Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1952: The Jagged Brothers attack

Two matches at home and two individual heads-up championships made Lu Yang a hero of the entire China.

The significance of holding a cup at home, to win any other competition, the sponsors of the Jagged Brothers have already embraced together excitedly.

Because of the war this year, only Lu Yang of the Jagged Brothers League was able to spare time to play in the finals, and everyone else, including the White Lions and Zhou Tianming, stopped in the top ten.

It is equivalent to Lu Yang alone carrying the banner of the entire battle between China and foreign players. He did not disappoint the players. He succeeded.

Du Bin excitedly pointed the microphone at Lu Yang and asked, "What do you want to say?"

Lu Yang looked at the audience with a smile, and said loudly: "The war in the New World continues, Radvedev, the Jagged Brotherhood is here."

"Roar~!" One sentence detonated the audience.

Lu Yang said: "From the time I leave this room to when I return to the war studio building, the war will begin, and the time for the reunification of the New World."

He put down the microphone, turned around and left the e-sports arena. For a while, the players on the scene were out of mood and watched the live game again, all of which adjusted their perspective to the Black Rose Fortress.

Because everyone is focusing on the game venues, no one noticed that since the start of the various games at 9 o'clock this morning, the Jagged Brotherhood issued a mobilization order, and more than 10 million players have gathered. Outside the city of Black Rose Fortress.

Zhuojiu, White Lion, Xia Yuwei and Kuai Bansheng each led 2 million players, Ayala and Sidder each led 2 million players, the total number reached 12 million.

With so many people gathered, the taxes collected by the Iron-Blooded Brotherhood in a week were instantly consumed. In other words, this war can only last for three days. If Radvedev stops within three days, the Iron-Blooded Brothers The war between the League and the Two-Headed Eagle Guild will have to rest for another week.

However, everyone knows that Radvedev can't stop it!

There are a total of 4 million main players in the Double-Headed Eagle Guild, and nearly 1 million of the lower gods. However, with Radvedev expelling Chekova, more than 400,000 lower gods chose to follow Chekova, and 150 of the 4 million main players Wan main force chose to follow Chekova.

The 600,000 lower gods under them, if they didn’t have a contract, would have followed. The 2.5 million main force did not choose Chekova, just because they paid too much for the guild and didn’t want to just watch the guild die, but they didn’t want to. Fight with Chekova.

Chekova’s contribution to the Double-Headed Eagle Guild is obvious to all. Radvedev is just a villain. Therefore, the result now is that Radvedev is already unable to protect herself.

Although Chekova did not surrender to the Jagged Brotherhood, Stephen's area was resurrected because of their war. Chekova made trouble in the northwest and occupied more than 20 fortresses to stand on its own.

Now Stephen’s remnants threaten the southern part of the first-line area of ​​Wing Forward Fortress. The main force of the Iron-Blood Alliance led by Lu Yang is preparing to attack frontally, which is the Wing Forward Fortress.

At this time, all Jagged Brothers players and affiliated guild players were watching Lu Yang's game. When they saw that Lu Yang had won the championship, they roared and their aura rose to the apex.

At this moment, a burst of light flickered, and Lu Yang appeared in the midair of the Black Rose Fortress. The flying dragon under his seat screamed. Tens of millions of players looked towards the sky at the same time. After seeing Lu Yang, the screams actually broke through. High Point.

The voiced wine roared loudly: "Stand up the battle flag."

The white lion roared: "Stand up the battle flag."

Xia Yuwei roared: "Stand up the battle flag."

Ayala Qingyin said: "Stand up the battle flag."

Hidder roared excitedly: "Set the battle flag."


The first row and the second row of the Jagged Brothers League and the affiliated army were erected at the same time more than 100,000. The ice crown battle flag, all players looked at the flag, and their eyes revealed excitement.

Lu Yang overlooked the ground from a high altitude, and tens of millions of players were densely distributed outside the northwest corner of the Black Rose Fortress. When the current rows of players raised the flags, the corners of his mouth involuntarily drawn an arc.

"Iron Brothers, go forward~!" Lu Yang shouted angrily.

There is no longer any need to endure the previous tribulations like a gas bag, and there will never be a joint attack on the Jagged Brotherhood by the nine strongest guilds.

No one inside dared to unite with outsiders to rebel, and the inside of the strongest guilds were no longer aligned.

Now Sanyou Gate is finished, Steiger is unable to support from the northern part of the New World, Roland is locked by the coalition of Zhou Tianming, Pado and others, and Lu Yang's interior is very stable. Radvedev has There is no chance of resurrection.

Tens of millions of players in the Jagged Brothers League and affiliated guilds also knew this. Following Lu Yang's orders, they stood up excitedly all over, summoned their portable mounts, and moved forward quickly following the battle flag.

At first, they started to move forward slowly, and gradually, after a distance, rows of players controlled the mounts to run.

Seen from high above, like a torrent of steel, it rolled over the two-headed eagle guild position half an hour away from the winger fortress.

The other side.

Radvedev has been dumbfounded. There are too many people sent by Lu Yang to attack. No matter how hard he tries to recruit players, there is Chekova in the northwest. UU reading makes her unable to deal with Lu with all his strength. Yang.

Radvedev didn't expect that after Chekova came to power, the few conditions that Chekova mentioned to him would become a pit to bury him today.

Because so many senior commanders were dismissed, after Chekova hired them back, she deceived Radvedev and said that these people did not trust the guild and did not want to come back just like this. There needs to be a buffer, so Radveje The husband did not sign a strict contract with them.

Not only that, but there are still many people who were later brought in by Chekova, who changed their jobs to a lower **** and did not sign strict contracts, which caused them to withdraw at any time.

Here, Chekova fooled Radvedev. On the other hand, Chekova quietly established a level 5 guild. She also established a field in the border area, which is the area between Liu Jie and Radvedev. fortress.

Radvedev kicked Chekova out with the front foot, and Chekova became such a terrifying force behind.

Now that the Jagged Brotherhood is about to arrive, Radvedev had to let go of his dignity, and full of anger and helplessness, he invited Chekova to the special space, almost saying in an imploring tone: "Can you not Compete with me again, Lu Yang has fought over, and if I lose, you won’t survive."

Chekova looked at Radvedev mockingly, and said: "Lu Yang said, if I help him, after you are finished, he will give you 30% control of the fortress. I think this is in line with me and mine. Brothers’ interests."

Radvedev was speechless. Lu Yang could really do it. Anyway, it’s someone else’s place, so what if he gave it to him. Now Lu Yang has no need for a single soldier, he is restraining one-third of his power. In the northwest region, only one-third of the forces were left to confront the tens of thousands of troops of the Jagged Brotherhood. He didn't know how the game was still played.

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