Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2431: Broken Void Ghost

Once the warriors of the Void Ghost Race and the warriors of the Jagged Brotherhood are mixed together, Lu Yang's flame spells cannot be released. This is the plan of the Void Race.

The soldiers of the Jagged Brotherhood saw through the other's strategy at a glance, and Hei Yan, the head of the Fire Mage Corps, roared: "Brothers, it's time for us to dedicate our lives, all the Fire Mage stepped forward and formed a flame shield to block their way. ."

More than 5,000 fire mages walked out of the team at the same time and came to the front of the army formation. Hei Yan, headed by him, shouted: "I'm the first one, from below me, the legion commander will step up in order, brothers, see you in the next life. "


Hei Yan's body suddenly erupted with blazing black flames, and he flew over to meet the tens of thousands of Void Ghosts who were rushing over in the distance. Halfway, countless Void Ghosts shot shadow arrows at him, but he didn't wait. These shadow arrows hit his body, and Hei Yan's body turned into a cloud of blood mist, and half of the sky was ignited by this flame.

Not only the Hastas have learned the self-destruction spell, but all the fire mages of the Jagged Brotherhood have also learned the self-destruction spell. Facing the gods, there is no luck at all.

"The second one is coming to me." Tang Cheng, the commander of the first legion of the Fire Mage Corps, jumped into the air, and a blood mist burst out from his body, but his flame was not released immediately, but was waiting for the Void Ghost. actions of the tribe.

"Mad, this group of **** humans are crazy, they are crazy." The powerhouses of the Void Ghost Race saw this scene, just like the mentality of the powerhouses of the Tallinn Ghost Clan and the Demon Blood Orcs, they couldn't understand, How can humans have the same dedication as the Void Zerg, but they also have the ability to think independently.

The Escape into the Void skill of the Void Ghost Race can not be activated at any time, and it also has a certain time limit. Seeing the human beings in such a self-explosive way to fight against the enemy in close combat, the Void Ghost Race does not dare to approach.

They came to slaughter human beings, not to perish with human beings. Therefore, all the Void Ghost Race warriors were divided into two teams and ran in the direction of the surrounding two sides, but when they came to both sides, the commander of the second army They blew themselves up at the same time as the commander of the third army, and the flames in the sky blocked their way.

Seeing that Hei Yan used suicide to protect his brothers, Lu Yang was helpless. He fell into a violent rage in an instant. He stared at the group leaders of the Void Ghost clan in the distance and said, "You all have to die, none of you will survive."

Unlike others, Hei Yan was one of the first to follow Lu Yang. Lu Yang always wanted to protect these brothers, but some of the first brothers who followed him started to die, which Lu Yang could not accept.

"Chaos Demon Flame"

Lu Yang rushed towards a monarch-level Void Ghost Race powerhouse, releasing Void Flames halfway through, blocking all his escape routes.

The remaining 8 Void Ghost Race monarchs wanted to step forward to help, but Zhou Tianming, Kuai Bansheng and Xia Yuwei flew into the air and launched their strongest attacks.

"Void Slash"

"Sword of Heaven"

"Soul Slash"

The blue, white, and purple spells attacked the 5 Void Ghost Race powerhouses endlessly, forcing these 8 people to keep dodging, causing the powerhouse attacked by Lu Yang to be completely unable to get the help of other powerhouses. , can only face this chaotic flame alone.

"If you want me to die, I'll kill you first." The strong man of the Void Ghost Race emitted a strong light and disappeared in place. In the next second, there were fluctuations in the void from Lu Yang's side. The powerhouse of the ghost clan passed through out of thin air, and the dagger in his hand pierced Lu Yang's abdomen.

"Death to me~!" Lu Yang had already guarded against his hand, turned around and punched, and hit the shoulders of the Void Ghost Race powerhouse first, knocking half of his body flying out in the air. burnt to ashes.

"Ah~!" screamed.

Flames erupted from Lu Yang's body and caught the Void Ghost Race powerhouse into Bandarsburg. Then, Lu Yang rushed towards the other 8 Void Ghost Race powerhouses.

"Kill him together."


The eight monarchs of the Void Ghost Clan also saw that they would not kill Lu Yang. They had no chance to leave alive. They launched the strongest spells to force Xia Yuwei and others back, and rushed towards Lu Yang together.

Lu Yang didn't frighten the eight of them in the slightest. Just when the distance between them was 10 meters, the flames in Lu Yang's body surged wildly.

"Pillar of Chaos Demon Flame"

Sixteen purple-gray chaotic flames suddenly flew out of Lu Yang's body, capturing the eight monarch-level powerhouses at the same time.

"Chaos Laser"

The third eye on Lu Yang's forehead opened, ejecting eight laser beams, hitting the foreheads of the eight monarchs at the same time, blasting their souls.

Just now, due to lack of physical strength, the strongman of the Tallinn Ghost and Mist tribe in Bandarsburg had fainted to the ground under the damage of the Chaos Demon Flame Pillar. Therefore, Lu Yang deliberately rushed towards these monarch-level Void Ghosts. , pretending to fight them hard.

Unexpectedly, he really deceived a few of them. Looking at the monarchs whose souls had been damaged, he opened Bandarsburg and caught them all.

It's not so easy for these people to die well. Since they killed so many of his brothers, let's go to the arena and kill each other to atone for their sins.

Lu Yang looked at the tens of thousands of Void Ghosts on the ground, and the magic in his body surged frantically again. After a few seconds, Lu Yang chanted a spell.

"God's Fire"

The purple-gray flames fell from the sky like rain, and nearly 40,000 Void Ghost Race powerhouses were all in the rain of fire. Suddenly, the sound of mourning resounded through the valley.

All the powerhouses of the Void Ghost Race who are hit by the chaotic flames, even if they want to hide in the void, they can't do it. The flames will follow them into the void and burn through the void.

At this time, humans can finally fight back, and various spells fall on them. Even if the damage caused is slight, it can be accumulated and superimposed, and the lords and kings of the Void Ghost Race begin to fall on the battlefield.

When the number exceeded 5,000, the enemy blew up and began to flee frantically.

"Why did I come to this **** world."

"These **** I must be crazy to fight them."

"There is no normal creature here, why would they blow themselves up."

"Don't kill me, I was just sent here, not on my own initiative."


Lu Yang did not expect that these Void Ghost Race members would collapse. He looked at this scene with a sneer, and said, "What kind of **** belongs to the race, they are not as calm as us in the face of death."

The Blazing Demon God sighed and said, "The criteria for selecting the gods are getting lower and lower for this group of trash new gods. This is a group of enemies who can only fight against the wind and cannot fight against the wind. Of course, more importantly, They are a group of races that are good at assassination, and they are not good at frontal combat, so don’t be careless.”

Lu Yang nodded, and he could also see that these creatures did not have too strong armor, nor the physical quality of a frontal attack. It can be said that, except for a demon blood orc, Void Ghost and Tallinn Ghost Mist, all are They should be sent to assassinate, that is, to deal with the Donghai Underground City, but in the first battle, it was too easy for Tallinn Guiwu to kill the elves of Baishan City, making them forget about it.

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