Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1815: Crazy Goers

As the leader of the lower gods, Lu Yang walked to the front. Like the previous tactics, there was a lower **** every 50 meters, and behind them were 1,000 players.

Within a distance of 1500 meters in the forest, a large number of players were unable to withstand the pressure of closing their eyes for two consecutive hours and left their original positions.

Looking at the free legion players running around on the ground, Lu Yang raised his hands.

"Shen Yan Tian burst"

Small pure gold fireballs hit their bodies with precision. When the following **** skills are hit on ordinary players, an ashes effect will be produced.

Any player who is hit by a golden fireball and spikes, the flame will wrap the body and burn to ashes in an instant.

The three thousand killing swords and others who were behind Lu Yang saw the enemies were killed by Lu Yang one by one. The clean killing method made everyone excited.

Not only Lu Yang, but the lower gods of the entire forward team are doing the same thing. Some of the lower gods have bad skills. They will hit gems on the equipment, turn on the automatic mode, and fireball and thunderball skills automatically track the enemy. .

In the mudflat forest, every 500 meters is the position of the enemy's crossbow car. Normally, a crossbow car is operated by four people, and 50 crossbow arrows are released at a time.

But now the player in the position of the crossbow car has either escaped, or screamed and screamed everywhere, watching the three thousand killing swords and others who followed him with a surprised look.

"Boss, it's so uncomfortable to keep a person's eyes closed for two hours in a row?" Han Sha couldn't help asking.

Lu Yang smiled at him and said, "I believe you are a person with great perseverance. You can do it, but most people can't do it. In the normal circumstances, keep your eyes closed for two hours. Most people can't stand it, not to mention the situation in which battles are held together and every second is competing.

We have been throwing God's Lights all the time but never attacked. This kind of pressure in our hearts will increase with time. They don't know when we will attack, but they keep closing their eyes and suspecting that we secretly came.

Once you open your eyes, you will be unable to see things within 30 seconds of being shone by the divine light, and all kinds of things will accumulate together, and it will become like this, grabbing their crossbow car and moving on. "

Three Thousand Killed Sword nodded, ordered the players in the back row to **** the crossbow vehicle, pushed back and drove towards the depths of the swamp forest, and the others continued to follow Lu Yang, walking for 1,500 meters, before stopping again.

Lu Yang said to Hei Yan behind him: "Continue to use God's light, we are not in a hurry to attack."

The other three directions forcibly attacked for two and a half hours, and had not advanced a thousand meters. The level of warfare was far beyond the imagination of the players.




Countless white light **** once again fell into the 1500-meter-long muddy forest in front, and players in the area fell into a white light again.

On the other side.

Commander Guland, who defended the Orange Fortress, already knew what was happening here, shouting at the commander of the large army in the direction of defense, said: "I don’t care what method you use, take me back the lost place, Do you know how fierce the fighting is on the other three sides? Only you have the least war on your side, but you are the most defeated. Take me back, if you don’t take it back, you will get out of the guild."

Guers knew that it was useless to justify now. With excitement, he shouted: "Yes, I will take it back."

He withdrew from the projection dialogue and looked at the Iron-Blood Brotherhood, which continued to launch the God of Light, and he chose the most tragic way of fighting under the condition that the defense had not moved.

"Offense, all attacks, follow me to launch a counterattack to defeat the Brotherhood of Iron-Blood Brothers." Geers roared and led only 300,000 men under his command, and launched a counterattack against more than 2 million people on Luyang's side from both wings.

400,000 people were divided into two parts by him, and they were inserted into the two rib positions of the Luyang team at the same time as two pliers.

If the military strength of the two sides is not much different, this move is very useful, but Lu Yang is not only an expert at using this move, but his strength is four times that of the Guers side.

For a time, the two sides launched a life-and-death battle in the central area. Lu Yang was determined to attack forward, but there were 100,000 defensive players in the front to block the last line of defense, including many top-level gods.

In desperation, Lu Yang returned to the rib area with his army, and fought with the 300,000 people in Gores.




As the first general of Guland's men, Gers is best at attacking head-on, especially when he fights with his enemies, he often plays a decisive role.

