Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2414: Conditions for promotion to lower gods

Remember [New] for a second,! "Hahahahaha~!"

Yun Mo suddenly let out a hearty laugh, looking at the wind-type **** king and the water-type **** king who had extremely bad expressions in the distance and insulted: "The two **** kings were actually played by a monarch, your new **** clan still It's ridiculous."

The face of the water **** king was extremely dark, staring at Lu Yang, who was standing in the same place with his middle finger, and could not wait to tear his body to shreds with one look.

A high-level **** of water roared at Lu Yang: "If you have the guts, tell me your name, and what do you mean by this gesture?"

Lu Yang blurted out the essence of a national scolding, and then it dissipated between heaven and earth. On the other side, in his home in the Donghai Underground City, Lu Yang was sitting on the ground and laughing with the Blazing Demon God.

"The stupid looks of the two **** kings really made me laugh." The body transformed by the Blazing Demon God almost fell on the ground and slapped the floor.

Lu Yang was also very excited, and said, "I finally succeeded. This time I have the confidence to defend the enemy's attack."

Of the 10 demon cores of the lower **** level, except for one to be reserved for the Three-Eyed Demon Flower, the others will be used by his subordinates. He could not imagine how much his subordinates would improve.

The Blazing Demon God said in a serious tone: "The power of the magic core in the three-eyed magic flower is not very complete. After all, they have just gone through the battle, but they have absorbed the power of the source inside, which can at least allow your 2,000 wood-type magicians, All have been promoted to the king rank."

Lu Yang took out one of the lower **** and demon cores and fed it to the three-eyed magic flower who had been coquettish in his chest. He asked, "Can you create a lower god?"

The Blazing Demon God shook his head and said: "The conditions for becoming a **** are very harsh, even if you become a quasi-god and a demigod, the conditions are equally harsh, it is useless to rely on the core of the lower gods and demons, at most you can only be promoted to the monarch rank. It's impossible."

Lu Yang asked curiously, "How can I become a lower god?"

The Blazing Demon God said: "There are two methods, one is simple element becoming a god, cultivating a single element to the extreme, and turning yourself into an element, then you will become a god, but the strength is very low, such as the ancient Holy Spirit Malthus, that is also a kind of god.

If you want to become the kind of **** with fighting power, you must first find a way to gather the things that smelt the body of the lower gods, absorb it into the body, and change your body from a pure elemental spirit to a certain fixed form. , once the fixation is completed, it cannot be changed for eternity, because your elemental spirit has been completely integrated with this body, and if the body is damaged, the soul will also be damaged. "

Lu Yang understood and said, "It means that there is no such thing on my planet."

The Blazing Demon God laughed and said, "Most people don't gather things together. If the things that become gods are so easy to gather together, can't all creatures become gods?"

Lu Yang asked, "There are many gods in your world."

The Blazing Demon God said: "Most of them are the second and third generations, that is, the children born by the gods. Some gods can be born, and it will be so much over time."

Lu Yang was a little curious and asked, "Are you also the second generation?"

The Blazing Demon God laughed and said proudly: "Of course I am not the second generation, and I have no children. The way I am promoted to the **** position is the only way for most monarchs to be promoted to quasi-gods."

"What way?" Lu Yang asked.

The Blazing Demon God said: "Fighting the Demon God, I am a Fire God King, I should have been called the Fire God, why is my name the Blazing Demon God, just because I fought several demons, absorbed the essence of their bodies, and saved my life for me. I created a new body by myself, so my name can be called Blazing Demon God!"

Lu Yang was a little surprised. He could understand this matter. Every extraterritorial demon is powerful. When Lu Yang encounters an inner demon, he is the clone of these extraterrestrial demons. Once they pass through the plane and use their bodies to fight, then their The body must be an extremely useful material.

Lu Yang asked, "So you can still use the abilities of the extraterrestrial demon, right?"

The Blazing Demon God was very proud and said, "The response is really slow. I forgot how I taught Zhou Tianming? If I didn't have the ability of an extraterritorial demon, how could I teach and understand Zhou Tianming?"

Lu Yang thought that the Blazing Demon God was proficient in various low-level spells by virtue of the ability of the God King, but he did not expect that the Blazing Demon God itself had the attributes of a demon God, so he asked a little excitedly: "You are also going to let me use the extraterrestrial demon's magic. body?"

The Blazing Demon God said in a good mood: "Get ready, after you are done with your work, just follow me to the Void Hall, and prepare to fight against the extraterrestrial demons, you have the qualification to become the second me, I will take out some The ability to press the bottom of the box."

On the battlefield between the God King and the ancient beasts, Lu Yang's actions completely made the Blazing Demon God admit Lu Yang's ability. He is a strong man whose resourcefulness can completely help him fight in another world. Therefore, The Blazing Demon God is willing to teach Lu Yang one of his most powerful abilities, making him a true **** with unlimited potential.

Lu Yang is also eager to improve his own strength. He has learned all the exercises of the monarchy. The faster his strength improves, especially after he is promoted to the king rank, there is no bottleneck for him to learn any fire-type exercises.

Wherever he couldn't, the Blazing Devil God could guide him hand in hand. Even if Lu Yang couldn't release this spell, Blazing Blazing Devil God would use his body to release it once, and Lu Yang would naturally learn it if he did so many times. .

Now Lu Yang almost wants to improve his strength. He brought back a lot of original soul crystals this time. Except for some of them to be handed over to his subordinates, the rest is enough for him to be promoted to a high rank.

He took out the intercom and called Shen Mengyao, asking, "Where are you?"

Shen Mengyao said, "I'm in the forest on the north side of the dungeon, are you back?"

"I'm here to find you." Lu Yang hung up the phone with a smile.

It's been a long time since I met Shen Mengyao, and he missed it very much. When he came to the outside of the dungeon, he used his perception ability and quickly found a man who taught German to not taste the corpse and became upset and other spells in a 100-meter-high forest. Shen Mengyao.



The druids such as De Bukanshu were very excited, and Lu Yang was also very excited. He walked up to Shen Mengyao and held her in his arms, saying, "I'm back."

"It's good." Shen Mengyao rested her head on Lu Yang's chest and closed her eyes happily.

"It's very bad, let go of my arms and let go." A voice came from Shen Mengyao's body.

A ray of light flickered, and the beautiful Moon God flew out of Shen Mengyao's body with a displeased face, and stared at Lu Yang in mid-air and said, "I'm still in Shen Mengyao's body, isn't it the same as hugging me when you hug her?"

Lu Yang didn't let go, and said cheerfully, "The Blazing Demon God is still in my body, I don't even despise him, you still despise me, besides, you are being held by the Blazing Demon God, so you won't suffer. "

"I..." Luna was speechless, turned his head and didn't bother to pay attention to Lu Yang.

The Blazing Flame Demon God was also speechless for a while, scolding: "What are you doing with me, I and the Moon God are innocent."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "The two of you won't be innocent in the future. Let's get married."

"Fuck." The Blazing Demon God sent Lu Yang a national curse.

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