Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2390: singled out the next god

"There's still a lower-level **** left in it. Are you really ready to challenge him?" Blazing Demon God flew out a fire from Lu Yang's body, turned into a big head, and asked Lu Yang.

When he came to this land of death, the Blazing Demon God sensed the existence of four king steps. Therefore, when the first king step tricked Lu Yang into flying up in the air, Lu Yang would replace him with a clone. In fact, he Fly to the distance with the stealth scepter.

Now that all the powerful kings on the undead side are dead, Lu Yang doesn't need to intervene in the battle outside, he just needs to find a way to kill the lower **** inside.

Lu Yang let out a breath and said with a smile, "Since that lunatic can't fully control his body, then I have the confidence to kill him."

The king rank whose memory was stolen by Lu Yang before, the undead lower **** in his mind, was completely unable to control his body and could only do things by instinct. Although the remaining half of his soul was awake, the Blazing Demon God could analyze and instill it. With seven king ranks and so many lords, it is estimated that half of the soul has no ability, so Lu Yang is just facing a crazy lower god.

Although Lu Yang is a king now, the weapon in his hand and the armor on his body are all of the lower **** level, and a heavy blow on the lower **** can also cause damage.

What's more, there are many kinds of treasures on Lu Yang's body, Void Shield, Void Amulet, Invisible Scepter, Clone Fire Seed, Demon's Eye, etc., each of which is not ordinary, enough for him to deal with this inferior **** who only relies on instinct and has no sanity. .


Lu Yang jumped into the air, turned into an undead bird, and flew into the city wall of the undead city, but as soon as he entered, a black light emerged from the whole undead city, like a mask, covering the entire city of undead. cover.

"You're finally here, I've been waiting for you for a long time~!" An eerie voice sounded from all directions.

Lu Yang frowned and looked around, but he couldn't find the source of the sound, and asked, "It's the necromantic circle again? Isn't it ashamed that a lower **** should use such a trick to deal with me?"

"Bastard~!" The voice hit the sore spot, and a black shadow gradually formed in the air. Finally, it transformed into a three-meter-high skeleton phantom. He stared at Lu Yang and said, "Should I call you Lu Yang? Or should I call you Blazing Demon God?"

Lu Yang smiled. He sensed that this phantom had no strength, and said, "As you wish, whoever you think I am, I am who I am."

"The Blazing Demon God! Sure enough, it's you~!" Xu Ying's excited body trembled, and then he calmed down abruptly, bowed respectfully to Lu Yang, and said, "Introduce myself, I'm the undead God King. Baal, the lower **** under Noyce, it is my honor to see you."

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by both Android and Apple. 】

The Blazing Demon God said to Lu Yang in his consciousness: "You talk to him about this idiot. I'm too lazy to pay attention to him. A lower-level **** is actually arguing with me."

Lu Yang knew how disgusting the Demon God of Blazing Flame was at this time. It was just like the shrimp play at Longyou Shoal. In the eyes of Demon God of Blazing Flame, he was a little shrimp, and now he made it clear that he was going to kill him, and he also played with him. .

Lu Yang pretended to be a Blazing Demon God and asked arrogantly, "Do you think you can kill me now?"

"Of course not." Barr was very sincere, but he pointed to the bottom and said: "My half soul can't kill you, but the body controlled by my other half soul can kill you. With your current strength at the peak of the king rank, It is not the opponent of my lower **** body at all, so I specially arranged this barrier, waiting for you to get in by yourself, and sure enough, you are here, so don’t blame me for eating your body.”

In the wild laughter, Baal's phantom dissipated out of thin air. At the same time, a palace in the middle of the city of the dead suddenly exploded, and a strong skeleton 10 meters tall, holding a giant scepter, and wearing silver armor all came out of the smoke. He jumped up and smashed his scepter towards Lu Yang's body.

Lu Yang flapped his wings to increase the flight distance, followed by the opening of the third eye on his forehead, and a blue laser as thick as a thumb shot out.

The strong skeleton is the body controlled by the other half of Baal's soul. Although he is crazy, his reaction speed is not slow. A shield formed of black light appears in front of him. The blue-white laser hits the black light shield and disappears without a sound. The flames didn't splash.

"As expected of a lower god." Lu Yang flapped his wings and leaped forward more than 500 meters in the blink of an eye, easily dodging the skeleton's attack.

The mad low-level **** did not expect that this blow would not hit, and suddenly black rays of light appeared from his furious body, aiming at Lu Yang's back, and dozens of black rays came quickly.

Lu Yang didn't dare to take it hard, he dodged and avoided. He had discussed with the Blazing Demon God before. In terms of Wang Jie's body, any attack from a lower **** would cause serious injury to him, so Lu Yang chose to avoid it.

The form of the phoenix is ​​Lu Yang's greatest advantage, even if it is the lower **** of wind, the speed is only the same, and the lower **** of madness is the undead type, they are not good at speed, as long as Lu Yang avoids fast, they can consume the opponent's energy.

The mad low-level **** does not know how to plan the use of the magic power in the body. As long as he sees that the enemy is not dead, he will continue to use stronger attack methods.

He was dodged by Lu Yang twice in a row. In the eyes of a mad low-level god, the ant of UU Reading Lu Yang made him even more annoyed, so much that his body stopped in mid-air, his hands slowly moving. He lifted it up and muttered to himself.


The entire underground of the city of the dead suddenly made a deafening scream, and tens of thousands of resentful souls flew out from the ground. They had no physical body, just a purple-gray energy group, which could vaguely be seen above. to a distorted face.

With the summoning of the mad lower gods, these resentful souls flew into the air at the same time, and the Blazing Demon God said in shock: "Don't be touched by this soul, this is not an ordinary soul of the dead, it is a purple formed after sacrifice and refining. Soul, there are a thousand dead spirits in one, this kind of thing resents the sky, with your current ability, if you touch it, you will die and your soul will die, so be careful."

Lu Yang nodded and said, "Look at me."

He aimed at the mad low-level **** who was chanting a spell, and his body turned into a flash of fire and shot away, hitting the body of the crazy low-level **** with precision. Instead, he concentrated on flying towards Lu Yang's position.

Tens of thousands of purple souls blocked all of Lu Yang's escape routes in an instant, and in the next second, they all hit Lu Yang's body.

After a while of howling and howling, Lu Yang disappeared out of thin air. Although the body of the mad lower **** was still burning with flames, he showed a silly smile.

"Damn, he's behind you, can't you see?" Baal's voice came from all around.

The mad low-level **** frowned blankly, but ignored Baal's voice, but at this time, another fire and soul slash came from behind him, this time the mad low-level **** reacted, one dodged, when he looked When he went to the ground, he found that Lu Yang was standing there smiling at him.

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