Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1944: Chekova's choice

The people around had already prepared and handed the helmet up. Radvedev put on the helmet and flew to the winger fortress. Chekova, who was commanding at the front, rushed over.

"Your Excellency, why did you come in person?" Chekova asked curiously, her expression not being respectful.

For several months, it was Chekova who helped Radvedev to keep the border, and Chekova was tired almost day and night, and she had no extra thoughts to please Radvedev.

But Chekova’s expression made Radvedev, who was full of suspicion in her heart, even more suspicious. After all, it’s been months since Chekova took over. Radvedev has indeed given all the rights, but these rights It shouldn't be Chekova's all. Many of them were obtained by Radvedev at the expense of other shareholders and the right assistants around Radvedev.

Shareholders can still be suppressed. Those who had previously advised Radvedev and benefited from Radvedev suddenly lost everything, and it was unimaginable that they were in vain.

These people are slandering and speaking bad things day and night, and Chekova shows no words to them. Over time, it is impossible for Radvedev to have no thoughts in his heart.

Radvedev didn’t say it before, because Chekova managed the area he controlled well. Now he is about to lose the battle. Radvedev saw Chekova’s disrespectful expression again and was furious. Yelled: "Chekova, how can you betray my trust in you so much? From now on, I will relieve your position and you will get out."

Chekova was dumbfounded, staring blankly at Radvedev and the sneer guild elders behind him. At that moment, Chekova felt ashamed.

They are all smart people, and Chekova can see at a glance why Radvedev did it. She didn't expect that the person she tried her best to help was such an idiot.

There is a reason why he didn’t use Radvedev’s veterans. Radvedev, who was instigated by these people, fired most of the guild’s main army commanders and commanders, which caused the guild to be almost killed by Sanyou and Roland. De annihilated.

It was she who brought back the main army commanders and commanders who had been expelled, and stabilized the situation in the guild. These people and Radvedev’s cronies are almost like a deadly foe, and they can’t get along at all. , Chekova also despised these people.

She knew that these people would complain to Radvedev, but she did not expect that these people would frame him and Radvedev would listen to them.

Obviously, she was dismissed, not because these villains framed Radvedev to convince Radvedev, but Radvedev himself had the idea of ​​removing Chekova and returning to power, only through the words of these villains. Come as a basis.

Since it was Radvedev’s own thoughts, Chekova didn’t bother to take care of Radvedev’s affairs anymore. She did the best for the guild, but it’s not her problem now, it’s Radvedev. The idiot himself wanted to die. The guild he established, he died personally, obviously more appropriate.

"Your Excellency, I wish you all the best in the future." Chekova greeted slightly, smiled and took out the teleportation scroll, and flew back to the Tianyu God City. Then she found a hotel. When she was about to go offline and rest, she finally Still not holding back his anger, he sent a message to Lu Yang and said, "Congratulations, President Lu Yang, you successfully killed me, but the technique is not glorious at all."

Lu Yang already knew what Radvedev had done. When he saw this news, he couldn't help showing a smile on his face, and replied: "If possible, you are welcome to the Jagged Brotherhood. I would rather offend my subordinates. The vice president and the affiliated guild president also leave you one-third of the Radvedev area under your control. Are you interested?"

Chekova showed a stunned expression when she saw the news. She thought Lu Yang would come back with irony because she used more shameless tactics against Lu Yang, but 99% of them failed. She cares about her, but gives such a generous offer, she can't help but be moved.

To work for others, it is better to work for yourself. Besides, it was Radvedev who abandoned her. It was not that she abandoned Radvedev. She did not lose heart, but when she thought of her brothers, her face changed again.

"Let me think about it, and I will give you an answer in a few days." Chikova replied, opted out of the game, took out the vodka at home, a woman a bottle of vodka, and just drank it.

Inside the game.

When Lu Yang saw Chekova’s reply, he knew that Chekova had agreed. He smiled and said to everyone: "Radvidev removed Chekova, and he took control of the double-headed eagle guild again. Guys, our The opportunity is here, Zhuojiu and Pado are ready, and we will attack Radvedev together."

"Yes." Zhuojiu and Padu both held hands together.

Lu Yang looked at the other players gearing up and said: "Everyone is ready to participate in the finals of the global martial arts competition. Our war against Radvedev is a week away. Taking advantage of this week, we will play the game first. Finish."

If everyone were to be pressed to the winger fortress now, the commanders and legion leaders of the Double-Headed Eagle Guild, even if they hated Radvedev, would fight hard with the Jagged Brothers in order to defend their glory.

On the contrary, if Lu Yang does not attack Radvedev after he takes office, they will automatically split internally. Players who were previously resigned will never obey Radvedev’s orders, but will follow Chekova. .

After all, this is a game, and the New World is only an area controlled by them, not their country, and does not involve issues of principle.

At the moment, Zhuojiu and Padu quickly led their players to withdraw from the frontline battlefield of the Wing Forward Fortress and returned to the Black Rose and Blue River Fortress areas to be stationed.

Radvedev originally wanted to take advantage of the high pressure of the war to gain control of the guild, but he did not expect that he hit the cotton with a punch. Lu Yang would not fight him at all. After the entire army retreated, his orders followed Like a rubber stamp, no one listened to it.

70% of the guild’s commanders and regiments were abolished by It was Chekova who chased them back. Naturally, he listened to Chekova’s opinion. Therefore, a large number of the commanders and After the Jagged Brotherhood withdrew, the leader quit the game directly, and went offline to discuss countermeasures with Chekova.

Tu Feng reported on the developments of the Radvedev area in real time, and Lu Yang had already arrived at the main venue of the global competition.

After three weeks of competition, the global martial arts competition has come to the top 100 competition, because Lu Yang is the champion of the five consecutive individual finals, the sixth competition Lu Yang automatically won the global top 100 seat.

The other two-player, three-player, and five-player matches, because this battle involves players from all over the world, and more than 90% of the elites participated in this battle that determines the fate of the New World. Therefore, the official goal is to increase the ratings. Rate, dragged the number and time of the game back for more than a week.

Now that the war is about to end, the game can be played normally. The original 35 games a day has become 130 games a day.

Lu Yang looked at the match table. He couldn't help but smile. This person was not someone else, but one of the leaders of the temple organization, the Golden Lion. He wanted to know what the temple organization was doing now.

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