Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1822: Pons debut

After Lu Yang explained the battle plan to the people, on the other side, when the heads of the regiment left and contacted the battle plan with his men, he said to everyone in the audience: "I decided to open up a second battlefield."

"Boss, you decided to start the Claudio area!" asked the bitter love half a lifetime.

From the beginning of the battle, people like Zhuojiu and Kubanai hope that Lu Yang can fight on both lines at the same time, but Lu Yang is worried that the regional defenses such as the orange fortress are too strong to break through the two lines of battle, so he concentrated on the players to attack The line of defense in the orange fortress area.

Facts have proved that Lu Yang's decision was completely correct. It was precisely because of Lu Yang's choice that he could break the orange fortress, capture the Firestone Mountain within a few days, and take the initiative on the battlefield to the hands of the Brotherhood of Blood.

Even with a few hours of buffering time, the Jerz side starts from the game, their spirits will be in a tight state, and they should always be prepared to guard against Lu Yang’s sneak attacks, and the Lu Yang side can rest calmly because The Gertz side was already afraid of being beaten, and he dared not attack.

Under such circumstances, the main defense force of the Gerzi side will be concentrated in the areas of the five villages and the blue fortress and purple fortress. The defense capacity of the Claudio fortress area is not enough in itself. After that, it was not enough.

White Lion said: "If you sneak attack now, I'm 100% sure that I won the Claudio fortress and Firefortress in World War I."

Lu Yang thought for a while and said, "You can't move. The frontline battlefield still needs your continuous offensive. This attack task is personally directed by me. Each ministry mobilizes an elite army to my command. It doesn't need too many people. As long as there are 1,000 lower gods and 200,000 players, I will be able to successfully lay down these two fortresses, and then occupy the fortresses in Claudio area, and then you will send players to support them."

"Yes." The people nodded.

The Claudio area is now a very important logistics supply area in Gerz. In addition to the fire mark fortress and the dull fortress at the door are large trade forts, there are also 8 trade forts of the same size in the rear.

Relying on these 8 strongholds, Gertz can make one million euros a day, and the Claudio region alone can bring Gerrz a net income of 1 billion euros a year.

Since the beginning of the war, the Claudio area has been continuously delivering blood to Gertz. Faced with this situation, after breaking the orange fortress, Lu Yang must lay down the Claudio area, regardless of whether they occupy these areas, at least These areas cannot be allowed to supplement the front with such unscrupulous money-making.

Here Lu Yang is preparing, and on the other side, Gertz welcomes dozens of senior military retired officers, all commanding the battlefield masters.

"You guys, you can defeat Lu Yang, it depends on you. Starting today, each of you has an annual salary of 10 million euros. If you win this battle, you will receive a bonus of 50 million euros." There was an empty check.

At such a critical moment in the war, he had no extra money to pay the newly joined legion, but he bet that the war would end as soon as possible within the next four days.

Either Lu Yang was running out of money and the whole army retreated, or Lu Yang was driving straight in and defeated the Liberal Army in an all-round way. However, from any point of view, Gertz thought that his chances of winning were greater.

How could he not believe that he would be defeated by Lu Yang within three days, so he dared to grant such a salary, anyway, the salary was opened after a month.

"Your Excellency President, thank you for your high salary, we will make you feel the strength to match the salary." Retired 50-year-old officer Coriolis led proudly said.

More than a dozen legions showed their complacent expressions. They were different from Ru Yue Taishan at that time. Since the game, these people have entered the game, so they know the game very well.

Gertz simply understands their resumes, and knows that these people are not wine bags, but a group of people who have planned to enter his guild. Although he does not know what these people want, he knows that more than a dozen of them retire The officer is the group of people he can rely on most.

"How are you going to defend?" Gertz asked.

"I'm here to take over the defenses of the five villages. I really want to see, Lu Yang and me, who is stronger." A middle-aged man in his 40s said that he has blonde hair, but he always has contempt on his face. Expression, as if no one looked down.

Coriolis smiled and shook his head, said: "Cole, you are still so proud, okay, then you will fight against Lu Yang, I believe you will easily hold Lu Yang's attack."

"Maybe I can recapture the orange fortress." Cole said arrogantly.

Everyone laughed.

Coriolis looked at a middle-aged man with chestnut hair and said, "Andali, you are responsible for defending the purple fortress."

"Yes." Andari nodded.


Coriolis issued more than a dozen orders at a time, and the officers of the officer department almost completely took over the work of the original vice president of Gerds, which made André and Guland and other vice presidents show dissatisfied looks.

The only player who wasn’t taken away was the first vice president, Ponce. It’s because the interpersonal relationship of the players under Ponce was too confusing. No one wanted to accept Ponce’s things. All rely on the help of Pons.

"My dear buddy, I hope you can help me figure out who I am looking for to defend. You are the one who knows this guild best. I need your help so much." Coriolis said with his arms around Pons's shoulder .

Ponce had just received a call from his wife. On the other side of the phone, the wife severely reprimanded Ponce's previous two-hearted behavior.

"You know, we have received so much money from President Lu Yang, why do you still betray him, you have betrayed Remember, you are for me, for this Family, for the hard work of our future children, not someone’s chess piece, President Lu Yang has promised you that you will be the manager of the Gerz area in the future. Why are you still thinking about helping Gerr for such a good thing? Now, what can he give you, if it’s not that you are too honest, you would have been driven away like Malik."

Pons raised his head to look at Coriolis, with an embarrassed expression, and said honestly: "No problem, I will help you solve the personnel problem. The president will let me cooperate with you, and I will cooperate fully."

Coriolis had long heard of Pons and knew it was a soft egg. Therefore, he wanted to get useful information from Pons, and then removed Pons from the position of first vice president. Kick away.

"Great guys, let's start now." Coriolis said.

Ponce naturally had no opinion. He was afraid that Coriolis and others had done work in advance. Therefore, he said half-truth and half-truth about the defense line.

Just as he said something, Lu Yang's call came, explaining the matter of attacking the dull fortress and the fire scar fortress in the Claudio area.

Ponce thought about it and said, "I'll arrange it."

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