Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1979: Veteran charge

Inside a special space. Chekova quickly found Steiger and Liu Jie. Now they are grasshoppers tied to a rope. Whoever dies, the other two can't survive. Facing Lu Yang's attack, the three of them frowned. Chikova first said: "I need your two's support. We must defeat this attack of the Jagged Brotherhood." Liu Jie looked at Chiko. Baby, during this period of time, although the relationship between him and Steiger and Chekova is very close, the three of them still guard against each other, especially Steiger’s sudden surrender, which caused them to be very Uncomfortable. The second point is that the three of them do not belong to each other. In terms of defensive capabilities, Liu Jie does not know Chekova’s true defensive capabilities. Even if he arranges a spy, the position of the spy is not high and he knows about this matter. Too little. One last point, Chekova is very uncomfortable now. She herself is messed up internally. The former Radvedev’s old ministry has been framing Chekova as a traitor sent in by Lu Yang, causing them to split internally. "Tell me, if Lu Yang comes to beat you, how long can you hold on?" Liu Jie asked. Steiger also looked at Chekova, with the same question, and said: "This time Lu Yang is attacking your position, the two of us are not very threatened. Both of us should be able to send troops to help you." Chekova is sincere. I hope the two can help her, but she is even more worried that Steiger is not helping, but helping Lu Yang to open the fortress of Mount Yalar. Therefore, the best way is to defend Mount Yalar alone. "Let’s put it this way, they will never be able to defeat the Yalar Fortress frontally. What is difficult is the mountains on both sides of the Yalar Fortress. Although they are steep and steep, Lu Yang will definitely attack here. I can hold on for a month at most. More time, I can’t hold on.” Chekova said. Liu Jie and Steiger looked at each other, and both were surprised. Steiger said: "If you can hold on for a month, Lu Yang will definitely withdraw." Chekova shook her head and said, "What I mean. I’m not worried about Lu Yang coming up for a month, but my capital chain will be broken, and my guild will be bankrupt and liquidated. Therefore, I need the cash support of the two of you." Liu Jie said, "I will earn money recently. I have a lot of money, and I can give you support." There was no war with Steiger. The things he fought in the vast northern area were sold clean in the Tianyu God City, and he made a lot of cash. The same was true for Steiger. Although the two did not make as much money as Lu Yang, they made a lot of money by spreading out the farm and fighting monsters in the wild. "I can also support a part." Steiger said. Chekova showed a triumphant expression, and said, "As long as we have enough money, Lu Yang can't fight in. After all, this is a battle between the lower gods and the middle gods, and no one else has the right to intervene, Lu It’s useless to have a lot of people, and I’m defending the rugged Yalar Mountains. Lu Yang lost this time.” Steiger and Liu Jie didn’t fully believe in Chekova, they still looked worried, but now They couldn't help it. Steiger definitely didn't dare to send troops to fight the Hundred Flowers Fortress, and Liu Jie did not dare to fight the Heavenly Sword Fortress. The point of breaking the game was here in Mount Yarra. Lu Yang also had the same idea. After deciding on his war strategy, he would spend the next half a month nesting in Lake Kebi to fight monsters to obtain sea dragon eggs. He didn't want to stay here, but the Temple of Water was in the northwest region of the New World. In the cold sky, he had this letter but couldn't make it through, so he could only kill Chekova. Han Tianhai. At present, the main developer is Chekova, which is also the only capital for Chekova to lead the two-headed eagle guild to participate in the fight with the Jagged Brotherhood. Thousands of kilometers behind Mount Aral is an area where the temperature is below 0 degrees all year round. There is an endless sea, and all creatures entering the sea will feel the extremely cold temperature. The actual area of ​​this sea area is hundreds of times larger than that of the lava sea. It can be said that three-quarters of the New World is the Hantian Sea, and the other quarter is the New World. The reason why Lu Yang wanted to kill Chekova first was also here. Only by breaking the path of Chekova, Liu Jie, and Steiger hiding westward into the cold sky can they have a chance to eliminate them. In fact, the northernmost part of the New World, which is the area where Liu Jie is located, also has a sea area, but there is the Arctic area, which has been frozen for thousands of years. What Lu Yang is most worried about now is that Liu Jie will escape into the Arctic region after his defeat. The 300,000 arrogant Moon Shadow Wolf scavenge in the Arctic region. On the one hand, he is looking for the fortress where Liu Jie can sneak into the Arctic region. Liu Jie opened up more fortresses in the Arctic region. Now it seems that the time is almost ripe. After two weeks of killing monsters in Kebi Lake, I got more than 10,000 sea dragon eggs, and 10,000 little spiders under Lu Yang, namely Li Mao and Tao Fei. The members of the sister group all possessed the transformation ability of the Sea Dragon Demon, which was enough to support them to enter the opposite area through Lake Kerby. Because Lake Kebi is the lake where the middle **** is located, things that become below the **** level cannot last for too long here, but the sea dragon demon state can always exist. Here, the sea dragon demon sneaked in, and on the other side, all the lower **** players under Lu Yang gathered together and began their war preparations. More than 600 lower **** players were gathered by Lu Yang, of which 1 million guarded the Chiefs Fortress, 2 million guarded the Hundred Flowers Fortress, and the remaining 3 million people gathered in the first-line area of ​​the Yalar Mountain Fortress. Lu Yang stood under the Yalar Mountain Fortress, looking at the steep and lofty mountains, UU reading www.'s face was extremely solemn, and Chekova had nearly 1 million lower gods under him, attacking from top to bottom in dangerous positions throughout the mountains, and they had the advantage. In this attack, Lu Yang didn't have much to attack the scrolls of the lower gods, and he obeyed the advice of his brothers and didn't use scrolls. It wasn't that Lu Yang didn't want to use it, but that he couldn't use it now. In order to wipe out the enemy in the final battle, Lu Yang could only pretend that he hadn't hit the scrolls, and used the players to pile up the victory of the war. However, when Lu Yang was worried, on the other side, the 1.3 million “old pawns” and the 1.3 million old players were standing in front of the battle. Everyone’s faces were full of smiles, and they didn’t do anything. I am worried about the cruelty of this war. They really don't worry, because of the other 2.7 million people standing behind them, half of them are their nephews, cousins, or cousins, as well as young comrades brought out by them. There are successors in the Jagged Brotherhood, they left peace of mind, and it is their glory to be able to perform the last performance in front of their descendants. "Brothers, when we are on the court, we should let the children know how difficult it is for us to follow the boss of Lu Yang to lay down this country." "We want them to see what is meant by giving and what is meant by not Please in return, what is meant by brotherhood and comradeship." "Brothers, follow me and tell our descendants that the Jagged Brotherhood can go to this day not only by equipment, skills, and numbers, but also by brotherhood. It’s the last performance, brothers, don’t lose the chain. For the last time, I worked hard for the boss in the game, and used the courage of the year. Iron-blooded brotherhood, kill~!" "Kill~!" Over 1.3 million iron-blooded brothers The old players of the League who are about to quit the game launched the last battle of their gaming life towards various areas of Mount Yarra.

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