Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2396: Battle of the Undead Monarchs

The old man Chi Mu was already stunned. Looking at the white flames burning all over his body but not showing a trace of warmth, Lu Yang said in horror, "You, how can you be promoted to the monarch rank, this is impossible?"

Lu Yang stretched out his arm and looked at it with a smile, and said, "I also think it's impossible, but I just got promoted to the monarch rank. Thanks to the Blazing Flame God, it seems that my **** is much stronger than your god."

Without the help of the Fiery Demon God in the Red Mist Blood Pond, Lu Yang could not have been promoted so quickly. Without the help of the Demon God's Heart Fragment in the City of Death, Lu Yang would not have been able to advance to the monarch rank, not to mention that he still Learn to be immortal.

"Feel the terrifying flames. I want to see if your two monarch-level skeletons can resist my flames." Lu Yang let out a low roar, and the unbearable high temperature in his body suddenly emitted a silent sound. white ripples.


With Lu Yang as the center, the ground within 100 meters was instantly ignited by white flames. Even the ground, under the high temperature of 18,000 degrees, appeared white liquefaction, and the soil and rocks turned into lava. generally.

The earth trembled wildly, which meant that the magma in the ground had received Lu Yang's call, and was gushing upward frantically, and it wouldn't take long to reach the surface.

The old man Chi Mu never thought that Lu Yang could be promoted to the monarch rank. At that moment, he also thought that Lu Yang was made by some kind of secret method, but he shook his head. Lu Yang did not have the characteristics of using secret methods. It is the real promotion to the monarchy.

"Kill him~!" The old man Chi Mu gave an order to the two monarch-level skeletons in a cold voice. Immediately, the two skeletons walked towards Lu Yang with a hatchet. On the way, the bodies of the two skeletons were covered with black ripples. In the high temperature, there is no harm to their bodies.

There was also an extra ripple on the body of the old man Chimu, which isolated the high temperature of 18,000 degrees, which made him relieved. He sneered at Lu Yang and said, "Even if you are promoted to the monarch rank, so what, I There are two here, what's more, this land is full of undead, and the treasure God gave me absorbs the power of the undead to form a shield, you can't hurt us at all."

Lu Yang stared at the two gradually approaching skeletons, ignoring the old man Chi Mu. Although he said that the king rank can also kill the monarch rank, but the old man Chi Mu is the primary king rank that the undead **** king instilled with divine power, and his real fighting ability is limited. What Lu Yang needs to pay attention to is the two monarch-level skeletons.

He can feel that these two skeletons have no self-awareness, but the natural monarch-level powerhouse aura is very strong.

If Lu Yang guessed correctly, these two skeletons should have been powerhouses of the monarch rank when they were alive. After death, only their consciousness was brought to the earth by the undead **** king. Now that they have been restored to their strength by the undead **** king, their combat effectiveness should not have dropped much.

"Fire Soul Slash~!"

A white flame spurted out of Lu Yang's body, streaked a white light in the air, and hit the skeleton holding a hatchet on the left with precision.


An explosion sounded, the black mask was pierced, a crack appeared on the skeleton's skeleton, and a terrifying white flame burned on his body. With a bang, he stepped out 30 meters in front of Lu Yang, and slashed down with an axe.

Two Vulcan Bird Warhammers appeared in Lu Yang's hand, and he raised his left hand to block, but in the next instant, the terrifying force almost crushed Lu Yang's arm, and the forced Lu Yang was smashed into the ground.

"Such a terrifying power." Lu Yang hurriedly launched a raging flame, turning the surrounding soil into real magma. Then he flew out of the soil and appeared behind the two skeletons. He slammed it down with a hammer, but he didn't wait for a hit. , the two skeletons turned around at the same time, and the two hatchets swept towards Lu Yang's body at the same time.

Thanks to Lu Yang's vigilance, at the moment when the two skeletons turned around, the hammer changed from an attacking state to a defensive state. The two hatchets hit the hammer handle at the same time, and the huge force directly knocked Lu Yang into the air 500 meters away. The height of many meters.

