Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2412: battle of gods


Lu Yang jumped into the air and continued to fly in the southwest direction in the form of a phoenix. The fighting atmosphere there was getting more and more terrifying. Lu Yang felt that he was only half an hour away from the edge of the battlefield.

the other side.

In a terrifying black abyss area, millions of beasts are flying out of the abyss, surrounding a huge beast with a length of 10,000 meters.

This is the Cloud Demon, one of the Four God Kings of Fierce Beasts. He is the strongest of the three spells of wind, water and thunder, and in front of him is the **** king of wind and water.

In a one-to-two situation, the two **** kings still have no certainty of winning, especially looking at the hundreds of main god-level beasts around Yunmo, the two **** kings feel their scalps numb.

"We just want a place to rest in peace, don't you want to give it to us?" Yun Mo's voice resounded through the sky.

The two **** kings looked at each other, and the wind **** king Bourdan frowned and said: "Who knows what you really think, if you are well trained and then attack us, won't we be caught without a hand."

A hint of sarcasm appeared on Yun Mo's huge face, and he said, "We cultivated here in the abyss of the two realms, how could we counterattack you, and we still want what we have on us as materials. If that's the case, then don't blame us."


Countless ancient beasts opened their huge mouths at the same time, spewing out terrifying wind, rain, and thunder energy. This kind of god-level battle, even if it was hundreds of kilometers away, could be sensed by Lu Yang.

Looking at the strong light emerging from the sky, Lu Yang slowed down the speed of his flight, he felt that if his monarch rank encountered this light, he would be shattered in an instant.

"I have to say that the hardness of the earth in your world is a hundred times stronger than ours. Otherwise, with this kind of attack power, the earth would have to be torn apart." Lu Yang sighed.

The state of the Blazing Demon God was very bad at this time. He held back his anger and said, "I sensed the God King who was chasing me. Take a closer look. I want to know how strong they are now."

Lu Yang was a little surprised. He controlled his body to fly above the clouds, and then accelerated the flight with all his strength. After a while, he came to the border of the battlefield.

Hidden in a dark cloud, Lu Yang showed only one head, looked at the two hundred-meter tall humanoid creatures that were fighting in the distance, shining with cyan and blue light, and said, "They are your enemies, right? "

The Blazing Demon God snorted coldly and said, "These two wastes are still ignorant of progress, and their strength is still in the early stage of the god-king rank, and they have not improved at all."

Lu Yang shook his head with a smile, and asked, "What should we do now?"

The Blazing Demon God reacted and said, "Your low strength is no different to them than a flies and mosquitoes flying around. If you want to kill you, just a thought will do, but they won't be distracted by this. Yes, you can watch nearby with peace of mind, and when they kill you with divine sense, the moment I help you solve it, you can teleport back to Bandarsburg."

Lu Yang felt that this move was feasible, and waited quietly in the clouds, just as the Blazing Demon God said, the powerful God King looked at him like a fly. As long as he didn't get too close, the God King would not care After chasing a monarch-level attack, there were eight major ranks and 32 minor ranks on both sides, and every step was like a natural moat. If the king of gods really wanted to kill him, Lu Yang's face would be too great. .

The wind and water **** kings on the battlefield were indeed aware of all the creatures within a hundred kilometers, but all their energy was on the god-king rank beasts below, and they had no intention of taking care of Lu Yang at all.


The two sides launched a confrontation again, and pieces of divine might exploded in the air. Lu Yang had never seen such an attacking skill before, and he could not understand what the attacking skills of the two sides were. He could only see the nine-color light flickering in the air. .

I don't know how long it took, but the beasts actually gained the upper hand. Just when the wind and water **** kings were about to be unable to support them, countless green plants suddenly appeared on the ground in the distance.

These plants quickly grew into towering trees, and then the tree was uprooted and turned into a humanoid creature running forward, fighting with the fierce beasts that bumped into it.

"The three-eyed magic flower is complete~!" Lu Yang said in shock.

The Blazing Demon God said: "Yes, the towering tree below is the complete body of the Three-Eyed Demon Flower. Get ready. Once the Three-Eyed Demon Flower is defeated, you rush in and **** their original Demon Core."

Lu Yang raised his eyebrows, soothed the excitement of the three-eyed magic flower on his body, reduced his body to a mosquito-like state, and flew in the direction of the three-eyed magic flower.




The beast side saw the three-eyed magic flower rushing over, and Yunmo immediately ordered the beasts of his flame clan to charge there, including the chaotic flame beast that gave Lu Yang's body.

Even an existence as powerful as a three-eyed magic flower has no way to deal with such flames. Whenever a chaotic flame beast spews a mouthful of gray flames, there will be dozens of three-eyed flames. The magic flower turned to ashes in the flames.

But the three-eyed magic flower in the distance seems to be endless, and towering trees continue to grow from the ground, and then turn into the three-eyed magic flower to charge forward.

Lu Yang, a mosquito-like existence, carefully avoided the chaotic flames, and he was carefully looking for the body of the three-eyed magic flower.

Suddenly, the entire ground trembled violently, without giving Lu Yang a second to react. A few kilometers away, a huge three-eyed magic flower was arched from the ground by a 100-meter long beast similar to a pangolin. come out.

The body of the three-eyed magic flower was smashed into hundreds of pieces by the pangolin beasts in mid-air, and the section containing the magic core fell not far from Lu Yang.

Lu Yang didn't dare to grab it, because in the next instant, a vicious beast with vegetation all over his body jumped over and swallowed the magic core of the three-eyed magic flower, but he didn't wait for the beast of vegetation. After chewing, a blue ray of light shot from a distance, piercing the vegetation-type beast into six segments.

On the ground, there were hundreds of three-eyed magic flowers rushing over. One of them grabbed the magic core and turned around and ran back, but before he ran a few steps, there was another vibration from the ground in the distance. The body of the eye magic flower was arched out by the pangolin-type beast, and the two sides launched a new battle around the demon core of the lower **** level.

Lu Yang, the mosquito, hurriedly flew to a distant area and hid. I don't know how long it took before the fighting subsided. The two sides seemed to treat this place as a shooting range, and whoever came in would die.

"What's wrong with this, we still have to grab it." Lu Yang scratched his head, he thought of an idea.


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