Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1814: New Skill-God Light

"Your excellency, I ask you to trust me again and let me lead the team to retake the Flintstone Mountain." Barnes said with a rueful voice.

Gertz stared at Barnes, saying one by one: "I will only give you three hours, if you can't hit it within three hours, you will leave me."

"Yes." Barnes gritted his teeth and left.

Gertz looked at his back, and when no one noticed, his body shook violently, and his heart panicked. Although he scolded Barnes so much, Barnes was already the most thinking person under his staff. The meticulous and reliable vice president.

But in such a situation, Flint Mountain could still be stolen by the Iron-Blood Brotherhood. Gertz felt so crazy that he had no idea what else he could do.

Margaret came to Gerlze's side and said nervously: "For the time being, don't think about Firestone Mountain, what about the Orange Fortress? Only 2 million players defend the Orange Fortress, and the Iron-Blood Brotherhood has more than 10 million people. Now they are attacking from all sides, and the players in that fortress can’t hold on for long, and Guland has repeatedly asked for help."

Gertz roared: "Where am I from to help him, tell him that he must hold on, and I will support as soon as possible."

Margaret could feel Gerlz's helplessness. He said: "We have another way to recruit more people to support us."

"What way?" Gerz asked fiercely.

Margaret said: "Spend money to invite people and call on all players in our area. If you are willing to spend money and give things, someone will come."

This is a trick, if Gerds is defeated, he will become poor and down, but sometimes people are like this. The more they say, the more they care about what is in their hearts.

At the beginning, Gertz and the Golden Lion opened their mouths and shut up to say that they would surrender to Lu Yang. In fact, Gertz never thought of surrendering. Not only that, he also wanted to unify the whole new continent and become the only king.

So, after Margaret said this, Gerlze did not hesitate and shouted: "Order Gulland to stay at the orange fortress and give me time."

Margaret looked at Gertz in surprise. She nodded vigorously, turned to the next room and called.

Gertz stood there thinking for two minutes. He took out the phone and called the president of the guild of more than 50,000 people in his territory.

"If you are willing to come to the gang, I will give you guild shares."

"As long as you can help me block Lu Yang, I will share this guild with you."


If you lose, the guild will be gone. Gerlze decided to fight hard once. His decision was not made hastily, but for a long time.

As early as the defeat of the Group of Eight, the defeat of Olma and the defeat of Tom, Gertz wondered why they could not beat Lu Yang, and why they would fail every time at a critical moment.

The first reason is that there are so many blood-blooded brothers, so he once simulated that if Lu Yang came to fight him one day, he would use this trick when he couldn't.

There are more than 200 million players in the southern part of the New World. There are hundreds of thousands of guilds, only a few people in the small one, and more than 100,000 people in the big one. Gertz found more than one hundred guilds in a blink of an eye, nearly 700. Ten thousand players were recruited by him.

Not only that, but the number of people is still increasing. Pang Si reported this incident to Lu Yang for the first time, which made Lu Yang show a solemn expression.

"Sure enough, Gertz is not so good." Lu Yang muttered to himself, and he looked up at the orange fortress in the distance.

The war in the quagmire forest is too cruel. Even in Luyang’s weakest period of the year, it was not as difficult as it was against the bloodthirsty domineering and black blood.

This is a war that tests the will of both parties. Which side's will collapses, the battle will end. The best way to destroy their wills is to use a large-scale special magic bombing, such as Shenguang Tianzhao.

Lu Yang looked at the black inflammation on his side and said, "Are you ready?"

"The Master Group has been prepared and can be released at any time." Hei Yan said.

"Shenguang Tianzhao launched in batches without interruption." Lu Yang said.

"Yes." Heiyan waved his arm.

More than 10,000 cursed mages appeared. Among them, the weapon of the thousandth was pointed at the forest in front of them, and the spell was spoken in the mouth.

"The true God is above, listen to the voices of your believers, and give you the humble servant to redeem the world with the Holy Light-God's Light!"

Ten thousand stars of white light flew into the forest at the same time, which made the players who met in the quagmire forests curious. They haven't seen such a skill yet, but it is in the next second.


The violent white light burst suddenly, and all players within 100 meters of the light spot could not be opened by the white light.

"Damn, what skill is this."

"How could there be something that specifically dazzles people's eyes."

"Where is the enemy, I can't see it."

"Beware of enemy sneak attacks."


There is a mess in the forest, but Lu Yang is not in a hurry to attack. This powerful skill is powerful enough to hit. The maximum shooting distance is 1500 meters, and the duration after the skill is released is 30 seconds.

Lu Yang pinched the time and said, "The second wave of divine light shines, let go."

Black Flame waved his hand, and the second wave of white light struck past. Once again, the players who had not regained their eyesight were hit even more invisible things. These players were originally hidden in the mud, but they still showed their eyes.

People cannot close their eyes for a long time, unless they sleep, especially if they are surrounded by enemies, and they may not attack at any time.

The dazzling light forced them to close their eyes. In the forest area of ​​5 kilometers wide and 1500 meters long, all the free legion players were attacked by strong light skills.

Those who hide their eyes in the quagmire are lucky. Players hiding in the trees and in the water are the most unlucky. There is no place to hide in the trees. They can only close their eyes and bore dry in the face of strong light, and The people in the water dare not open their eyes at all, and the light reflected from the water surface is even more dazzling.

1 minute

2 minutes


For two full hours, Lu Yang did not launch King Kong forward, but irradiated these players with white light. Finally, some players could not bear this psychological pressure and collapsed and escaped from the forest.

"If you have the courage to attack, use flash to count what you can do. Come and fight." A free legion player roared.

Lu Yang killed Shenyang with a burst of flames in one hand, and looked at the three thousand killing swords around him: "It's time to lead the team to attack."

"Yes" Three Thousand Killing Sword raised his long sword and took 300,000 people into the forest.

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