Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2416: Spiritual attack

Remember [New] for a second,! Zhou Tianming was flattered. The brothers who were closest to Lu Yang all knew the true identity of the Blazing Demon God, the king of the old gods in another world, but he was still a little hesitant and asked embarrassedly, "What am I learning? Fire?"

The Blazing Demon God suddenly exuded a terrifying demonic aura. This rich source of demons caused Zhou Tianming's eyes to widen in horror. Cold sweat covered his whole body in an instant, so that a man like him couldn't help kneeling on his knees. On the ground, but even so, Zhou Tianming still forced his hands on the ground, not wanting his knees to touch the ground.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yang sighed, and said, "No wonder I felt strange before, how easy it is for Zhuojiu and Baishi to improve their strength. If I want to improve a rank, I have to go through various journeys of refining the mind. You have been training me with the power of the devil."

The Blazing Demon God said proudly: "Nonsense, I suggest that they also taste this taste, otherwise, they will encounter an extraterritorial demon in the future, and the chance of surviving is basically zero."

Zhuojiu, Bai Shi, Xia Yuwei, and Kuai Bansheng looked at Zhou Tianming's miserable state, and they were all eager to try. They knew who Zhou Tianming was. For more than ten years, Zhou Tianming could only kneel down at any time for the sake of his brother. It would be better to kill this arrogant man to kneel. Now, Zhou Tianming is kneeling like this, and he can't get up at all. They want to know what Zhou Tianming is going through.

Malthus looked at the Blazing Demon God a little unhappily and said: "Although I am very tired of the way of the Blazing Demon God, I admit that this is a process that you all have to go through. The extraterrestrial demons are very terrifying, even our Holy Light family is unwilling. It's easy to provoke them, and you can feel it too."

"We think so too." Debu tasted the corpse and became upset and others shouted from a distance, they were about to go to the second floor.

Luna sneered and scolded: "Your minds are far from theirs, don't look for death, just go with me and train the foundation honestly."

Debu tasted the corpse and became upset and other people's bosses were unwilling, but in the next second, the Blazing Demon God flew over with an evil thought, although it was only for a moment, the corpse of Debu tasted the corpse and became upset. Glancing at the Blazing Demon God, he quickly walked up to the second floor.

The Blazing Flame Demon God was very happy, and then, he indiscriminately exuded the evil thoughts in his soul, and Zhuojiu, Bai Shi, Xia Yuwei and Kuai Bansheng all knelt directly on the ground.

The dead brothers kept forming real visions in their minds, crying to them how cold **** was, how much they wanted to live, how much they missed their family.

After so many years of war, Zhuojiu and the others still remember the appearance of each of their brothers. Therefore, it is difficult for them to bear such pain as they attach great importance to brotherhood.

Lu Yang was the only one standing in the same place. He was tortured by the Blazing Flame God for three hundred years in the Void Hall with this trick, and it was already ineffective.

This is not to say that Lu Yang has become like steel and no longer attaches importance to brotherhood, but that he can distinguish between reality and psychology. The brothers who died in reality have passed away. Psychologically, these people are still alive. Another way to live.

No matter how the Blazing Demon God creates illusions, as long as Lu Yang keeps his original mind unchanged, he will not be bound by the illusions, including the turbid wine, the white lion, Zhou Tianming, Xia Yuwei and the bitter love half a lifetime in front of him.

After half an hour, Zhuojiu stood up first, followed by Zhou Tianming, Bai Shi, Xia Yuwei, and Kuai Bansheng. Looking at their tears, they looked at the Blazing Flame God, and Zhuojiu asked. : "Have we passed it?"

"Go through a ghost~?" The ancient Holy Spirit Malthus was angry, pointing at the turbid wine and scolding: "I taught you in vain, try crying on the battlefield for more than half an hour, and see if the enemy will wait for you to finish crying. fight you."

"Uh~!" Turbid wine and Zhou Tianming, who were still complacent just now, were embarrassed for a while.

On the contrary, the Blazing Demon God said with a smile: "Not bad, this is the evil thought of the monarch class, you can get rid of it within half an hour, and it has surpassed most of the gods in the other world. Congratulations, you have cleared the customs. "

Malthus said a little unhappily: "Exercise again, I estimate that in terms of their talent, the demon control of the monarchy has little effect on them, and they may be able to crack it in an instant."

The Blazing Demon God nodded with emotion and said, "That's true. The most terrifying thing in this world is mental torture. It's really good that the human race can fight mental torture with such a talent."

Malthus said: "You are still not thankful. The king of God has taught you something that hasn't happened in millions of years."

"Thank you, His Royal Highness." Zhuojiu, Zhou Tianming and others bowed respectfully at the same time.

The Blazing Demon God was very satisfied with Malthus' compliment. He watched how Zhuojiu, Bai Shi and the others stayed by Lu Yang's side, and followed him to fight the enemy as if they were desperate.

The kind of feeling that can sacrifice his life for his brother at any time, the Blazing Demon God has not felt it for millions of years. He was moved a little, so he was willing to teach these people.

"From now on, once a day, I will use my spiritual sense to attack you from time to time. If you can't bear it, you can tell Lu Yang at any time." The Blazing Demon God said.

Zhuojiu, Bai Shi and the others bowed again, and when they looked at Lu Yang, they all felt that it was too difficult for their boss before. They exercised under this kind of torture every day, and they couldn't imagine it.

The Blazing Demon God then said to Zhou Tianming: "You have more times than them, because they are right to fight against demons, you are going to become a demon, if your spiritual sense can be promoted to a monarch before the arrival of the divine race Order, I will help you **** the soul of an extraterritorial demon of the monarch order."

Zhou Tianming asked in shock: "Then I also have the strength of the monarchy?"

The Blazing Demon God nodded, UU reading said: "This is the strength of the demon race, we don't need to cultivate the body step by step, as long as you take their souls, you can naturally attack the power of the spirit. Go up to the monarchy."

Lu Yang asked, "What if it doesn't work?"

The Blazing Demon God said: "If it fails, Zhou Tianming will be controlled by the extraterritorial demons, but if I do it myself, is it possible to fail?"

"That's right." Lu Yang said with a smile.

Malthus snorted coldly and said, "Not necessarily, didn't you still lose in the battle of the king of gods?"

"Damn, you expose my old bottom." Blazing Demon God got angry, pointed at Malthus and scolded: "Didn't you always feel unhappy because that female Holy Spirit got married after transforming into an entity, do you think I don't know?"

"I..." Malthus was anxious, and rushed over to fight the Blazing Demon God.

Lu Yang, Zhuojiu and the others looked at each other, and they found that these old guys who have lived for millions or even tens of millions of years also have a funny side.

Maybe that's why it's familiar!

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