Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2426: Kill the powerful monarch

The confidence of all the warriors of the Jagged Brothers Alliance, including Zhuojiu and Baishi, was greatly increased, and the reinforcements finally arrived, and the war finally had hope of victory.

"Spirit Devouring Poison Flower~!"

He became annoyed and yelled, and a large number of poisonous spirit-devouring flowers grew within a kilometer of the surrounding area.

When the archers such as the Suppressing Pluto were still two hundred meters away from becoming upset, they jumped forward with the help of the back of the mount, and landed on the side of the upset.

As soon as he landed, after he rolled forward and unloaded the force, he pulled out the bow and arrow behind him, smeared the poison in the poisonous flower, aimed at Carlos beside Zhuojiu and shot it with an arrow.

The harsh sound of breaking the air sounded. Carlos, who was five hundred meters away, did not expect that there would be a human being able to shoot such a powerful bow and arrow at such a long distance. One did not pay attention, and the neck was shot by the bow and arrow of the King of Hell. middle.

Although the arrow made after the melting of the third-order star-shattering blade could not kill Carlos, the liquid of the poisonous poisonous flower was all over it, causing the body protection magic of Carlos' neck to disappear. Before he could react, the town The second arrow of the Underworld King followed the first arrow, and hit the same place precisely.


Carlos' neck was almost pierced, and the aorta and trachea were all smashed, causing his breathing to become unsmooth. It was impossible to attack again, and he quickly retreated while holding his neck.

How could Zhuojiu miss such an opportunity, he rushed towards Carlos desperately, and the monarch-level demon-blood beast powerhouse Burrows quickly blocked the attack of Zhuojiu, but in the next second, his neck was also attacked. When it came to the second shot of the bow and arrow, fortunately, he paid attention to the surrounding situation. The shield on his arm blocked the bow and arrow, but his chest was successively shot by four bows and arrows.

Sun Yu and Han Yu stood side by side with bows and arrows. In the early years, Sun Yu was the number one archery master under Lu Yang, but when he entered a different world, Sun Yu couldn't adapt for a while, but now, he finally overcomes his inner demons and returns to life again. to the battlefield.

Bros looked at his chest in shock, the blood in his heart spurted more than ten meters away, and he felt the power in his body was rapidly losing.

"Death to me~!" Zhuojiu swept his sword and chopped off Bros' head. He stared at Carlos and said coldly, "Now it's your turn."

Carlos's eyes were full of terror. The vines under his feet had grown out, restraining his body, and his neck was severely injured. He couldn't even exert half of his usual strength.

Not only him, but also the battlefield in the distance. The 45,000 demon blood orc warriors on the beach are being entangled by countless vines. No matter how they swing the long swords in their hands, even if they release the cold sword energy, they will chop the vines down. Broken, but the vines still grow wildly from the beach and the sea.

Soul-devouring poisonous flowers also kept appearing beside them. Once they were controlled, they would be watered by the poisonous soul-devouring flower, and not even ashes would remain.

What really made Carlos unbelievable was the 8,000 blood orc warriors and holy light warriors of the Jagged Brotherhood. These people were also attacked by poison and vines, but they seemed to be sent to death on their own initiative, letting the vines attack. Wearing their bodies, the venom devoured them, but not a single human cursed the turbid wine.

"You, your race, how can you be willing to die for others? It's impossible. This is something that only the Void Zerg without self-awareness can do." Carlos roared.

Another golden light flew out of Zhuojiu's body to rescue the brothers in the vines. His body was already very weak, but he still rushed towards Carlos, and stabbed and collided with Carlos's long sword. , said: "You have offended a race that should never be offended, and opened the door to sin in the true sense. When we continue to become stronger and capable of attacking other worlds, you will all pay the price for this."

"Delusion~!" Carlos yelled, he wanted to kill the mud wine, but his body became weaker and weaker because he couldn't breathe, and the blood vessels were constantly spewing blood, and he continued to block several attacks by the mud wine. After he cut off the vines under his feet, he knew that he couldn't do it anymore, glared at the turbid wine and said, "You beat us just because you just restrained us, wait, the gods will continue to send more gods to attack you. , sooner or later you will all be killed by the gods~!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the turbid wine pierced Carlos' heart with a sword, and then he was so weak that he could only use the sword to support him from falling, fighting with two monarchs at the same time, his body was almost exhausted, and what was even worse was that he His magic power can no longer be continued, and the Holy Light can be released, all relying on the ancient Holy Spirit Malthus.

"Death to me~!"

A short spear suddenly flew over in the distance, passed through countless vines, hit the belly of Zhuojiu, and smashed his whole body into two sections, followed by two powerful monarchs jumping over.

Just like the Tallinn Ghost Mist Race, there are also a lot of monarch-level powerhouses from the Demon Blood Orcs. There are eight in total. They were panicked by the attack of the poisonous flower just now, and they still need to protect their soldiers from being killed. Plus To the effect, only let Zhuojiu kill two powerful monarchs in a row, which made the remaining four monarchs very angry, two of them went straight to Zhuojiu and rushed over, the other two rushed to the shooter group and The location of the wood-based mage group.

Under the protection of the Holy Light, Zhuojiu's body recovered quickly, but before he could stand up, his heart was pierced by a sword, and a strong man of the demon blood orc race twisted his long sword with a grin, staring at Zhuojiu. Jiu's face said: "I'd like to see how long you **** reptile can last."

The severe pain of being pierced through the heart is simply not something that ordinary people can endure, but is turbid wine ordinary people? He gritted his teeth and said nothing, at the same time, he released the holy light from behind, stood up with his entire upper body, grabbed the monarch-level powerhouse with both hands, and roared: "Get upset, what are you waiting for, release Spirit Devouring Poison Flower."

"Boss turbid wine." How dare you let it go when you become upset.

"Let's go~!" Zhuojiu roared, his eyes were full of determination, at this moment, the demon blood orcs who attacked him showed a terrified hurriedly drew out his long sword Backwards more than 30 meters.

But as soon as he landed, Zhuojiu fell to the ground again, which made the demon blood orcs feel humiliated and roared, "If you dare to trample on my honor, I will kill you."

"Hey, you don't have a chance." Zhuojiu showed a smile on the face of the enemy, because, behind this monarch-level powerhouse, in the sky not far away, there was a white light rushing out, that was Lu Yang's unique light, he knew that this war was won!

"Mr. Malthus, don't stop releasing the Holy Light, protect my brother." Mizuki left the last sentence and passed out.

Malthus sighed and said: "Of course I will do this, loyalty, courage, responsibility, you are worthy of my Malthus paying all my strength, Holy Light, come on~!"

The violent Holy Light poured out from the body of the turbid wine, allowing the Holy Light Knight and the Divine Blood Orc warrior who were still struggling in the vines to retain the hope of staying alive.

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