Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1917: Italian businessman

Lu Yang used the teleportation scroll to fly back to the Tianyu God City, and quickly ran into the City Lord's Mansion wearing a cloak. In the side hall of the City Lord's Mansion, he saw Lord City Lord who was dealing with affairs.

It has been 2 years since Tianyu God City appeared. So far, the city lord has been completely useless. He can't receive any tasks from him, so no one is here anymore.

Make sure there is no one left and right, dial the group video call to Lu Yuming, Huo Zong and others. He pointed to a small door in the side hall and said, "Just send it here. There are doors and monsters blocking you. "

Lu Yuming nodded and used the treasure chest to turn him into a player in the monster camp. Seeing that the red name on the top of Vanke's source had disappeared, he smiled and walked quickly to the source of all evil.

"Time and Space Link"


A cyan light flashed, and the Source of All Evil hadn't figured out what was going on, and the next second it was teleported to the City Lord's Mansion.

The city lord himself is the 200-level lord god, and he slashed the Source of All Evil with seven or eight swords and killed him on the ground, but this time was different.

There was an official limit before. Lu Yang’s reaction speed was 0.1 second. After the limit was removed, Lu Yang’s reaction speed reached about 0.04 seconds. Therefore, before the city lord attacked the source of all evil, he used Shenyantian The explosion hit the source of all evil, so now he can directly pick up the things exploded from the source of all evil.

Lu Yang walked to the corpse of the Source of All Evil and looked at the things falling on the ground.

"Summon the Source of All Evil"

Occupation: Warlock

Distance: 50 meters

Cost: 100 god's mana

Description: Use the body of the dead to summon the source of all evils to come, and the resurrected source of all evils is in the lower **** state, with low strength, but two can be called at a time.

If you only look at the introduction of the skill book, you will feel that summoning the source of all evils is very useless, but in fact the summoned source of all evils is quite powerful. Even the lower gods of the same level can't beat them even if they wear the earth spirit **** suit. But one, besides, the warlock can summon the source of all evil infinitely as long as there is a dead body around him. This skill has no cooling time, only the limit of the number of summons.

Lu Yang looked at other objects again.

A pure black undead gem fell on the ground. After Lu Yang picked it up, a smile appeared on his face. This thing had no other use. The most useful thing was to upgrade the heart of death and promote the heart of death to the next god.

Lu Yang put away the gems, and the rest of the items were very ordinary, not of much use. He said to Huo Zong, "The second teleport."

"Okay." Huo Zong flew over with the second source of evil.

Lu Yang just waited aside, and followed the city lord to kill the Source of All Evil one by one. After killing all day, when he waited for the last one, Lu Yuming brought something exactly the same as the Source of All Evil and flew over. But when Lu Yang saw this strange appearance, a speechless expression appeared on his face.

"Brother, what you found is really accurate. Bring the rare boss here." Lu Yang said with a smile.

"Huh, rare boss?" Lu Yuming blinked.

Lu Yang said, "Let's see, this source of all evil has turned into pure gold? He is the elder of the Golden Devil clan. If you are lucky, you should be able to explode something good."

As soon as the voice fell, the city lord cut off the head of the Source of All Evil with a sword. Lu Yang looked at the explosion on the ground. A coffin-like thing made Lu Yang look surprised.

Celestial coffin

Level: Lower God

Description: The gods’ hearses that automatically follow the walking, the purpose is to transport the gods to the land of the four spirits, can store the dead body, each hearse 999.

Lu Yang smiled and said, "What is missing? I need this coffin. It broke out. I will rest tonight and continue tomorrow morning."

Lu Yuming, Huo Zong and the others nodded their heads. After the next day, Lu Yang led Lu Yuming and the others to catch the source of all evil for a week.

Lu Yang actually upgraded from level 186 to 187. The reason was that the source of all evil who killed the middle **** had killed too many, which made Lu Yang laugh. After all, he was the first to attack, and the middle **** The strength is too strong, and the lower **** has never fought before, so the experience given is extremely high.

"This is a good way to upgrade. It's a pity that this magic box for switching camps is too hard to find." Lu Yang shook his head. Just to gather these magic boxes, Lu Yang spent tens of millions of dollars. Because this was collected from all over the world, it was collected for more than a year, and in the end it was only enough for one week.

However, this week was enough. Lu Yang now has more than 10,000 copies of the "Summon the Source of Evil" skill book. He gave them all to Chen Qiang and asked him to form a Sorcerer Group of the Source of Evil.

Furthermore, the source of all evils exploded to Lu Yang more than 10,000 sets of the lower god's 9th-order underworld suits, which matched the warlocks, and Lu Yang also gave them to Chen Qiang.

"Boss, rest assured, I must choose the best warlock player to replace this set of equipment and skill books." Chen Qiang couldn't help but said excitedly. This is the first time he has a special army under his hands. Ordinary players.

Lu Yangken handing over such an important thing to him is equivalent to starting to train ordinary players under him. The players in this big army under him are getting more and more attention.

Lu Yang said, "I only give you six weeks to prepare. You must not only choose good people, but also get enough bodies of the dead."

The gods' coffins had hit more than 2,000 in total, and Lu Yang also handed them to Chen Qiang.

"Yes." Chen Qiang knew that the war was about to start as soon as it started.

Lu Yang let Chen Qiang leave. He looked at Tu Feng next to him and asked, "Is there a way to buy enough Death's Heart."

Tu Feng said: "In this period of time, only 62 of them were collected, and the rest of the Death's Heart was kept by no one."

So far, the Jagged Brothers has used the poisonous heart to fight monsters after the upgrade, and it has not been discovered. However, the objects such as the death heart itself have a high collection value. Even in a few years, this It is unlikely that things will depreciate. UU reading

After a previous devaluation, a heart of death can also be sold for 10 million cash, which is more than 2 million US dollars.

If you can gather more than 100 Death Hearts, you can form a first-level Pluto formation. The Pluto formation is actually a very useless formation. It only increases the skills of warlocks and necromancers. .

But now Lu Yang has the Summoning Source of All Evil in his hands, even if the increase is small, it is still quite large.

"I think about it, I feel, I know who has the habit of collecting these things." Lu Yang said with a smile.

There are many collectors in this world. Although there are few collectors of game items, there are some people who are loyal fans of the game, so they are willing to pay a lot of money for them.

Among the many loyal fans of the game, there is an Italian rich man. In his previous life, he was the most successful guild boss in Italy, but now he should still be a businessman in the game.

Lu Yang felt that he could meet this person to lay a foundation for future cooperation. Thinking of this, Lu Yang headed towards the Italian region of Tianyu Shencheng.

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