Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1821: Transformation

Lu Yang had experienced this incident in the past. Although this incident made the game more realistic, the game experience will also become worse.

Later, the official changed many times, and ordinary copies and team battles would not have such problems, but large-scale guild battles will definitely be carried out in this way, but after this revision, it does make the large-scale guild battles even more. Something interesting, the ratings are even higher.

At that time, many guilds spent a lot of energy to study this kind of battle, so that many military retired backbones were recruited to the guild as senior commanders or even vice presidents.

There are dozens of the most powerful masters among them. The battle command is fascinating. Although Lu Yang is not one of them, he is also a master of this kind of battle.

"The order was given to everyone. After two hours of continued attack, the offense was suspended, and all the personnel entered the orange fortress and defensive position to rest." Lu Yang said.

Tu Feng nodded and conveyed the order.

The two fighting sides received the official version upgrade announcement from the official at almost the same time. For a time, the indissoluble battles fought and the two sides had to suspend.

The sister group had already arrived at Stormwind Canyon and was about to make a sneak attack. Seeing this order made her face look excited.

The warehouse in the original Stormwind Canyon was only defended by 800 people, but the battle ahead was too tense. The personnel who came to the supply were like the previous Firestone Mountain. He just rushed in like this. Enemies, especially in the special terrain of Stormwind Canyon, are prohibited from cursing scrolls and can hardly damage the players inside.

"Sisters, keep your patience. Although there are only 3 hours left, we must be patient, and we will attack in the last half hour." Liu Xiang said.

The women nodded. In this way, everyone waited in place for 2 hours. Sure enough, as Liu Xiang guessed, from the gradual retreat of the Iron-Blood Brotherhood, the supply staff here gradually decreased.

In the last half hour, Liu Xiang saw the opportunity and aimed at 800 players who were guarding the hole. He shouted: "Throwing the Thunder God Lei, Iron-Blood Brotherhood, kill~!"

The 1,000 thunder gods they carried were thrown into the area where the enemies of Stormwind Canyon were located. In a blink of an eye, less than 100 people were killed by 800 people. In the face of Liu Xiang and others who suddenly rushed in, they all lost their battles. ability.

The Jerz side saw that the Iron-Blood Brothers had retreated, and they were already relieved. They suddenly learned that the only supply warehouse on the front line had been beaten by the sisters. They suddenly cursed angrily: "This group of **** women, fighting It's over, why do they want to attack, I must kill them."

Margaret's fear of cold sweat throughout her body helped Gertz: "Fortunately, the version upgrade, otherwise, the defensive positions we arranged in the five villages will be completely defeated by a wave of attack by Lu Yang, because , Our supply warehouse was lost."

Gerds reacted suddenly, shivering all over his body, and said, "Fortunately, thank you for your help."

Margaret said: "It seems that the officer is right, he is indeed helping us, and we should give him back."

Gertz nodded and said, "Yes, I will contact them immediately. I will talk to them personally."

Margaret has her head, and on the other side, Lu Yang is feeling, watching the news sent back by the sister group, saying: "If there is no version sound level, now we should break the defensive position in front of us and enter the hinterland of the Jerz side. ."

"It's a pity." Bai Shi and Xia Yuwei and others nodded.

"Forget it, everyone quit the game, let me guide you to a new combat method." Lu Yang said.

Everyone nodded.

After they quit the game, a group of vice presidents and chiefs of the main army gathered in the large conference room of the War Workshop of the Iron-Blood Alliance.

Lu Yang looked at the arrival of more than one hundred people and found that the morale of the people was a little low. He smiled and said: "Brothers, let me tell you the truth, this battle we all successfully persecuted governments of several countries. 100 million US dollars to interfere in our battles, you and the players participating in the battle are masters, because you, even the governments of all countries, are afraid of us."

The crowd looked at Landing Yang with some surprise, and their lost eyes burst into an excited look again.

Lu Yang said with a charming smile: "In fact, you don't have to fear this change. The person who really fears is not us, but the enemy.

Why do we say this, because we broke through the enemy’s orange fortress, if we did not break the fortress, the enemy has the advantage, and now the fortress is broken, facing the large number of field operations behind the enemy, the advantage is us, why do we say so Well, because there is only one person in the world who knows how to fight in the field, and now I stand in front of you, which is me. "

The elite commanders such as Wanzong Wanliu and Liu Yunpeng are the most frightened of this revision, because they are the players who fought in close combat.

"Boss, I feel this battle is too difficult, do you really have a way?" Liu Yunpeng said depressedly.

Lu Yang said with a smile: "Of course, such a battle actually has a very interesting feature, do you know what it is?"

Everyone shook their heads.

Lu Yanghe smiled and said, "This is a battle where anyone who advances will lose."

Everyone was still unclear, Lu Yang looked at their confused eyes and said: "You think, when fighting, you will attack the skills subconsciously with the range. That will definitely hurt your teammates. It is possible that the skill has just been hit and you have died first. There is a group of people, and the party who has not attacked may not have died."

"Then don't we attack?" Wan Qing asked Wang Lu Yang said: "Of course, offensive, but this kind of attack, everyone can no longer use the dense formation, everyone must stand separately, This is too difficult for you, so for the time being, we have only one combat plan. This is an old tactic. Remember the Prismatic Shield Armored Corps."

Everyone nodded. Lu Yang used this fighting power to defeat countless enemies. It was the most important team of the Iron-Blood Brotherhood.

Lu Yang said: "When the game starts tomorrow evening, the players here will summon their players. On the one hand, they will mobilize large-scale anti-war players to form a Prismatic Shield Armored Corps. Three rows of shield battles and one row of treatments. The mage hides in the eighth. row.

For the rest of the attacking professions, the method of fighting is no longer a blind charge, but a team of three, dispersed in positions, followed by shooters and mages. "

This is currently the easiest battle plan to win. The main attack has been changed from the front to the two wings. Fortunately, in the field area, if it is in the mountainous area or special terrain, Lu Yang has to worry about this, but now, it should be Gertz was unlucky. The forces behind him wanted to help him, but this time they helped a lot.

"Wait, see how I clean up you." Lu Yang said.

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