Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1816: Cruel Flint Mountain

It was during the melee battle on the other side that the fiercest war broke out on Firestone Mountain. Barnes, the vice president of the Liberty Army, personally took more than 1 million players to charge the entrance to Firestone Mountain.


"Recapture Flint Mountain."

"Give me, at all costs, grab the Firestone Mountain back."

From the beginning of the battle, they entered a fiery state. The lower **** shield of the Barnes side roared forward, and they also felt extremely angry when they lost Firestone Mountain.

The guards for many days, looking for loopholes every ten minutes, day and night, but this tight defense was successfully attacked by people. They not only felt dull on the face, but also felt the hot pain on their faces, as if they were People slapped the same.

They can now think of how players all over the world mocked them, and what kind of situation they will face in the future. Everyone will think that they are a group of waste, especially if they know that it is a group of women who hit Flint Mountain, making them feel more To madness and anger.

"Sisters, hold on, the boss's support is coming soon. Hold on for the sister group." Liu Xiang's voice echoed in the cave.

The 10,000 sisters of the sister group have forgotten that they are women. At this time, there is no weakness or fear in their hearts, and only faith.

Faced with waves of attack from millions of enemies, the only thing they knew was that they had to guard the fortress, as to how and when they had guarded, they could no longer care.

"Sister Xiang, the enemy's subordinate **** rushed up. This time, their subordinate gods are all wearing shields, and they are moving very fast. What should I do?" Tao Fei looked at the subordinate **** on the Jerz side that flashed like a phantom. His attack was no longer aimed at the enemy.

There are more than 200 subordinate gods responsible for attacking Firestone Mountain. They are all elite. They are sent from the underground teleportation area one kilometer behind Firestone Mountain, where is the second warehouse of Gerz.

Watching Tao Fei and others who are constantly releasing long-range spells near the door, the lower-level **** players headed by using the quick move trick, not that players with a reaction speed of less than 0.1 seconds simply cannot control their position.

"Want to hit me, let me die." The lower **** on the Gerds side moved to the position 10 meters away from Tao Fei for more than ten times in a row. The next moment, just before this lower **** hit Tao Fei , Tao Fei's expression of relief on her face, she knew what she should do.

"Kill God Thunder~!"

The next second, the next one from Gerl's side was inserted into Tao Fei's neck, and at the same time, the two killing thunders on Tao Fei's body exploded on her.


Tao Fei died, and the next **** on the Gerzi side was blown up and died on the ground!

Seeing this scene, other female players around them all showed relief expressions, and they knew how they should fight.

"Come on, I will fight with you." The weak girl is no longer weak, and at the moment when she feels that she has been killed, she has detonated the thunder god.





Every girl commits suicide. This crazy fighting method is not common in men, not to mention girls, and every girl is fighting like this.

The lower **** on the Gerds side was instantly frightened. The lower **** does not exist forever. If you experience too much, you will fall into the **** realm and change from the lower **** to an ordinary player.

The level of the lower gods on the Jerz side is mostly only level 180, and has just reached the standard of the lower gods. After 10 deaths, they will fall into the **** realm.

Even a player of level 181, who has died 20 times, will fall back to level 180 and fall into the divine realm. The ability of the Jerz side to knock down the material of the **** is very limited. If they fall into the divine realm, it is very difficult to add it back. So, the subordinate **** on the Gerds side became scrupulous.

Barnes was a bit ignorant to see this scene. For now, there are countless people fighting for the material of any guild, especially for top guilds like the Brotherhood of Blood, there are countless people waiting to use materials to upgrade For the next god.

He detailed that if the sister group in front of him loses his dignity and needs to be added, he also needs to re-queue. Lu Yang cannot give a green light for them, because, after the war is over, there are more creditable players.

Lu Yang's bowl of water is not easy and difficult, not to mention supplementing the materials of the lower gods to the sister group alone. This means that the sister group has lost the divinity of the lower **** and will not add them for a long time.

Now the lower **** has become a manifestation of the status of a player in the guild. Without the **** of the lower god, no one knows how long they can manage their position in the guild. Only when they get the **** will they be at ease.

Barnes couldn't understand what kind of motive force the girls in front of him made them dare to work so hard, even the prospects were gone.

