Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1953: Chekova Retreat

Now that Chekova told him this, Radvedev was not stupid. He knew that Chekova had feelings for the two-headed eagle guild, not only Chekova, but also all the players under her.

After all, these people were once the backbone of the Double-Headed Eagle Guild, and they had paid so much for the Guild, it was impossible to just watch the Guild be wiped out by the Jagged Brotherhood.

What Chekova meant was nothing more than to want the equity of the Double-Headed Eagle Guild, and it was a large piece of equity. If Radvedev wanted to impress Chekova, he had to pay more than 30% of the equity. As for Lu Yang Radvedev doesn't believe that 30% of the area can be given to Chekova.

With the strength of the Jagged Brotherhood today, it is not difficult to forcibly flatten his area. It is completely unnecessary to pay so much for a Chekova.

Unfortunately, he didn’t know that Lu Yang was really willing to give Chikova 30% of the area. As for the reason, Radvedev could not understand it. Fortunately, Radvedev made a correct decision. Said to Chekova: "I bought your guild with 35% of the shares of the double-headed eagle guild. How about this transaction?"

Chekova smiled and said: "Not enough, 40% of the shares, full control of the company, from now on you can only be behind the scenes, absolutely can not fight with me for power."

"How is this possible?" Radvedev said with some irritation, "Then what am I doing playing this game."

Chekova sneered and said: "You can't play anymore now. Change a wave of players in four years. If you want to re-emerge, it will be four years later at the earliest. Moreover, the Internet has memory. What you have done has been completely Lost the trust of the players, if it weren’t for me, you would have had nothing last time."

Radvedev was speechless, but he was still not reconciled, and said: "Change to a way that I can accept. I can't accept this way."

Chekova still did not retreat, and said: "You don't have to accept it. The area you are in is all deserts and prairies. Only in this area under my control can there be mountain roads and no dangers to guard. What do you use to resist Lu Yang, resist the full blow of the Jagged Brotherhood."

Radvedev was speechless, and what he worries most now is this. Why did the nine strongest guilds in the central region unite together when Lu Yang was still in the tiger’s mouth, that is, they have no risk to defend. .

The Central Desert, extending from the G8 region to Radvedev's region, has no natural risks to defend. Therefore, after the nine of them can't tell the outcome, they formed an alliance. This Only then has one family dealt with the Iron-Blooded Brotherhood, and the other eight have come to support it.

Now that Lu Yang is coming over, Radvedev has no natural risks to guard. The only place where there are some mountain roads is still controlled by Chekova.

"Do you really want to watch the double-headed eagle guild be done like this?" Radvedev couldn't help but play bitterly.

Chekova chuckled and said, "All the guilt lies with you. If you give up your rights and take the initiative to bear the guilt, wouldn't these problems be eliminated?"

Radvedev said angrily: "This is the guild I created."

Chekova said, "So you still want me to work for you. When Lu Yang comes, you will use me, and when Lu Yang leaves, you will withdraw me, right?"

Radvedev stopped and said angrily: "I gave you enough money."

Chekova smiled contemptuously and said with some sarcasm: "Do you think everyone is like you, doing everything for money? We have a bottom line and principles."

She deserves to be Radvedev expelling 95% of the management team in order to save money.

Chekova went on to say: "I want 51% of your guild's shares. These shares are not for me alone, but for the brothers who follow me. You agree, we merged and fought together. If you disagree, then Feel free."

Radvedev was taken aback. He originally thought that the shares Chekova wanted were for him, but he didn't expect it to be for her subordinates. If this is the case, Radvedev felt that the guild would still be in his control. In his hands, it's nothing more than wooing people, which he can play better than Chekova.

"Yes, I will give you this share of the company, and your company must be held by all management." Radvedev said.

Chekova understood what Radvedev meant, snorted contemptuously, and said: "Yes, let's sign an electronic contract. My guild itself is your affiliate guild. As long as you add us back, my guild Players on the side can immediately teleport to the wing fortress and work with you to resist the attack of the Jagged Brotherhood."

Radvedev said excitedly: "I can also withdraw all the players deployed to you, now I finally have confidence."

Chekova proudly said: "Lu Yang is just a lot of people, but in terms of fighting will, he is no better than us. I will mobilize all the forces that can be mobilized to fight against the Jagged Brothers. I will block them from the wing fortress. outside."

Radvedev nodded in satisfaction, and the two quickly drafted the contract. In fact, several legal advisers on both sides had been waiting at any time. They all knew that they could only fight Lu Yang together. If they were separated, they were all looking for death.

The contract was reviewed in only 20 minutes. After confirming that there was no problem, the two parties quickly signed the name. After the upload was completed and the official review was passed, Radvedev excitedly sent an invitation to Chekova’s guild. UU reading

Chekova quickly clicked to agree, and the two guilds merged into one guild, and all the players of the Double-Headed Eagle Guild and Chekova Guild also saw the system prompt for the first time.

"Ula, we have become a union again."

"No need to kill each other, my brothers."

"We fend off the Jagged Brotherhood together."



Amidst cheers, Chekova teleported back to the winger fortress. When she and Radvedev appeared in the front position together, the players burst into more enthusiastic cheers.

Radvedev resisted his unhappiness, smiled and said to Chekova: "My friend, you are welcome back. Now is the time for you to take over the double-headed eagle guild again. I will withdraw and you will command everything. ."


"Chekova commands us to win."



In the cheers of millions of two-headed eagle guild players, among the face smiles of Radvedev and his **** confidants, Chekova suddenly said loudly: "Brothers and sisters of the two-headed eagle guild, now I I have taken over the guild again, do you follow my command?"


Everyone shouted loudly, it was because of the depression brought to them by the Jagged Brotherhood in the past week.

Chekova nodded in satisfaction, shouting on the megaphone while typing on the guild channel, saying: "Since you all listen to my orders, I will issue the first order now."

Radvedev waited expectantly for Chekova to tell her that she would try her best to stop the Jagged Brotherhood. However, Chekova exclaimed: "Now everyone listens to my orders, all retreat to Mount Aral. Fortress, we are behind the fortress, fighting to the death with the iron brothers."

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