Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2395: fire tyrant

Lu Yang was startled and wanted to run away quickly, but the old man Chi Mu was very fast, a flash of black light came to Lu Yang, his right hand pierced Lu Yang's chest with a black light, and grabbed it towards the heart. .

"Lu Yang, you also have today..." The old man Chi Mu's smirk stopped suddenly, he scratched at Lu Yang's chest in a daze, but found that there was nothing in it except the violent flame power, and said blankly: "How could it be?"

"Why not?" Lu Yang didn't show a painful expression at all because his heart was pierced, but grabbed the old man's arm with a smile on his face and said, "You really came, feel it, what my boss gave you gift."


A white sun erupted with the old man Chimu as the center, and the entire Necropolis was smashed to pieces under the terrifying power, and the old man Chimu at the center was instantly drowned by the firelight.

At the same time, a flaming tiger flew out of Lu Yang's body, and quickly used the Void Shield to return to the Void Hall, reporting the incident to Lu Yang.

"Sure enough, the old man is here." Lu Yang put away the magic in his body, and with the move of immortality, he left the Void Hall without the need for a Void Shield, and returned to the City of Death through the passage of time and space.

As soon as he landed, Lu Yang saw not far in front of him, a black sphere gradually dissipated in the air, revealing the old man Chimu wrapped inside, who was severely injured. However, the old man Chimu was only one left. The head still has a human shape, and all the flesh and blood around the neck is gone, turning into a crystal clear white bone.

"Old Man Chi Mu, how did you turn yourself into this." Lu Yang scolded in a cold voice.

"Ha~!" The old man Chi Mu laughed loudly, tore off his face, revealing the crystal white bones inside, and said proudly: "Don't you also want to become stronger, let yourself lose the human body and become a fire demon? Now that I have lost my human body and become a bone demon, is there anything I can't understand?"

Lu Yang said, "I mean that you abandoned your humanity and your brothers!"

A golden light clearly appeared in the eye sockets of the two skeletons of the old man Chimu, and then dimmed again, he said, "Lu Yang, don't think about persuading me to go back, I have abandoned my identity as a human race, and now I am with Just like you, you are a strong man with the heart of God, and His Excellency Bayeli, the King of the Dead God, is my master."

Lu Yang asked curiously as he approached: "Since your **** is also an old god, why did you kill me? This is unreasonable, we should agree to the outside world."

The old man Chi Mu saw Lu Yang approaching and said with a sneer, "Don't think about attacking me, your god-king will tell you the reason, this time I admit that I miscalculated. After being attacked by you, I was seriously injured, but You can't kill me, goodbye, I hope next time we meet, I can dig out your heart with my own hands."

The black light flashed, and the old man Chimu disappeared in place, but Lu Yang had already set a flame mark on him, how could he let the old man escape so easily.

"Hot Fast"

Lu Yang's feet burst into flames and ran out after chasing the old man Chimu. He didn't want to let the old man off just like that. He was even more worried that the old man Chimu took the heart of death and fled to the East China Sea. Once he got close, he might use the heart of death to bewitched Humanity, the East China Sea that has finally developed, will fall into civil strife again.

"Be careful, there is something wrong with this old man in the late evening. Your clone exploded just now, and it didn't do much damage to him." The Blazing Demon God reminded.

"I guess it's another trap, but now that I've learned immortality and immortality, I won't be afraid of more people." Lu Yang was very confident, the move of immortality and immortality was indeed too powerful.

He teased the Blazing Demon God: "Brother, what kind of popularity are you? Why did you finally meet an old **** and want to kill you?"

"Bah~!" The Blazing Demon God was unhappy in Lu Yang's consciousness, and scolded: "That old necromancer king didn't deal with me back then, the reason why we old gods would lose to the new gods is very strange. A big part of the reason is because of the millennium war between us, my main opponent was him back then."

"This hatred is deep enough." Lu Yang said with a smile.

The Blazing Demon God said unhappily: "It's not just hatred, the old thing and I both know that the best way to quickly restore strength is to **** the source power of other old gods. Although the elements of each system are different, but the source is the same, He ate me and got more energy than getting a piece of the Devil's Heart."

