Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2389: 1 person arrives at 0 army

The second-order soul eaters themselves have no IQ, they are just a group of stupid creatures who kill according to their instinctive reactions.

The world around them suddenly turned into a red fog that filled the sky. They didn't care what was special about the fog, and they still attacked the front madly, where they could smell the smell of human flesh.

The killing intent brought by the hundreds of thousands of Soul Eaters is absorbed by the red mist every second. The red mist is madly split and combined, as if it is a female beast. formed in.

"Bibi who killed more." Xiao Liang looked at Liang Yun next to him, his skin had turned crimson, and his strong muscles made him look like steel.

"Okay, let's see who kills the most." Liang Yun raised his eyebrows, jumped, and jumped 400 meters to Xiao Liang's side.

"Let's compare." Zong Fei, Hu Lin and others also jumped into the distance in excitement.

The attack radius of Mist Slash is 200 meters, so the distance between them is 400 meters. After lining up in a row, there is no dead angle within 4 kilometers in front of them, and the charge width of Soul Eater is only About four kilometers.

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A roar sounded from right in front of Xiao Liang, and a large number of second-order peak soul eaters had rushed to 50 meters in front of him. At this distance, Xiao Liang could already see their faces clearly.

A soul eater with a height of two meters, bronze-colored muscles all over his body, no eyes but whites in his eyes, his arms have evolved into claws as sharp as a sickle, and when his limbs run forward, he can span a distance of 10 meters in one step.

Xiao Liang looked at the group of Soul Eaters rushing towards him, without the slightest fear on his face, he just let out a low growl.


In an instant, with Xiao Liang as the center, within a range of 400 meters, tens of thousands of red lights flickered wildly. The second-order peak Soul Eater closest to Xiao Liang was cut into more than 20 segments by the red light in the blink of an eye.

The Tier 3 Soul Eater who followed behind only lasted 3 seconds longer than the Tier 2 Soul Eater, and his body couldn't bear it and fell to the ground in pieces.

The three lords hidden in the first batch of Soul Eaters originally thought of attacking the strong human beings, but in an instant, their bodies only lasted 3 seconds longer than the third-order, and they fell to the ground in pieces.


The blood splashed on the ground and in the air, and the disgusting smell of blood was the most exciting thing for the Red Mist warriors. Xiao Liang, Liang Yun and the others could not control their bodies at almost the same time. Crazy forward to attack.

Lu Yang looked up in the sky, as if he saw ten red lightning flashes across the army of Soul Eater, and then, whether it was a spirit-level or a lord-level, they all fell apart and died on the ground.

"Too strong." Lu Yang said excitedly.

The Blazing Demon God laughed and said, "I recommend it well. The more people there are, the stronger the strength, the greater the killing intent, and the more terrifying their abilities. This is a group of strong men who do not use their own strength as the criterion to kill people. The only pity The thing is, they can only work against a large number of enemies, and the fewer the enemies, the less capable they are."

Lu Yang sighed and said, "Okay, it's enough to have such strength. Let's leave it alone. Have you found the hiding places of the three kings?"

The Blazing Demon God said: "How can you hide from me, you must kill them, the strength of these three king-rank powerhouses is hard instilled, it seems that the aptitude of these three people is not low, otherwise they will not be able to instill such a strong strength, Now they are on their way to the city of the dead in stealth, follow me."

Lu Yang nodded, and flew over quickly in the direction indicated by the Blazing Demon God. At this time, he had completely figured out the weaknesses of the king-rank powerhouse who had been instilled with strength.

Different from Lu Yang and the others, who rely on their own cultivation to cultivate the king rank, who are purely infused with powerful energy, but the magic power in the body has reached the king rank, but the combat skills and battlefield awareness are far from the level they should be.

This is like playing a game. He has trained to a level 100 account and bought a level 100 account by a novice. Even if the account he bought is stronger, he doesn't know how to perfectly utilize the strength of a level 100 account.

On the contrary, the one who has trained to level 100 can maximize his own advantages, and at the same time he can avoid his own weaknesses, especially in the face of this kind of waste who buys accounts, killing them is almost no different from cruelty.

The three kings also discovered their own weaknesses. Before they fought, they all used the magic power in their bodies to madly output, but Lu Yang didn't fight them head-on at all. The battle just now was like this. They thought they would trap Lu Yang with a barrier. Unexpectedly, it was a clone that was trapped.

Just when they were careless, Lu Yang sneaked a sneak attack from behind, killing the eldest among them. Now there are four of them left. Facing Lu Yang's elusive fighting skills, they all felt fear in their hearts and dared not fight head-on.

On the ground five kilometers in front of Death City.

The three king-rank powerhouses cautiously approached the city wall, and the one walking in the middle whispered, "Lu Yang didn't chase after him."

"Don't worry, we just shouted from three directions, how could he find out." Wang Jie on the left said.

"Hey, when we return to the city of death, Lu Yang will never dare to approach, and we will be safe." Wang Jie on the right said.

Inside the city of death is the residence of the undead god. In that temple, there is the undead **** they worship. The three kings absolutely do not believe that Lu Yang can beat their god. Unfortunately, the voice just fell, and the top of the head A pair of giant hammers fell.

"The traitor who betrayed mankind, give me death~!" Lu Yang quickly fell from the air, and the two Vulcan bird warhammers smashed towards the heads of the two king steps.

The one on the left couldn't dodge, and raised the king's step on the right to block the hammer. Immediately, the body of the king-rank powerhouse who was used as a shield was smashed and disappeared with Lu Yang's body. The remaining two king steps quickly looked to the left and right. Not good at combat skills, close combat is like courting death, and the two souls are scared to fly.

"I'm on your side~!" Lu Yang appeared like a ghost with flames burning all over his body, and shattered the head of a king rank with another hammer.

The last remaining Wang Jie thought he had found Lu Yang's flaw, and a black light shot out from his body, shouting: "Netherworld Slash~!"

"Void Pendant"

Lu Yang's body hid into the void, and the next second, he showed his figure, and there was a slight delay after the strong Wang Jie released the Nether Slash. Lu Yang took a step forward and hit Wang Jie's head with a hammer, knocking the last one out. The head of the king-level strong man was shattered.

"I still want to destroy humanity with this little strength~!" Lu Yang sneered and put away his double hammers. These kings didn't even have armor, and they couldn't hold a hammer when they were close to them. They were complete waste.

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