Where does he know that the sister group can still appear on the battlefield, their elder sister Liu Juan and several other sisters, in exchange for them at the cost of going to prison.

For the sake of their own sisters, they would rather give up their personal honors, and try their best to rectify the names of the sisters and Liu Juan. So, if they can exchange the simple price of falling down the divine divinity for them to hold the Firestone Mountain, they think it is worthwhile.

"Come on, who else dares to come, I'm waiting for you." Li Mao held the killing **** thunder in his hand. The next **** sisters blew themselves up, now it's her turn.

In front of the Huoshi Mountain gate, dozens of beautiful girls scattered around the station, each holding the **** of thunder, with a decisive look on his face, through the live video broadcast, the whole network saw the determination of the sister group.

In the live room.

"too crazy."

"These girls are incredible."

"My God, how did they do it? Although they are enemies, I admire them."

This is what the live broadcast host from Poland said. As a bystander, their analysis of the situation is more clear, so they also understand how incredible the choices made by the sister group are now.

The guests and other presenters in the live broadcast room were very silent at this time. None of them spoke, and they were all shocked by the scene.

In the Japanese live broadcast room, Sanyou Weimen said with emotion: "These girls should be people of our country, they have all the good qualities of our people."

In the American live broadcast room, several guests were already crazy. The host looked at Hei Sha and asked, "Has this legion met you before?"

Hei Sha nodded and said admiringly: "Maybe they were not famous before, but this time the reputation of the sisterhood will be heard throughout the world, and these girls will get the glory they deserve."

In the domestic live broadcast room, Du Bin has screamed with exhaustion, this is the first time he used such an excited tone to players outside Lu Yang.

"Obviously a group of weak women, but they formed a steel defense line. The lower gods of the Barnes side were afraid. They were afraid. The League of Predator Brothers once again defended their glory. The sister group became famous in one battle." Dubin shouted. The sound was so sharp that he was exhausted.

Ma Feng pushed his glasses next to him and waited for Du Bin to recover, saying: "In fact, the sister group has long been famous, but the person who led this legion was called Liu Juan. When fighting against the Tangerus Guild, the sister group The logistics team that followed Lu Yang to attack Orma’s cousin many times and made a fortune.”

Du Bin recalled and said: "I remember, that girl is called Liu Juan, it's a pity."

At the end of the talk, Du Bin couldn't help but sigh. He also knew clearly about Liu Juan and others, he knew the details of the sister group, and he knew why the sister group is so desperate.

"Look at the video. Barnes seems to be on his own." Hitomi shouted suddenly.

On the battlefield.

Barnes couldn't convince his subordinate god, but could only lead by example, and rushed to the position of Li Mao with the subordinate **** himself.

Barnes’s strength is second only to Guland. Although he did not enter 0.1 seconds, it was not far from 0.1 seconds. Li Mao was not sure to win Barnes, but her reaction speed was similar to Barnes. So, when Barnes When rushing over, Li Mao bumped into Barnes.

"The speed is so fast?" Barnes thought that Li Mao, like the other goddesses of the sister group, did not react fast enough, but he did not expect that Li Mao was as fast as him.

This momentary error made Barnes too late to avoid, and Li Mao was hit in front of him. From the outside, it was two phantoms colliding together.

The system prompts: Two people violate the first rule of the game at the same time, prohibit strangers from excessive contact, warn 1 time, stay in place for 1 minute!

Li Mao and Barnes landed at the same time, separated by a distance of 1 meter. At this interval, Li Mao shouted: "Sister Juan, you are not alone, the sister group will always thank you."


The killing **** thunder exploded. It turned out that at the moment when Li Mao and Barnes collided, Li Mao threw out two killing **** thunders, which were right under her feet, killing the gods and the barnes without any enemy. At the same time fried to crush.

"Sister Juan, you are not alone, we will always be grateful to you." This sentence sounded again and again, accompanied by the roar of killing God Lei again and again, the next **** of each sister group exploded and would shout out This sentence.


Liu Juan, who is serving his sentence in the prison, saw this scene through the public television in the prison. She and several sisters who also entered the prison, tears in their eyes could not help but shed.

"They remember us."

"We didn't pay in vain."


Several sisters held hands and held them together!

