Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2428: Grief Blade

"Fire Soul Slash"

Lu Yang saw the opportunity and shot out a violent black-gray light in the sky, but just after his light was cut out, the two monarch-level powerhouses below suddenly disappeared in place, and in the next second, Lu Yang felt a terrifying sound behind him. breath.

"Death to me~!"

The two monarch-level powerhouses of the Demon Blood Orcs jumped into the air behind Lu Yang, and at the same time slashed down with their swords. The violent sword energy destroyed Lu Yang's body into countless pieces, and grinned on their faces. At that time, the chopped body suddenly swelled wildly.


A mushroom cloud formed in the air, and the terrifying high temperature even blew all the demon blood orc warriors within a hundred meters to ashes.

The two monarch-level powerhouses at the center point were even more injured by the explosion, and they flew out a few hundred meters and slammed into the rock.

However, when the two stood up from the stone, their bodies were recovering quickly, and the scars on their bodies soon disappeared.

"A human being can learn the immortality and immortality of the flame race." The taller monarch looked at Lu Yang with a frown.

The short monarch also stared at Lu Yang and said, "To release immortality and immortality, you need a place with flames. He resurrected out of thin air, proving that this human being has the ability similar to space. It seems that you and I have done our best."

The tall monarch-level powerhouse pulled out the long sword that had never been used from his back. In an instant, a strange purple-black light shone in the audience. He stared at Lu Yang and said, "Originally, this weapon was used to kill the patriarch of the Void Ghost Clan. You should feel honored that it will be used on you."

Lu Yang said to the Blazing Demon God, "What kind of weapon is this, is it special?"

The Blazing Demon God frowned and said: "The weapon of the lower **** level is called the Blade of Sorrow. Be careful. This weapon is designed to cut mental power. If you are hit by their weapons again, you will lose a lot of mental power."

Lu Yang couldn't help frowning. What bothered him the most was the situation in front of him. As a mage, he needed to face off against the warriors, or 1v2. Just when he couldn't help frowning, his spiritual sense moved and he felt it. A bit different.

The three-eyed magic flower hidden in his chest actually woke up and was promoted to the monarch rank. He respectfully said to Lu Yang, "Master, I can join the battle."

A smile appeared on the corner of Lu Yang's mouth, and he asked in his mind, "What new abilities do you have?"

The three-eyed magic flower said: "God wood shield, the shield I made, the physical attack of the monarch is invalid to me, and the lower **** weapon can block an attack."

Lu Yang said with a smile, "Enough is enough, get ready to protect me."

"Yes." The three-eyed magic flower was very excited.

Lu Yang jumped up and took the initiative to fly towards the tall monarch-level powerhouse holding the blade of grief. The other party did not expect that Lu Yang would dare to take the initiative to attack him. down.

"Blood Slash"

A ray of blood shot out from the blade and was about to hit Lu Yang's body when suddenly, a green wooden shield appeared in front of Lu Yang. With a shallow trace, the tall monarch-level powerhouse was frightened and quickly exerted his strength, spinning his body and flying to the shield in front of him with a knife in the middle.


The wooden shield was smashed to pieces, but at the same time, Lu Yang was already in front of him in the gap between his attacks. Chaos demon flames appeared in his hands, and instantly burned the arms of his tall monarch-rank powerhouse into flying ashes. , Before waiting for the other party to shout, Lu Yang caught the weapon with his left hand and stabbed the short monarch-level powerhouse beside him with a sword.


The short monarch-level powerhouse didn't expect Lu Yang to have such a shield. He thought that Lu Yang would definitely die, but he didn't expect the tide of the battle to turn around. Facing Lu Yang's attack, he hurriedly waved his sword to block, reluctantly During the attack, Lu Yang would give him such a chance, and the three-eyed magic flower shot out multiple shackle-like divine wooden shields, trapping his body tightly.

"come in."

Lu Yang released the chaotic demon flame and pulled the short monarch-level powerhouse into Bandarsburg. At this point, only the tall man beside him was left among the monarch-level powerhouses of the Demon Blood Orcs on the battlefield. , still missing half an arm.

"You haven't surrendered yet?" Lu Yang said, staring at the other side.

"We will never surrender." The tall, monarch-level powerhouse roared in rage, enduring the severe pain, and rammed towards Lu Yang like this.

Knowing that the other party was unwilling, Lu Yang had a sneer on his face, flames erupted from his body, and countless purple-black flames entangled the monarch-level powerhouse.


Lu Yang grew wings behind him, and he flew into the air like this, the third eye on his forehead opened, he aimed at the demon blood orcs powerhouse in the ten thousand tree barrier, and said loudly in Elvish language: "The surrenderer Don't kill, otherwise, kill it!"

There are 50,000 king-rank and lord-rank powerhouses of the god-blood orcs. At this time, there are more than 30,000 people left. Looking at Lu Yang, who holds the blade of grief above his head and grabs the tall monarch-rank powerhouse, their faces Showed a terrified look.

"How, how could our patriarch be caught."

"That is our artifact, why is it in the hands of humans."

"Could it be that we failed?"

The powerhouses of the Demon Blood Orcs are confused, but they can't accept that they can put down their weapons. As a higher race, how could they surrender to humans?

"Since you don't surrender, then you'll all die~!" Lu Yang's face was full of icy coldness, and the third eye on his forehead condensed energy frantically. In the next second, the eye of the demon madly shot out a white laser, all of which were captured by Wanshu. The demon blood orcs who were bound by the enchantment were pierced through their brains and died on the spot!

Huo Tau said in Lu Yang's consciousness: "Boss, if you can capture it alive, the shaman in the Demon Temple said that he has the ability to strip the blood of these demon blood orcs and use it on humans."

"Okay." Lu Yang changed his style of play, the light from the Demon God's Eye only attacked the shoulders and abdomen of the Demon Blood Orc warrior.

Without the interference of the monarchs, the spells cast by the 2,000 wood-type mages who became upset became more and more powerful. Sun Yu, Hades, and the others brought the archer army closer. com shoot with a bow and arrow.

After half a day, there were less than 1,000 demon-blooded orcs who could still move on the battlefield, and it didn't take long for them all to be captured.

Lu Yang looked at the battlefield. The only ones still at war were the white lion and the corpse. Under the treatment of Zhuojiu's crazy holy light energy, after countless deaths, the white lion actually realized his combat skills in a desperate situation.

The powerhouse of the Demon Blood Orcs is full of regrets now. He can't force the white lion back, nor kill him, let alone save the monarch who was controlled by the corpse.

"Don't try to run, I will kill you today." The white lion's face was full of excitement. The pain of death so many times in the past was worth it for the current combat skills. He was like a brown candy. Sticking to the opponent to death, the axe slashed again and again frantically, and the sharpness of the Gorehowl cut the opponent's long sword full of gaps.

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