The two skeletons jumped into the air, and at the same time they slashed with their axe, but this time the attack was not a regular attack, but the two skeletons had phantoms, and the axe in their hands also appeared purple-black. light.

The old man Chimu suddenly showed an excited look and said, "It appears, the monarch-level melee powerhouse's ultimate move, beheaded."

Two short axes brought countless phantoms to kill him. Lu Yang had no way of stopping him, but he had treasures on his body. He chanted a spell, and the void pendant on his body flashed a light blue light.


Two short axes with purple rays of light passed through Lu Yang at the same time, without causing any damage to him, which made the two monarch-rank skeletons briefly look surprised, but in the next moment, the two monarch-rank skeletons He reacted and slammed down with an axe at the same time.

Lu Yang placed the two warhammers diagonally in front of him. He remembered that the Blazing Demon God had taught him that no matter what kind of attack the opponent used, as long as they didn't stab you, using the hammers to protect the body diagonally would 100% protect him. live.


The impact of the axe and hammer resounded in the sky, and Lu Yang's body was once again like a kite with a broken string. This time, it smashed towards the ground. The speed was so fast that even the two monarch-rank skeletons couldn't have time to chase and kill Lu Yang.

Lu Yang couldn't stop himself, he slammed into the soil, and he didn't know how many meters deep into the ground, which made the old man Chi Mu frown and scolded: "It's not running away, hurry up and find him. "

The two monarch-level skeletons fell to the place where Lu Yang disappeared, and they used the power of the undead to explore the ground, but suddenly, the body of the two skeletons emitted a violent black light, and the next second, the earth shook wildly, with the two skeletons as the center, The terrifying white magma was ejected from the ground, with a diameter of 50 meters, and the two skeletons were directly ejected into the sky.

Lu Yang himself also emerged from the magma, his body glowing with blazing white light, and one after another of Fire Soul Slash smashed wildly, smashing the body of the skeleton on the left into the air.

When it fell, there was only a pile of debris left in the skeleton, and the remaining skeleton was also unstable. What was even more terrifying was that magma was already everywhere on the ground within ten kilometers. Especially within a five-kilometer radius around Lu Yang, the color of the magma was all white, and that was because Lu Yang used his own flame magic energy to heat the lava to 18,000 degrees.


Lu Yang roared furiously, venting the suffocation that he was beaten to death just now, staring at the skeleton standing in the magma, and then looking at the old man Chimu who was avoiding the magma in the distance, and said, "It's just that. ."

The old man Chi Mu looked at Lu Yang's eyes that could kill people. He said coldly, "Don't be too arrogant, they are not as simple as you think."

As soon as the voice fell, an air of resentment flew into the magma from the heavens and the earth. The next second, the monarch-level skeleton that was killed by Lu Yang unexpectedly came back to life. Not only was his body intact, but his magic power did not change in the slightest.

"Immortal?!" Lu Yang thought to himself.

Seeing this scene, the old man couldn't help but feel and said loudly, "I can't believe that my skeleton is infinitely resurrected in a place with the power of the undead."

Lu Yang sneered and said, "Does that mean that as long as they are not in a place where the power of the undead is abundant, they cannot be resurrected indefinitely?"

He runs the skills of immortality and immortality in his body, leaving only a body, running fast in the distance, trying to escape from this place.

The old man Chi Mu was speechless in an instant. He really didn't dare to chase. At this moment, a whisper came from his ear and said, "I'm here to kill him."

"Wait, you can't be sure it's the real body, he has a clone." Elder Chi Mu shouted anxiously.

Unfortunately, his words were slow. A silver-white ray of light flew out from behind a flaming rock hundreds of meters away, and accurately shot through the back of the neck of Lu Yang, who was running fast.


Lu Yang's body shattered, and a woman with a long bow jumped out in the distance and came to Lu Yang's body. This person was none other than Yun Yue, a beautiful woman who was listed as the seventh felon in the imperial capital.

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