!

Frontier position of the Liberty Army.

Gertz is violently throwing everything that can be thrown at his hand, and frantically pointing at the vice president Barnes, who has just returned from the defeat of Firestone Mountain, scolded: "Stupid, stupid, you stupid stupid, why did I? You gave Huoshishan to you just because you are stable, but you have failed my trust and lost Huoshishan.

Do you know what this mountain means? He means that we are completely passive now, and the hope of victory is completely gone, do you know? "

Barnes felt depressed and wronged than anyone else at this time. He really didn't know where the sister group came out. With his tight defense, he could be attacked by the sister group, and he was a sister compiled by tens of thousands of people. The regiment infiltrated into Firestone Mountain, and he felt really stupid.

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