Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1918: Glass thoughts

The Tianyu God City is very large, and it can accommodate 4 billion players living together here, which shows how huge this main city is.

Because it is too huge, gradually, players from various countries have their favorite gathering areas, and these areas have become fixed locations in each country.

The gathering area where Italy is located is in the southern part of Tianyu God City, a place close to the river. It is very similar to the place where they usually live. The surrounding houses are all red and it feels like being in their own country.

In this area, there is one of the most famous chain stores called Swords and Roses, which is the largest sales location of level 100 to level 180 weapons and equipment in the entire Italian region.

In several large-scale battles, Sword and Rose participated behind the scenes. Although the guild they supported failed time and time again, Sword and Rose themselves made a lot of money.

At this time, in the office of the Sword and Rose Chain Chamber of Commerce, an old man was drinking the red wine in the game leisurely.

"Wow, every time I drink this kind of wine, it makes me feel like I can’t believe this is a game. I seem to be in a new world, with a new body, brewing from this world. Good wine," said the old man.

Sitting across from him was a young man with chestnut hair, who shrugged his shoulders and said: "Maybe this is really another world. Only God knows how this game can cost half a million euros. The taste of the wine in the bottle is exactly the same."

The old man took a sip again and looked at the sky with enjoyment. The chestnut-haired young man didn't care much about the wine. He put down the wine glass and said, "After all, this is a virtual thing, the chairman, I think we should discuss the future of the guild. The war is about to begin. I don’t think the Legion of Order will be able to resist the attacks of Roland, Mitoemon and others."

The old man was still enjoying the wine. After drinking it, he took a breath of fresh air and said, "My child, do you know? Don't look at the surface of anything. You have to look at his inner and this Whether the event is successful or not, is it beneficial to us."

"President Glass, do you think Lu Yang can win?" The young man couldn't believe it, and said, "That's the five guilds of the Jagged Brothers."

Glass stood up and smiled and said, "Pace, you can also change your mindset. For example, Lu Yang teamed up with players from more than a dozen countries such as Ayala, Li Wenxing, and Pado to attack Roland. Players from three countries."

Pais shrugged his shoulders and said, "I have seen the statistics. Except for the Jagged Brotherhood, Ayala and their development have not changed much. They still enjoy the dividends Lu Yang gave them. If a battle occurs, The combat power of their players is not very sufficient."

Glass said: "Perhaps one or two of them can't do it, but quantitative changes will cause qualitative changes. With enough lower gods and enough special arms, Lu Yang's strength will surpass the enemy in some areas. If Lu Yang takes the initiative to attack, it will still Take more initiative."

Pais smiled and asked, "Your Excellency, do you have new news?"

Glass smiled and greeted him slightly, and said: "Everyone will have some friends, and they can always inquire about some secret and unknown news. This is no secret. Soon the Jagged Brotherhood will be made public, as soon as one month. You will be able to see it in the next battle."

Pais was surprised, and said, "Lu Yang will take the initiative to attack their five guilds in a month?"

Glass nodded and said: "That's the case, so we have to make preparations. I am not optimistic about Roland in this war. The soft guy is likely to lose the entire Italy. We have to figure out what to do in the future. ."

Pais smiled and said, "Your Excellency, you have been preparing for so long. I think we should act."

Glass shook his head and said, "It's not that easy. It involves a lot of questions. For example, will Lu Yang allow me and how we will get along with Lu Yang in the future must be studied and understood. Moreover, we We must find a way to win the hearts of Italian players and make them recognize us."

Pais asked, "What do your friends think?"

Glass said with a smile: "They said, if Roland fails, they are willing to support me."

Pais smiled helplessly and said, "God, who would have thought that Roland, who was fighting for the Italian players, would have been abandoned by the Italian players."

Glass smiled triumphantly. At this moment, his subordinates ran up and said, "Your Excellency, Lu Yang is here. He called to see you by name."

Glass was taken aback. He was thinking when he should find Lu Yang. He stood up and walked quickly to the meeting room. As soon as he opened the door, he saw a sculpture in the living room leisurely looking at him. He was the one on the Arc de Triomphe. It's just like a statue like a devil.

"It turned out to be President Lu Yang, how would you know me?" Glass said with a smile, he had already guessed Lu Yang's purpose.

Lu Yang looked back at President Glass and said, "Who doesn't know the famous President Sword and Rose."

Glass knowingly smiled, and asked unhurriedly, "You like this statue too?"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Of course, President Glass should have carved it himself."

Glass was taken aback and asked: "How do you know."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "The second world in the world of death, the demon guarding the world-Panbas, I am very familiar with it."

Glass smiled and said, "Chairman Lu Yang, you really have a broad knowledge."

Lu Yang looked at Glass and said, "I heard that you have a lot of Death's Heart in your hands. Are UU reading interested in selling it to me."

Glass was taken aback, and asked, "Sell it to you? I like this thing very much. I'm not bad for money."

Lu Yang smiled and shook his head, and said, "I know you don't need money, but I want to cooperate with you. Are you interested in taking over Italy after Roland's failure?"

Glass smiled and looked at Lu Yang and said, "Chairman Lu Yang, I am not interested in this."

Lu Yang said, "We don’t need to be probing, and we don’t need to be detours. I know that several forces are secretly emerging in Italy, so I sent a spy to investigate. Although I can’t find out who is behind the scenes, I have found out. If you don’t mind their position, I will kill these forces first, although their equipment is of no use to me."

Glass's smile solidified, and he said awkwardly, "Chairman Lu Yang, this can be discussed."

These forces took more than a year of Grasse’s time. He didn’t want to lose it like this. Now it’s no better than before. When there is no lower god, you can just pull up a team and you can fight. , If you want to occupy a country, you must have a sufficient number of lower **** players.

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