Lu Yang nodded and asked, "Then why don't you do it?"

The Blazing Demon God snorted coldly and said, "I am the king of kings, the lord of all **** kings, how could I do such a thing, and besides, I have a way to recover my strength, why should I use someone else's origin? Leave me alone. It's up to you, be careful with yourself, there must be a trap ahead, if the undead **** king shows up and fights with me, I will fight him recklessly, and I may not be able to protect you at that time, pay attention to safety. died."

Lu Yang was a little surprised and asked, "Can you transform into battle?"

Blazing Demon God said: "You still don't understand the battle in the spiritual realm, but you remember that if you encounter a normal lower-level god, you must run away, the battle in the spiritual world is not what you can imagine, and the gap is huge. One move kills, although the one in front is impossible to cultivate a lower god, but he is a **** of death, and so many people have died here, and it is not a problem to cultivate a few monarch-level undead."

A lower **** can cultivate seven lord ranks and four king ranks with millions of undead. If the undead **** king deliberately seeks to cultivate, he cultivates it without knowing how many years he has been lurking in the human world. A few monarchs are really not surprising.

"That's why I have to come. I can't just let the old man go." Lu Yang continued to chase after him with determination in his eyes.

Under the faint moonlight, two rays of light, one red and one black, ran wildly on the plain, and soon left the city of death a hundred kilometers away and entered a strange forest.

After the old man Chimu entered a clearing deep in the forest again, he stopped and looked back at Lu Yang, his eyes were full of coldness.

"Death Fog Shockwave"

A pitch-black cone of light mist shot towards the direction that Lu Yang was chasing, and the ghosts in the mist made a frantic screeching sound.

Lu Yang has been staring at the old man Chimu in front of him, and seeing that the other party really stopped and released such a skill to force him to slow down, the corner of his mouth couldn't help showing a sneer.

"Fist of the Sun"

Flames appeared in Lu Yang's right hand, and he punched Guangwu. Immediately, Guangwu was torn apart, and all the souls were burnt to ashes by the flames.

The power of this punch Lu Yang was enormous, and the scattered flames ignited the grass and trees on the ground. In the blink of an eye, the surrounding ground burned.


As Lu Yang walked towards the old man in the open space, he turned his body into a fire demon form, and then quickly changed to a blue-white form. The high temperature in this form also set the surrounding trees within 50 meters on fire.

The old man Chi Mu stared at Lu Yang with a sneer, and said, "As expected, it's Wang Jie, the undead **** king, please go to battle."

"Roar~!" An angry roar sounded from behind the old man Chimu, followed by a black light that flew out of his body, forming a human shape in mid-air, pointing to Lu Yang and said, "The Blazing Flame God, haven't you appeared yet?"

"I've been waiting for you for a long time." The Blazing Demon God flew out of Lu Yang's body instantly, turned into a fire demon, and said, "Have the courage to fight with me in the air."

"That's exactly what it means. UU Reading"

The two **** kings had their own thoughts and flew into the sky together and disappeared.

On the ground, the old man Chi Mu stared at Lu Yang with a sneer, and said, "You shouldn't have come, to be honest, I still don't have the heart to kill you, after all, you and I have been friends for so many years, but today you are courting death, come out, my friends."

Two humans with hatchets appeared from behind the surrounding trees, and the surging power of death in their bodies made them quickly shed their flesh and skin and turned into skeletons.

"Monarch rank?" Lu Yang said with a solemn expression, at the same time, he was running his immortality skills.

The old man Chi Mu guessed that Lu Yang knew the strength of the monarch rank, and couldn't help laughing wildly: "Lu Yang, I can finally kill you, there is a whole rank gap in strength, what can you do to fight me? "

Lu Yang sneered and said, "Then look at my strength."

The violent high temperature emerged from Lu Yang's body, and the originally blue-white body turned pure white in a blink of an eye, the temperature reached 18,000 degrees, and he became a flame tyrant.

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