At this time, Geers, carrying the banner of the Legion of Liberty, rushed to the front line. Around him, there were 30 lower gods protecting him, and he was also a lower **** himself.

The team on the side of Gores showed the shape of an arc moon knife, similar to an arrow but not an arrow. The semi-arc attacked forward.

Lu Yang looked at Hansha and the light and dark thieves, and said, "You are responsible for killing Geers and taking his banner."

Lu Yang looked at the Three Thousand Killing Sword again and said, "You are responsible for leading the team through the arc of Moon's Circle from the side."

"Yes." The people replied together.

Lu Yang is standing on the spot. At this time, he cannot come out in person. This is an unwritten rule in the game. The war has reached this level. Unless it is a life-and-death battle, the president of a guild cannot do anything against the head of the army.

One is to lose status, and the other is to take credit for his work. Lu Yang is not the president of the small guild with only a few hundred people in his early years, but the president of a large guild with tens of millions of people. At this time, he only needs to sit It is enough to watch this war on the high platform.

In fact, this is already a must-win war for the Iron-Blood Brotherhood. No matter how Guerz struggles, when he takes 300,000 people against Lu Yang’s main force, he has already lost. It’s just a matter of time. .

Hansha looked at Geers in the distance, and was leading the team to storm forward. He raised his two-handed sword, and hundreds of lower gods behind him, as Hansha hit the front of Geers side.

"Kill~" Gerls and his charge were like a high-speed moving roller machine, and anything that stood in front of him would be crushed.

Even if there is a lower **** standing in front of them, the gulf that has killed madness can still kill his opponent in a desperate state.

Dozens of lower-level gods of the Iron-Blood Brotherhood were killed by Geers. Just when Geers was like a **** of war, and no one could stop him, Hansha hit him in front of him.


The lower gods on both sides were fighting together. At the same time, the three-thousand-kill sword took the opportunity to take 300,000 sides into the ribs of Gore's arc moon array, and the Gore's side was immediately cut into Two halves.

Normally, ordinary enemies collapsed quickly, and Kogels’ men were extremely powerful, just like snakes with their bodies cut off, the upper body struggled more violently, and the poisonous blood in the lower body also brought close blood A large number of Brother League players died.

Lu Yang stood in the distance and watched the competition between Hansha and Geers. In the Iron-Blood Brothers League, Hansha's strength was ranked in the top 10, but he did not have an advantage in playing against Geers, but instead In a state of suppression.

If it were not for the assistance of other lower gods, Hansha would be even more embarrassed, but now that the Iron-Blood Brotherhood has more people, better equipment, and more morale, Geers’s defeat has become a foregone conclusion.

"Come on, kill, what do you hide, have the guts to fight me head-on." Geers growled at Hansha frantically.

Hansha looked at Gers with admiration and said, "Your men are almost dead. Leave this area. I won't kill you."

Geers looked at Hansha with a smirk, pointed at him with a sword and said: "If the number is equal, I will kill you, you are just relying on a large number of people, I don't admire you, and I don't need your mercy. ."

Hansha shrugged her shoulders and said, "This is war, not to mention, I have a good boss. You don't have it. This is the fundamental reason why you lose."

"Our Liberal Corps will not admit defeat, UU reading waiting, we will meet again soon." Geers attacked the cold sofa crazy.

The next second, the two daggers of the light and dark thief were inserted into his back neck during the battle between Hansha and Geers.

A flash of light flashed, and Geers died in place!

Han Sha and Wang Guangwei and others just returned to Lu Yang to report the situation, the formation of the team was completed, and the shouts in the forest revived.

Lu Yang looked up and found that Geers rushed out again with hundreds of thousands of people, these people have complete equipment and supplies.

Lu Yang understood that Geers wanted to use their advantage of being closer to the resurrection point, forcibly dragging his legion, and even defeating his team by virtue of distance, but in this way, the Geers side would be sharp Consumption of equipment will actually increase the fall time of the orange fortress.

"According to the fighting style just now, defeat him." Lu Yang ordered.

"Yes." Hansha and the three thousand kill swords and other people organized the team to face the battle, and the two sides were glued together again.

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