Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1943: Radvedev listens to the slander

The area controlled by Mitoemon is a bit special. There are players from three countries. If Lu Yang just wants to occupy this place and distribute part of the fortress to players from the other two countries, he just isolates Mitoemon, and soon Mitoemon Was defeated.

This time is different. This time Lu Yang is fighting the war of destroying the country. He wants to completely destroy Miyouemon, and divide the two hundred fortresses in the Miemon area to his players and various affiliated guilds.

Another more important reason was that Lu Yang needed to choke Steiger’s southward road and knocked down the entire territory of Sanyou Eemon, and Steiger’s southward road was blocked. Steiger and Roland would stop. De and Chekova have no way to support each other.

Of course, there is another most important reason. Lu Yang is running out of money. The big decisive battle that lasted for nearly three weeks, according to the past, can last for another two weeks. After all, this is tens of billions of euros, but the reality is very real. cruel.

The two sides fought too **** the southern front. The damage in one day was more than the damage in the previous four days. In three weeks, Lu Yang's cash would be spent.

Lu Yang believed that not only was he almost out of money here, but Chekova, Liu Jie, Mitoemon, Roland and Steiger were also out of money.

Since everyone has no money, the war is about to end, just to see who can get the most benefits before the war is over.

Although Lu Yang could borrow money to continue fighting, Lu Yang was worried that it would arouse the determination of Chekova and Roland to fight to the death. Both Chekova and Roland have a great depth, and the depth of Santoemon is not small. If something goes wrong, it is very likely that Lu Yang's previous advantages will be gone, so it would be better to take it step by step.

What's more, when the war has reached this point, it is already possible to win by strategy. It is not only war that can solve the problem.

Lu Yang looked at Zhuojiu, Ayala and the others, and said, "You can discuss the course of tomorrow's war. It is enough to report to me tomorrow."

"Yes." Zhuojiu, Ayala and others retired.

This kind of negotiation is easy. Zhuojiu is to issue orders instead of Lu Yang. The major affiliated guilds are more afraid of Zhuojiu than Lu Yang. Everyone knows that Zhuojiu is the third person in the guild, and the position is almost the same as Tu Feng. Even if he defended the Heavenly Sword Fortress for so many years, it was time for him to break out.

Tu Feng and everyone else withdrew, looking at Lu Yang and said, "Boss, did you agree to my plan to kill Chekova with a strategy?"

A week ago, at the most urgent time of the Southern Front War, Tu Feng proposed a strategy to Lu Yang. After Tu Feng's observation for so long, he discovered that the Russian area controlled by Chekova was actually in charge of Rader. Videv.

In other words, even though Radvedev has lost the heart of the people at his current position, he is actually the actual controller of the two-headed eagle guild, but on the surface the rights of the guild are handed over to Chekova.

Two-thirds of the main command under Chekova's hand still obeyed Radvedev's orders. If Radvedev wants to withdraw his rights, it is just a matter of one sentence.

The double-headed eagle guild has actually been decayed to the point of completeness, and it can continue to this day, relying on Chekova's blade dance, her excellent commanding ability, and Radvedev's full support.

If Radvedev thinks that Chekova has rebelled and has the idea of ​​betraying the double-headed eagle guild, or if Radvedev feels that Chekova has the intention to challenge his rights and status, then Radvedev That kind of power madman would definitely not tolerate Chekova.

In order to frame Chekova, Tu Feng gathered all his strengths, and almost forged Chekova’s incriminating evidence. There was no more than Lu Yang’s last order. Lu Yang did not agree before. One reason was that Liu Jie did not. Being fooled, only one Chekova withdrew from the game, and it couldn't hurt them.

The second reason is that Lu Yang didn't want to defeat Chekova in this way, just as Qin didn't want to kill Li Mu by falsehood when Qin destroyed the six countries.

You know, with only 100,000 people, Li Mu defeated the main force of the Qin army 200,000 in the first battle, and killed hundreds of thousands of the main force of the Qin army in the second battle. The Qin State who was persecuted by such characters had to use conspiracy and tricks to advance with slander Dedicated to King Zhao, saying that Li Mu had the idea of ​​self-reliance. As a result, a famous general Li Mu was killed by the idiot King Zhao.

Lu Yang really wanted to dignifiedly defeat the two-headed eagle guild who used tricks to bring the two-headed eagle guild back to the world's strongest woman. Unfortunately, Lu Yang did not dare to bet on the future of the Jagged Brotherhood.

Lu Yang said, "Let's do it."

"Yes." Tu Feng smiled and called Bagley and said, "Man, it's time for you to play."

Bagley was lying at home and enjoying his life leisurely. Seeing the money received in the credit card, he raised his eyebrows and said to Tu Feng: "A week later, Chekova must be relieved of his duties, and the Double-Headed Eagle Guild must be released. Civil strife."

Tu Feng smiled and said, "Waiting for your good news."

Bagley looked at the hung-up phone, washed again, put on neat clothes, and flew to the Russian capital by private jet.

After the plane landed, he carried a box of cash, brought a black knife and a few hands down to a man's house. The man was very young and looked frivolous, but he looked like a high-ranking man. , Used to living a life that was touted, looked at Bagley arrogantly and said: "What are you looking for me?"

Bagley came forward and said two whispers, leaving a box of cash. The man looked at Bagley's back, then looked at the money, gritted his teeth, and returned home with the cash.

Then Bagley went to visit the second man, the third man and the fourth man, UU reading www. Same for, everyone is a box of cash, and a few simple words.

After finishing all this, Bagley found a hotel to rest, and until the next morning, Radvedev, as usual, when resting at home, the four main elders of the guild respectively found Radveje. husband.

"Boss, Chekova is about to rebel. He is removing our old ministry and placing his men in the positions of the main army commanders."

"Boss, you can't let that woman continue to behave. The guild is about to lose. What does he mean by doing this is forcing you to hand over your shares."

"Now everyone in the guild is uncertain. Everyone is wondering if they want to follow Chekova. If this continues, the guild will have an empty shell."


Such words filled Radvedev’s head. Radvedev was dissatisfied with Chekova because of the stalemate in the war and spending a lot of cash. Now he heard that Chekova had the idea of ​​rebellion, Radvi Jeff was angry and cursed: "I'm not dead yet, come here, bring the helmet, I want to enter the game."

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