Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1967: Siskin behind

Thunder Palace.

Drektal, one of the twelve main gods under the seat of the Thunder King Kalmas, was not in the temple at this time.

At this time of the year, the Thunder King Kalmas will summon his men to host the annual King of Gods Dinner, which is actually the annual summary meeting.

The settings in the game are very interesting. Each **** king has its own characteristics. Fengshen is a conspirator who intends to kill all other main gods. Vulcan is also a conspirator who intends to steal the essence of the planet to enhance his understanding of the universe. Become stronger.

What the tree **** loves most is to sprinkle his seeds everywhere in the new world, and let his old trees unlock wisdom.

As for Thor, this is a main **** who likes meetings very much. It usually meets in the Palace of the Kings every day. There is also a small meeting at the main **** level inside the temple once a week. There is a meeting of all main gods under Thor once a month. Wait until the end of the year. To hold another year-end summary meeting.

Therefore, now there is only one pinnacle high-ranking **** under the management of Thunder Mountain, and the other two are led by the main **** to the meeting, and the remaining one is also grumpy.

"Damn it, isn't it just because I didn't give gifts to leave me here, bullying me was promoted from an ordinary lower god, without personal connections, no background, and not even giving me the opportunity to meet the **** king once a year. I won't just stop like this." Presley, the top **** of the Thunder Element, was furious in the temple.

Even when Lu Yang broke the thunder system restriction, the vision in the Thunder God Temple reminded him that he didn't notice it. He didn't realize it until the roar of the slave fighters of Kieda. He just walked out and was about to scold him, only to find that the slaves of Kieda had rebelled. Up.

"Damn, I want to put you all to death, thunderbolt collar." Presley took out a hammer to summon thunderbolt, but found that although thunderbolt can be summoned, it has no effect on the collars of all Kieda fighters. See, I was horrified to find that Thor's prohibition had been destroyed.

"Thor's warrior, follow me to attack, extinguish the rebellion, and kill these stupid Chieda slaves." Presley rushed forward with a roar.

Presley's appearance is similar to humans, except that his body is blue, he is more than 10 meters tall, has a tail behind him, and two bends on his head.

The Thunder Guardian under him is also the same, but smaller than Presley, only about 5 meters.

"Roar!" Wearing silver armor and holding a warhammer, the Thunder Guardian rushed towards the Kieda slave warriors who also held the warhammer. There are more than 2,000 of them. Although there are fewer than Kieda slave warriors, they are stronger. .

While the two sides were fighting together, Presley was looking for the leader of the Chieda slave warrior in the crowd. The leader of the Chieda slave warrior was a peak mid-level **** named Manu. He was also looking for the leader of the slave warrior. Lesley.

Soon, both sides saw each other.

"Manu, I'm going to kill you." Presley knew he had defeated Manu, and the rebellion was over.

Manu showed a furious expression. He hadn't had such a fun battle for a long time, and rushed towards Presley with a roar, and the two quickly fought together.

Although Manu is not as strong as Presley, the time and space of the Kieda fighters make Manu rarely hurt.

As a middle god, Manu has been able to control the characteristics of the surrounding space at any time. Although it cannot be used to destroy the enemy, it can dissolve Presley's lightning attacks.

Lu Yang was now hiding in the distance watching the confrontation between Presley and Manu. Presley was like a **** of thunder, surrounded by gold and purple thunder and lightning, and every attack could take 50 meters away. The golden light hit the range within.

Manu's attacking moves were not as cool as Presley, but his entire body collapsed. No matter how Presley's lightning attacked, every lightning bolt fell on the collapsed area of ​​the space and disappeared.

"Manu, I want to see how long you can hold on to the collapse of time and space." Presley roared with thunder and lightning while mocking Manu.

Manu didn’t speak, he was waiting for Lu Yang’s attack. The two had already discussed it. Although he could not hold on for long, as long as he held on for a while, Lu Yang would attack. Then he could betray Lu Yang. , Let Lu Yang take Presley's strongest blow for him, and he took the opportunity to sneak attack and kill Presley.

Thinking of this, Manu continued to attack, but he and Presley played for a full 10 minutes. When Manu's supernatural power was almost exhausted, he found that Lu Yang had not appeared yet, which made him panic. He felt that he might have been fooled.

"Human, where are you, I can't hold on anymore." Manu roared out directly.

Presley was taken aback, then sneered, and said with a big laugh: "Stupid Manu, do you think I will be fooled? How could humans go to Thunder Mountain, this is Thunder Mountain, you want to lie to me, give I will die."

Manu used the remaining divine power to create a space collapse, avoiding Presley's hammer, and said excitedly: "It's really a human coming up."

Presley looked to the left and right, laughed and said, "Where is anyone, you can't lie to me."

Manu was anxious, he almost couldn't hold on, and said quickly: "If it weren't for him, how could our Chieda fighters not be controlled by the lightning collar."

"You must have used other methods, you filthy aggressor race, you deserve to die." Presley didn't listen to Manu at all.

Lu Yang hid and watched, he guessed that it was the result. The official guide explained that Presley's wisdom is limited and only recognizes what he sees. He doesn't care about other things at all. He uses a hammer to solve everything. .

Manu explained desperately, but the more he was like this, the more Presley thought Manu wanted to lie to him, and UU reading attacked more violently.

"Die to me." Presley launched a full blow, a fifteen-meter-long giant sledgehammer, he rounded the background, and smashed it down with a strong golden electric light.

Manu's supernatural power was exhausted in an instant, and he couldn't even use his big moves, so he could only do his best to resist with the 5-meter hammer in his hand.


The two hammers hit each other, and Manu was knocked out like a broken kite. Originally, Manu wanted to use Presley’s attack to escape, but he didn’t expect Presley to appear beside him in the blink of an eye .

"I want to run, I will kill you." The 15-meter sledgehammer in Presley's hand slammed Manu's body frantically. This time Manu couldn't run away, and he was hit continuously.

The first one was hit on the rock of Thunder Mountain, the second one was smashed into the rock, the third one was Manu's body shattered, and the fourth one was destroyed, exploding a bunch of objects.

"Roar! I won." Presley raised his hammer excitedly and laughed to the sky, but at this moment, Lu Yang appeared behind Presley with a golden light, and Presley reacted. At the same time chant the spell.

"Sleep God Stone Tablet"

Two golden chains broke through the void and quickly trapped on Presley's body. Presley's hammer was already on the verge of Lu Yang's front door, but it was firmly bound by the chains. The next moment, Presley disappeared in place. , Entered Lu Yang's Demon God's space, and was firmly locked on top of the Sleeping God Stone by the two bull gods.

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