Liu Juan said nervously: "Sisters hold on, they must hold on."

On the battlefield of Fire Stone Mountain, even if the sisters fight so hard, Barnes personally took the lead, and after promising, the battle returned to the origin, and the lower gods of the Gerzi side began to die.

The two sides engaged in the most brutal melee combat on the battlefield. The thousands of square meters of open space in front of Firestone Mountain became the graves of both sides.

"Forbid curse, let go!"

"Sisterhood, hold up."

"add blood."

"Resistant to injury."


The Barnes side has a complete set of professional collocations. Numerous banned spells are bombed from a distance. The sister group guarding the open space in front of the entrance of Firestone Mountain can only be suppressed behind the stone. At this time, Barnes attacked, sister The regiment had to be forced to fight, and it was extremely difficult.

One hour

Two hours


Five hours

By this time in the fighting, the sister group had been suppressed to the position of the entrance of Huoshi Mountain, and the number of the sister group had also changed from more than 10,000 to less than 1,500.

During this period, the sister group has been resurrected many times, so many times that they cannot count Liu Xiang and Li Mao. Because there are resurrection scrolls in the backpack, they can always be resurrected, but their level, Liu Xiang is only 168. , Li Mao and Tao Fei are stronger than her, but only 171.

It is conceivable how terrible this battle was. The average number of deaths of the sister group exceeded 100!

Looking at the enemy who attacked again, Liu Xiang, Li Mao and others showed a desperate look, and the supplies in their backpacks were almost exhausted.

"Sisters, how much is there to kill God Lei, count." Liu Xiang asked, looking at the sisters around him.




"No more."


More than a thousand people finally left the killing thunder mine, only 17 left. Liu Xiang distributed the killing thunder mine to the main hands of Tao Fei and Liu Xiang, glanced at the whole team of Barnes, and looked back Sisters who showed a desperate look all around them.

Liu Xiangqiang endured the thought of crying and said, "No matter what the result is, our sister group will do their best. Sisters, don't be sad. As I hold on to the last attack, even if there is only one person left, our sister group has not lost. let me try."

More than a thousand girls, with the determination to die, walked out of the cave of Firestone Mountain and set out their final defensive formation.

At a distance of 100 meters away, Barnes looked at the sister group opposite with a gasp, a look of relief on his face, looked at Liu Xiang with admiration, and said, "I admit that you are very strong, it's my game until now The strongest opponent encountered."

Liu Xiang wiped the sweat on her forehead and looked at Banis unwillingly. She didn't want to admit defeat, but she had no war capital.

The lonely and helpless girl in the face of despair, such as Liu Xiang, made the players all over the world pay close attention to this war, and also made the players on the Barnes side more proud. With Liu Xiang waiting for more than a thousand remnants to approach.


At this time, a sharp whistle sounded in the sky, and Liu Xiang and Banis looked up at the same time. The clouds that were originally covered by the curse were suddenly destroyed by countless black spots like heavy rain.

Looking closely, this black spot is none other than the Phoenix Legion, the Black Iron Warhawk Legion, and the Vulture Legion who came to support the Iron-Blood Brotherhood.

"Our reinforcements~!"

"Enemies' reinforcements~!"

At this moment when both parties were led the phoenix suddenly turned into a ray of light, struck the ground in the blink of an eye, and while stirring up a dust, he took out a reel in his left hand and forced one tear.

"Forbidden Curse, Great Resurrection~!"

With this player as the center, all the players who died in the battle within 1 km all received the news of the resurrection. In a blink of an eye, all the 10,000 sisters were resurrected. At the same time, a large storage bag dropped in the sky like raindrops to the sisters. In a position on one side.

"The head of the Grand Druid Army did not taste the corpse, and was ordered to come to support it." De Buchen presented a handsome poss and smiled to the girls such as Liu Xiang and Li Mao.

"It's finally here." Liu Xiang's face looked relieved.

Barnes was terrified and shouted: "No, give me an attack, and never let the sisters get supplies."

Hundreds of thousands of people are just about to attack, and countless bans in the sky have fallen. Each of the Phoenix Legions has a banned scroll. At this moment, all of them are released, and half of the Firestone Mountains are caught in the ban. The Barnes side Hundreds of thousands of people are all within the scope of the ban.

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