Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2411: windfall

Remember [New] for a second,! The immortality and immortality skills have a prerequisite, that is, they will not be attacked by the opponent's spiritual sense. Once the opponent uses a spiritual attack, it is possible that a god-level illusion can make Lu Yang stay in place infinitely and sleep. until the end of life.

The Blazing Demon God is not sure whether Bernd will use this kind of divine sense attack. After all, it is a gods race and still has some strength, so the Blazing Demon said: "I can only help you resist one divine sense attack. Go in the direction of the Ferocious Beast Battlefield."

Lu Yang turned his head and flew to the southwest, where the fierce aura could be felt by the Blazing Demon God thousands of miles away.

"Friend of the Flame Race, do you want to leave? I've been waiting for you for a long time." A tens of meters wide Holy Light Slash suddenly shot towards him.

The strong holy light almost caused a wound in the sky, and the space that passed through was wrinkled. Lu Yang's attention was on the battle between Bernd and Lordos in the distance, and he never thought of it. An enemy attacked him outside the holy light shield, and his body was immediately chopped up by the giant holy light.

"It's so easy to die?" A strong man of the White Feather clan flew over from the ground, holding a golden long knife in his hand, a cold and arrogant expression appeared on his hideous face, and said, "The monarch is in my sword's way. It’s really vulnerable in front of you.”

The voice just fell.

Lu Yang was resurrected on the spot, and 60 gray chaotic flames flew out of his body, binding the limbs, torso, head and other parts of the white feather strong man to death. In the next second, Lu Yang opened Bandarsburg and pulled it in. .

Afterwards, Lu Yang flapped his wings and flew into the distance, not daring to stay in place for a moment, but behind him, a loud shout came, "Put down my brother."

Lu Yang glanced back at Bernd, who was about to rush over. Unfortunately, he was entangled by Lordos and returned with a sneering expression, and he flew to the southwest.

Bernd could only watch Lu Yang disappear into the sky with his younger brother. Then, he glared at the half-dead Lordos, and said with a grim expression, "You want to be buried with my brother."

Lordos was not afraid at all, stared at Bernd and said: "The matter of you killing me and the matter of killing the disciples of the Darkfire Clan have been exposed, and your fate will not be better than mine."

"Roar~!" Bernd madly slashed at Lordos with his sword.

Four hours later.

Lu Yang came to an abyss area. Seeing that there were no enemies left and right, he entered Bandarsburg and looked at the white feather warriors who were being comforted by 60 chaotic flames. Holding the two-handed sword of the Holy Light, he said, "It really is a good weapon. Your strength is also the monarch rank. This weapon can actually increase your damage to the quasi-god rank, which is really unusual."

"If you want to kill me, or, I will kill your entire clan." The strong man of the white feather clan roared wildly at Lu Yang.

Lu Yang slashed the arm of the white feather strongman with one knife, and the golden blood splashed. The next second, the white feather warrior looked at the arm that fell to the ground in shock, and then let out a heart-piercing scream.

"My arm, my arm, me..." The white feather strong man struggled frantically, but his body was still bound by the chaotic flames.

Lu Yang raised the long knife and pressed it against the throat of the white feather strong man, and said, "Either surrender or die, choose one."

"I, I, I..." The white feather strong man showed a terrified look.

Lu Yang sneered at the corner of his mouth, and the long knife cut through the skin of the opponent's neck. He said, "My patience is limited, and I think it is enough to get this weapon."

"I surrender, what you got is not enough, not enough." The white feather strong man collapsed, completely giving up his glory and dignity as a godly race.

The Blazing Demon God looked at this scene in shock, and roared in his consciousness: "How is this possible, how can the powerhouses of the race of the gods abandon their glory."

Lu Yang smiled in his consciousness and said to the Blazing Demon God: "Not every strong man can face death calmly, the only strong man who can hold this kind of weapon is the son or brother of the patriarch, and such a strong man Often it's the fake powerhouse."

There are tiger fathers and dogs, not to mention the large number of races in different worlds. Lu Yang firmly believes that there are such ineffective wastes in any race, and only such wastes will be given to them because they are overly spoiled by the family. Protect them with weapons of higher rank than your own.

Lu Yang made the right bet. He chanted the ancient elf incantation, and a big slave character was engraved on the forehead of the white feather strong man. At this point, he had an extra monarch-level slave.

"Tell me, what's your name, and why are you killing Lordos and me." Lu Yang made a flame seat and said with a smile.

The flame restraint on the white feather strong man disappeared. He quickly took his arm and chanted a spell. A ray of light flickered, and his arm was connected again. This made him relieved and at the same time showed a frustrated look.

"My name is Huen, and I'm Bernd's younger brother. This time, when we come here, we will kill Lordos and protect their lower gods. Therefore, my brother has no scruples." Huen said.

Lu Yang asked, "Do you want to go back to your clan?"

"Of course, master, are you willing to let me go?" Hu En showed an excited look on his face. UU reading www.

Lu Yang said: "Of course, but I have one condition. I want you to lurk in the White Feather tribe and find information for me."

"No problem, I'm willing to do whatever you want me to do, as long as you don't kill me." Hu En said in horror.

Lu Yang didn't want to kill Hu En. What he lacked most now was creatures who knew about the other world. The Blazing Demon God and the Barbarian Bull had too much knowledge about the other world, and they didn't know the inside story of some important things. Being willing to take the initiative to do these things can save him a lot of trouble.

For example, in the transaction, he wants more wood-type magic cores, which requires someone to buy it for him. If Lu Yang bought a fire-type creature, not only would he not sell it, but it would also cause him a lot of trouble. .

Immediately, Lu Yang released Huen from Bandarsburg and said, "Go back and find your brother. Before my order, lurking in peace and waiting for my news."

"Thank you master." Hu En knelt on the ground and bowed respectfully, then he stood up and flew to the northeast.

Lu Yang wasn't worried about Hu En's betrayal of him, because he signed the slave agreement with Hu En using the ancient elf incantation taught by the Blazing Demon God. Even if the God King came, he could not cancel the slave agreement.

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