Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2427: The terrifying power of Chaos Demon Flame

"A strong monarch wants to protect the weak before he dies, you are absolutely stupid, stupid, the weak are only the shield and servant of the strong, how can the master die for the servant, you tarnished the title of the strong ." The monarch-level powerhouse of the demon-blood orcs was completely unable to understand the behavior of turbid wine, but he felt a great touch in his heart, it was a loosening of belief, so that the demon-blood orc made the The strong man of the clan fell into a state of madness.

"I'm going to kill you, you stupid loser." The powerhouse of the Demon Blood Orcs stabbed straight at Zhuojiu with a sword, but he was still a little bit helpless when he faced Zhuojiu.

"Dimos, what are you doing, you haven't killed him yet." Mo'er, the monarch-level powerhouse who rushed into the wood-based mage group, roared furiously. He had already seen that the turbid wine was the commander of this group of people. Only by killing the turbid liquor can the rebellion be quickly quelled.

Timothy stared at the turbid wine under his feet and raised the long sword in his hand, but just as he was about to cut off the turbid wine's head, a suppressed and angry voice came from behind him.

"Your hesitation allows you to live longer." Lu Yang was already standing behind Timothy, the space in Bandarsburg opened, and a gray flame rope bound him.


Demos roared furiously, desperately trying to struggle out, but as long as he exerted a little force, the chaotic flames would burn through his protective magic, cutting into his skin like a steel wire, down to the bones.


Timothy's roar had turned into a scream of pain, and at the moment when he lost his mind, his body was pulled into Bandarsburg by the chaotic flames, and stood under the scorching sun with the monarch of the Tallinn Ghost Mist tribe. Baked.

Lu Yan leaned down to look at Zhuojiu and asked, "How's it going?"

Malthus flew out of Lu Yang's body and said, "He will be fine with me, he's just overworked."

Lu Yan took out a cup of nine-color sap from the Demon Temple and poured it into the mouth of the turbid wine. This is the sap boiled from the bark of the Nine-Dragon Blood Tree. It can quickly repair injured body tissues, and can be given to those who are dying. save.

As soon as he took a sip of the turbid wine, nine colors of light appeared from his body, and he slowly opened his eyes. He subconsciously wanted to stand up and look around. When he found Lu Yang in front of him, he breathed a sigh of relief and said with a wry smile. : "Boss has made you worry again."

Lu Yang patted him on the shoulder with a smile and said, "Good job, you have bought enough time, the war on the elves side has been won, let's kill the enemy here together."

"Our war is difficult, and there is still an enemy that has not come out. Yuwei and Tianming suspect that these enemies have gone to the main city of the East China Sea. We are divided into two groups, and they are still looking for the position of the Void Ghost Race." Zhuojiu said weakly. .

"Don't worry, you recover first, the war here is handed over to me, and we will find the last batch of enemies together." Lu Yang stood up and looked around.

The white lion is still fighting. With the help of Blood Roar and the surrounding wood spells, he can still support him. The place where the crisis occurs is the area of ​​the wood magician group. The powerful monarch who rushed in is frantically killing wood magicians. .

Fortunately, they became upset that all 2,000 wood-type mages had reached the king rank and turned into treemen. It was very difficult to kill them, especially the pure-physics mages who had the ability to regenerate the wood-type, almost It can't be killed, but this also affects the casting speed of the wood-based mages, causing the regeneration ability of the ten thousand tree enchantment in the front battlefield to slow down.

"Fire Soul Slash + Chaos Demon Flame"

Lu Yang's body suddenly turned purple-gray, and a human-shaped purple-gray light shot out from his body like a sharp blade, and came to Moore's back in the blink of an eye.

Mo Er was disturbed by countless vines, and was attacking frantically. As soon as he felt the attack from behind, Fire Soul Slash had already come behind him, and it was too late to escape.

"Who dares to attack me." Moer roared furiously, turned around and put the long knife across his chest to block the attack, but the flame passed through the blade and hit Moir's body in the next second.


Mor let out a crazy howl, and the terrifying chaotic demon flames directly burned Mor's body into flying ashes. Mor didn't even have the ability to resist, so he died on the ground, along with his sword. melted into a liquid state.

Becoming annoyed, he got out of Mo Er's side, still in the form of a tree man, looking at Mo Er's appearance, he said to Lu Yang in shock: "Boss, your flame is so strong, monarchy, you will die in one bite. what."

Lu Yang was not too shocked, and said, "Keep the output and see the boss burn all the enemies to death."

This is the chaotic demon flame. The flames produced by the ancient beasts accompanied by the formation of different worlds are the products of natural growth. They can kill even the demigod-level Void Mother Insect, not to mention the monarch-level pure physics department.

The demon blood orcs are pure physics. Facing such flames, they are completely restrained. They are not even as good as the Tallinn Ghost Mist. At least when the Tallinn Ghost Mist dies, the mist sprayed can protect other clansmen. There was such a short moment that he was not killed by the Chaos Demon Flame, but the pure physical demon blood orcs died without any resistance.

"The boss is mighty~!" He became annoyed and shouted excitedly while casting spells.

This scream of killing was instantly heard by the white lions on the battlefield ahead and the soldiers in the ten thousand tree barrier, and they all looked back. When they saw Lu Yang, their faces showed the light of victory.

"The boss is here, we won."

"Brothers follow me to attack and buy time for the boss."


Roaring with pride, leading the remaining warriors to fight the enemy desperately, this made the blood demon orc warriors in the ten thousand tree enchantment feel that human beings are crazy.

While waving a blood roar to fight the enemy, the white lion roared: "Boss, don't worry about my side, go save the brothers first, I can survive."

"Hold on." Lu Yang also knows that now is not the best time to rescue the white The eight thousand brothers are less than half alive in the ten thousand tree enchantment. He must find a way to save the rest. rescued, but only after killing the other two monarchs of the enemy.


Lu Yang jumped to the top of the ten thousand tree barrier, he quickly found the enemy's two monarchs in the team, jumped, rushed towards them, and shouted at the same time: "Become Annoyed, entangle the two of them with me and don't let them move."

Although the attack speed of Fire Soul Slash is very fast, the movement speed and reaction speed of the pure physics system are very fast, and they must be entangled first to ensure that they cannot move before they can hit with one hit.


He became upset and closed his eyes. His consciousness was connected to the ten thousand tree barrier in front of him. One-tenth of the magic power turned into vines to attack the two monarch-level powerhouses. In an instant, the two monarch-level powerhouses were entangled by the vines. Can only operate within a limited range.

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