Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2415: Strength improvement

Remember [New] for a second,! De Bu tasted the corpse and became upset and others were watching. Who would have thought that the **** king who made them feel aloof and superior would have such a playful side, and they covered their mouths and couldn't help laughing.

Shen Mengyao still respects Luna, she left Lu Yang's embrace and said, "Let's get down to business, so many people are watching."

Lu Yang smiled and took out nine demon cores of the lower **** level, and said, "Please ask Your Highness Moon God to teach De Buchan and them to improve their strength."

Moon God couldn't care to get angry with Lu Yang, and asked in shock when he saw these things, "Where did you find it? It's impossible?"

The Blazing Demon God said with emotion: "This kid Lu Yang is no worse than I was back then. He was taken from the front of the Water Element God King, the Wind Element God King, and hundreds of thousands of gods."

"How did you do it?" The Moon God couldn't believe it at all, but this was what the Blazing Demon God said, and she had to believe it.

The Blazing Demon God told Luna what happened, which made Lu Yang pay more and more attention to Lu Yang, and said, "There is no problem in teaching them. With these nine demon cores, I can train more than 200 lord-level powerhouses. Thousands of king-rank powerhouses, but this requires the help of the Void Palace, otherwise the time will be too late."

"No problem." Lu Yang said respectfully.

At the moment, Lu Yang put Luna, De Buchanzhe and others into the Demon God Space, and then he used the Void Shield to send himself in. Now Lu Yang's strength is strong enough to open the Demon God Space in the Void Hall. If it is Before, he really couldn't do it.

The light flickered.

Lu Yang appeared inside the gate of the Void Hall. As soon as he landed, he saw Zhuojiu and Baishi who were training in the distance.

"Boss, are you back?" Zhuojiu, Bai Shi and the others also saw Lu Yang and ran over excitedly.

Lu Yang smiled as he watched a few people come to him, the aura from each of them was much stronger than before, and asked, "How is your cultivation?"

One day outside, one year inside, Lu Yang lived outside for nearly a month, while Zhuojiu and the others spent thirty years in the Void Palace.

"The speed of cultivation is still not fast enough." Zhou Tianming said a little depressed.

Turbid wine said: "There is a lack of cultivation resources, and cultivation consumes too much. Boss, please let us go out."

Lu Yang smiled, took out all the original soul crystals he got at the Orc Fair this time, and said, "Look what these are."

There were a total of 2,700 pieces, which was enough for Zhuojiu and Baishi to rise from the lord rank to the king rank, which made Zhuojiu and others look surprised.

"Boss, where did you get so many good things?" Zhuojiu asked in surprise.

"There are more good things than that." Lu Yang smiled and handed the blood roar of the quasi-god rank and the Wrath of the Holy Light of the lower **** rank to Bai Shi and Zhuo Jiu respectively, and said, "The treasure I bought by accident this time. , just right for the two of you to use, practice well."

Zhuojiu picked up Holy Light's Wrath, and in an instant, Malthus flew out of Daojiu's body, excitedly surrounding the weapon and said, "How could it be Holy Light's Wrath, where did you find it?"

Lu Yang briefly recounted his experience and said, "Is there anything special about this weapon?"

Malthus laughed and said, "Let you see the unique origin of this weapon."

As soon as the words fell, Malthus actually merged into this weapon. In an instant, the golden light on the Wrath of the Holy Light was prosperous, and it released the breath of the peak of the lower gods.

"It's still a little bad." Malthus came out of the weapon and said a little unhappily: "If it is in a place with strong holy light elements, I can make this weapon upgrade to the level of a median god."

Lu Yang smiled and looked at the turbid wine and said, "You got the baby."

"Thank you, boss." Turbid wine said excitedly, there are not many things that can make his mood fluctuate now, this weapon makes him extremely happy, because he can better protect his brothers.

The white lion waved his red two-handed axe and said, "This weapon is very suitable for me, thank you boss."

"Don't be in a hurry and thank you." Malthus stared at the weapon and said, "I will teach you a spell. When you are on the battlefield and encounter an invincible enemy, use this spell. Maybe you will sacrifice your life for it. , but your strength will quickly increase by a rank."

"Don't teach." Lu Yang stretched out his hand to stop him: "I believe that my brothers will not encounter such a thing."

Malthus shrugged his shoulders indifferently and said, "It's just a pity for this weapon, I won't talk about it."

Blazing Demon God was a little curious and asked, "How do you know that these two weapons have other ways to use them?"

Malthus said: "When you are fighting for power and profit, I am comprehending the essence of the world and traveling to all the hidden areas of the world. Because I am invisible, I can pass through many places and see things that you cannot see.

The Wrath of the Holy Light was created when I went deep into the ground, and was caught by an ancient **** with a secret method, who forcibly took away part of my Holy Light power.

As for Gorehowl, he is the weapon of the ancient gods in war. In the most powerful state, he can even exert the power of the upper gods, but this requires the blood and soul of the gods as sacrifices. Now the weapon in this weapon has I don't know how many souls there are. If someone is willing to sacrifice their soul and blood, Gorehowl will temporarily release the angry soul inside and make you stronger. "

Lu Yang looked at the white lion and said, "You are not allowed to study, you know?"

The white lion nodded with a smile and said, "I see."

Lu Yang looked at the people around him and said, "Keep an eye on him, we can't let him learn, we haven't reached the time when we need to work hard."

The crowd laughed silently.

Lu Yang took out two more quasi-god-rank Void Mother Insect demon cores from the Demon Temple. These two demon cores were not much different from the lower-level god-level demon cores. There were also a large number of Void Clan demons exchanged from the Demon Fire Clan. Nuclear, he handed it over to Xia Yuwei and said, "It's all yours, take good care of your Void Sisters."

"Thank you, boss." Xia Yuwei's eyes lit up when she saw these void demon Lu Yang looked at the half-life, handed him a weapon made from the horn of an ancient demon snake, and said: " This weapon belongs to you, so use your sword intent."

The horn of the ancient demonic snake has been made into a weapon by the savages. Although its overall strength is not as good as that of a lower god, in terms of sharpness alone, it is no less than a weapon of the lower **** level.

The bitter love has been short of a good weapon for half his life. Seeing this weapon tailored for him, his eyes lit up and he said, "Thank you boss, what is the name of this weapon?"

Lu Yang said with a smile, "I haven't named it yet, you can decide for yourself."

Kuai Ai thought about it for a long time and said, "It's called a snake."

Lu Yang finally looked at Zhou Tianming and said, "You will go to a place with me in a while. I have prepared a teacher for you. Your strength will start to improve by leaps and bounds."

He had already persuaded the Blazing Demon God to let him teach Zhou Tianming, which surprised Zhou Tianming and asked, "Who is it?"

The Blazing Demon God stood beside Lu Yang and said, "It's me, let the lower **** in your body go out and cultivate for a while, and I will teach you personally."

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