Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1966: Lu Yang sees through Chekova's strategy

Another piece of light disappeared from the top of Thunder Mountain. Lu Yang continued to fly. Before flying to the next place, Zhou Tianming, who was guarding the Rainbow Fortress, called a video call and said, "Boss, there is a news that I don't understand."

Lu Yang was happy and said, "There are things you don't understand. Tell me, the boss will help you analyze it."

Zhou Tianming said: "Chekova’s general who defended the Aral Mountain, Papanoev, wanted to surrender and exchanged Aral Mountain for our 10 million U.S. dollars in cash. I feel this is a scam, but I can’t be sure. If not, we have missed a good opportunity."

If it's someone else, Lu Yang can't go to the top yet, but Papanoev and Lu Yang can pack a ticket. This person is definitely a fraud.

"Papanoev is absolutely impossible to surrender. He is a loyal supporter or suitor of Chekova. Although others don’t know it, our spy has already drank with Papanoev in reality. , This old boy said it himself." Lu Yang said with a smile.

Zhou Tianming couldn't help but smile, and said, "Is Chekova already full of loopholes?"

Lu Yang said: "Our current intelligence agencies have penetrated very deeply. The key problem is that it is not that we are too strong, but that the enemy is too weak. After so many years of fighting, when we become stronger, the enemy will naturally weaken. Don’t take them too seriously. Tell Papanoev that he will not accept his surrender. See you on the battlefield half a year later."

It was half a year, but Lu Yang's real idea was that after two months, the year was over and everyone was in school.

In the past, Lu Yang wanted to fight on holidays, but now he wants to fight during his working hours, because he has 6 million standing players and can participate in the war at any time, but Chekova and Steiger can't.

Another thing that can be done is Liu Jie. I can’t believe that the African brothers have such a low demand for food that Liu Jie can lead a large number of players into the battle at any time.

However, Liu Jie hasn’t gotten over now. At least before he gets over, Chekova will definitely die. If he doesn’t kill him, it is very likely that Chekova will lead the main force south during the battle between Lu Yang and Liu Jie. Winger Fortress.

With Chekova's strength in the former Radvedev area, this is not impossible, so Lu Yang needs to strangle him in the bud first.

After hanging up the phone here, Lu Yang continued to the third area, and when he came to the sacrificial platform, he saw a pair of gloves on it, and then he flew to the fourth area. At the same time, Lu Yang took it out in a leisurely manner. The call was made to Chekova.


Chekova was waiting for Papanoyev’s news. As a result, Lu Yang called first, which made Chekova feel bad. She pressed the call button and asked: "You call me Why do you want to instigate me?"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Little girl, I'm here to tell you, don't think about using this clumsy technique to slow down my attack on you, how could I believe that Papanoyev betrayed you, don't With this kind of bad trick, you still think about when to surrender and how to surrender decently."

Chekova thundered and tried to pretend, but found that it didn't make any sense, and said angrily, "Isn't it just that the plan has failed? It seems like you haven't failed."

Lu Yang said: "The key problem is that there is too much difference between our strengths, and Steiger may surrender me at any time. Instead of trusting Papanoev, I might as well pay two or three billion dollars to Steiger. Pull it over, it’s a smooth road to enter your area from him, and the same is true for entering Liu Jie’s area."

He was indeed trying to win Steiger. After all, Lu Yang and Steiger did not have a deep hatred. They didn’t need to persecute each other to death or death. Steiger was also hesitating. Of course, this was Lu Yang’s most terrifying trick. .

The longer Steiger hesitates, the more dangerous he becomes. Although he also knows this, he can’t make up his mind now. If he surrenders to Lu Yang, he will be despised by the entire foreign player circle, but he does not surrender. It's a dead end.

In the same way, under Steiger's hesitation, Liu Jie and Chikova were also in a state of panic. At this time, they were easy to do stupid things. For example, the two attacked Steiger together and killed him first. Up.

Since ancient times, there have been many examples of wars like this. People know that they shouldn't do it, and they don't care about so many suspicious circumstances.

Lu Yang's current spies mainly do things, on the one hand, to instigate rebellion from Steiger's subordinates, and on the other hand, to announce the news that Steiger may surrender to the Jagged Brotherhood at any time in the area where Liu Jie and Chekova are located.

Chekova knew the news very well, and she knew better that most of the news came from Lu Yang, but she was scared in her heart. She hadn't slept well for nearly 20 years. Every time she went to bed, They all dreamed of Steiger surrendering, and tens of millions of players from the Jagged Brothers League poured into the area under his control from the Steiger area.

She desperately wants to put more players on Steiger’s defense, but now she lacks money and people, and is unable to cope with the battle on both sides. UU reading www.uukā can defend Mount Aral. It's her full effort.

Chekova yelled at Lu Yang in anger and anger: "What is your ability to bully a weak girl, we are all like this, you still don't let us go."

Lu Yang smiled and said to Chekova himself: "You are not a weak woman now. You are now officially replacing Radvedev and become the president of the Double-Headed Eagle Guild. You are my enemy, not weak. Woman, when did I show affection to the enemy?"

Chekova hung up directly.

Lu Yang smiled. From now on, he will strike Chekova in all directions until their guild is dissolved.

He hung up the phone and continued to fly forward. After half an hour, he had already seen the fourth sacrificial platform in the distance. He reached a distance of 100 meters and raised his hand to hit the scepter on it.

System prompt: Thunder Mountain ban is lifted!

The super strong thunder and lightning disappeared from the top of the mountain. There was no thunderstorm or the shackles of the thunderbolt collar. The excitement roar of the slave fighters of Kieda came from the whole mountain range. After imprisonment for unknown years, they finally Liberated.

"Follow me to attack and kill the **** who imprison us." I don't know who roared first. The Chieda warriors on the entire Thunder Mountain raised their hammers and rushed towards the Thunder Palace deep in the mountains.

These Kieda fighters all know the space jumping skills, faster than Lu Yang flying in the air. When Lu Yang came near the Thunder Palace, the two sides had already fought together.

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