Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1978: Please fight

Lu Yang guessed that there would be such a problem. He had already discussed with Qi Yun and other professionals, and said, "I will not let my brothers do it for nothing. Today I am holding this press conference for this matter. , I want to tell everyone in the world that within the scope of my Lu Yang ability, I will not treat any brother badly. We will take care of them for the rest of their lives." Another reporter followed up with a question: "How are you? Manage?” Lu Yang said, “The first thing, isn’t everyone concerned about food safety now? In the future, the Jagged Brotherhood will open up breeding farms, planting fields, and fruit bases. If retired players want to do this, I’ll do it. Money training allows them to work in my management area, and I will raise them until they are old." "The second thing is that those who are unwilling to do agriculture, and light industry, will gradually appear in the development zone in the future. Come here if you want to do it. I will re-create a brand with the Jagged Brotherhood as the center." A reporter couldn't help but stood up and interrupted Lu Yang, saying, "Sir, these words of yours are a bit whimsical and unrealistic. , 1 million people, how can you manage it, and more people will come in the future, do you have to manage it?" Lu Yang smiled and said, "Why can't you manage it? Wal-Mart has more than 200 in the world. Ten thousand employees, a certain star group covers all businesses in their country. I hope Jagged Brothers can become this kind of enterprise. From now on, I will gradually let the company cover all industries, with Donghai City as the radiation, and gradually spread to the country and even the world. "The reporters were a little dazed. They just wanted to make things difficult for Lu Yang, but they didn't expect Lu Yang to hear such a breaking news that Lu Yang wanted to develop the entire industry. A group of reporters whispered to each other, and they were all calculating accounts for Lu Yang. Although they didn't know the specific assets of the Jagged Brotherhood, they knew how much money Lu Yang made through the fortress and farming in the game. The monthly income of these two items alone is enough for Lu Yang to quickly build a light textile factory in a short period of time. From spinning to garment making, they have all thought about the brand for Lu Yang-Jagged Brothers, clothes The pattern of, pants and shoes is the guild badge of the Jagged Brotherhood. A female reporter looked at Lu Yang in amazement, but she asked with emotion and incredulous: "President Lu Yang, why are you doing this? You don’t owe them anything, you have given them so much money. "After several wars, Lu Yang spent more than 100 billion euros in cash. Adding medicines, materials, equipment, and gems, it’s impossible to count them. They just made things difficult for Lu Yang, but if Lu Yang said these things, they There is nothing to say, only that Lu Yang is a bit rich and unkind. Lu Yang smiled and looked at the female reporter, and said, "China has an old saying that if you are poor you are good for your own sake, and if you are rich, you will benefit the world. I can have today. If all the brothers hold out, I can do it for them. What? In addition, there is another news to tell you that in the city opposite the new district, the house price there is still two thousand yuan. I have bought all the land there. On the one hand, it is used as a welfare house. On the other hand, I want The factory building." There was an uproar in the audience. No one thought that Lu Yang was so efficient. For a while, he didn't know what to say. Lu Yang saw that they had nothing to say, let the black knife open the way, left the scene, and returned to the game. In the game, the players of the Jagged Brotherhood had already exploded. Guild Channel "Brothers, the boss has found a job for us, and we can live the rest of our lives in peace." "Thank you, boss, I am a pig farmer, and I also raise pigs in a modern way. If you can eat my assured pork, everyone must rest assured." "I can't do anything, go to the factory to work, and everything depends on the boss's arrangements."...Looking at their chat, Lu Yang finally let go of a big rock in his heart. As long as these brothers have a good life, his heart will be truly settled. He doesn't care about money himself, just to avenge his last life, and step by step development has become like this. Now his life is not only revenge, but also responsibility. Millions of brothers followed him from birth to death, and others can't fight for your youth for you, without even a good result. These new business projects must be losing money, but he can afford to lose it, and while he has money, he should let his brothers practice his hands. Even if these companies become yellow in the future, these brothers will all succeed and go to other companies. No need to start as an apprentice. With this idea in mind, the Jagged Brotherhood has begun a new round of pioneering development, and the players in the guild who are preparing to retire have also entered their final crazy stage. UU reading www.uukanshu. com please fight! "Brothers, the boss was very interesting to us. Our brothers left the game. Which one didn't leave with hundreds of thousands of cash. Now we have found jobs for us in old Dalian. We definitely can't just leave like this." "Agree, fight the last battle, stand the last squad, the frontal attack of Mount Yarra is handed over to our brothers." "We are responsible for the frontal attack on Mount Yarra and kill Chekova." "Please fight!"... …Lu Yang watched the shouts of the players on the Guild Channel, his eyes moistened again. His own brothers were all brothers who followed him from a very weak time. Sure enough, they were the most willing to give. Lu Yang also knew that it was time for the final battle against Chekova and others, but he still needed half a month. "The decisive battle is scheduled for half a month. Please be prepared for all brothers and sisters. This will be the most difficult battle for us." Lu Yang said on the guild channel. Compared with any previous battle, there is no difficulty in this battle. On the one hand, the Jagged Brothers has never fought such a fortified battle. On the other hand, this time is a game that only players of lower gods and above can participate In the war, the rest were not even qualified to participate. Therefore, the number of players that can actually participate in the battle of the Jagged Brothers will not exceed 6 million. Some of them will defend Liu Jie at the Heavenly Sword Fortress, and some will defend Steiger at the Hundred Flowers Fortress, and will eventually be able to participate in the Battle of Mount Yalar. The number of players is only about 3 million. The vice presidents such as Zhuojiu and Baishi immediately began preparations, and the millions of people in the entire Jagged Brotherhood began to take action in an orderly manner. The other side. Chekova, Liu Jie, and Steiger were dumbfounded. They thought that Lu Yang’s offensive would take half a year later, or even more time later, but they didn’t expect that Lu Yang would dare to wage war so long in advance. I don’t even care about my backyard.

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