Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2432: unsolicited water element

ten days.

A full ten days.

Lu Yang led the soldiers of the Jagged Brotherhood, chased and killed more than 1,000 kilometers, beheaded 41,000 lords of the Void Ghost Race and the powerful kings, and arrested more than 9,000.

When the team of the Jagged Brothers returned to Donghai New City, all the people were empty, and everyone came out to celebrate the victory of the war, but Lu Yang just showed up and returned to the old part of the underground city.

Different from the great joy of Xincheng, almost everyone in the old city wears filial piety. In this battle, the soldiers in the old city of the Jagged Brothers suffered heavy losses. The 100,000 people who started with him now have less than 60,000 people, even Hei Yan. dead.

Fortunately, Hei Yan just blew up his body, and at the moment before his soul dissipated, he was rescued by the Blazing Flame Demon God and put it in the Demon God Temple.

Others were not so lucky. They could only sleep in the cemetery in the back mountain. Lu Yang took a shovel and, together with Zhuojiu, buried each brother.

"Brothers, I chose you with my own hands. If you went to war with me, I sent you to die with my own hands. You can't pay it back in this life. In the next life, I will definitely pay you back." Lu Yang's eyes stopped. Couldn't hold back the tears.

For so many years, since his last life, he has been able to live strong, relying on the brothers behind him who trust him and support him. In this life, it is also the unconditional support of the brothers that he can reach today.

On the battlefield, who would like to die, but in order to win the war, they said it was for the entire human race, but at a lower level, they obeyed Lu Yang's orders and took the initiative to die.

This kindness is not enough, and it will not be enough in this life!

Zhuojiu, Bai Shi, Xia Yuwei, Zhou Tianming, Kuai Bansheng and others also burst into tears. Although they won the war, they lost too much.

As soon as they succeeded, they became heroes of mankind, but they would rather use these two words in exchange for the lives of these brothers, but this is impossible.

Tu Feng walked over from a distance and said to Lu Yang, "Boss, those giant tortoises by the sea still haven't left. This time, a humanoid creature called the water of the elements came and wanted to talk to you."

Lu Yang sneered and said, "They can't help it anymore."

"We'll go with you," said the turbid wine.

"Let's go and see, what exactly does this elemental water want to do?" Lu Yang summoned the red night.

Zhuojiu and Bai Shi also summoned the Cloud Sculptures respectively. As Lu Yang flew towards the beach east of Shekou, they arrived at the beach area within half an hour.

More than 30 giant sea turtles stood motionless on the beach. On the back of the sea turtle in front, stood an elemental body made of water. Lu Yang recognized it at a glance. The water element seen in another world.

"Follow me~!" Lu Yang waved his hand and led the crowd to the beach, just staring at the water element.

A strange smile appeared on the flowing water pattern of the elemental water. He suddenly turned into a water bomb and flew forward for nearly 100 meters, and only stopped when he came to a position 3 meters in front of Lu Yang. , said respectfully: "King of Flame, we meet again."

Lu Yang looked at the water element with a smile and said, "This time you can introduce yourself."

The elemental water gradually turned into an ice-blue, muscular man, he bent down to pay tribute to Lu Yang, and said, "The Patriarch of the Water Element Race, the King of the Sea, Aparis has mentioned His Excellency the Flame King. "

Lu Yang was a little tired, and what bothered him most was the way of introducing his title first, and then his name, and said, "If you have anything to say, you may send the Void Ghost Clan over here. We It's still a hostile relationship."

"No no no~!" Aparisti raised his right hand and shook his fingers very humanly, and said, "If I hadn't told you who the next group of enemies is, I don't think your Excellency would be able to fight so easily. To win this war, in fact, I won it for you, right?"

"That's right, but why are you helping me?" Lu Yang asked curiously.

Aparisti spread his hands and said, "We want to monopolize this ocean. I believe your Lord Vulcan also agrees with us."

Lu Yang smiled. He guessed that the other party knew that there was a Blazing Demon God in his body, but he would not admit it, and said, "Tell me your reason."

Aparisti was not angry at Lu Yang's noncommittal answer, but raised his hand with a smile and summoned a water element seat, he sat on it, and said to Lu Yang in a relaxed manner: "This world is a In a balanced world, the elements of each line have formed a stable pattern. To be honest, I like this world, and I also like human beings, "In fact, I have been in this world for nearly 20 years, and I once took the shape of a human. Living in the human world, I don't want to let the gods of another world ruin this world. "

Lu Yang was a little surprised and said, "So, you are the first group of strong people to be thrown into this world by the gods."

Just like the red night behind him, it was teleported by throwing a space treasure box into the space-time tunnel. It has the potential to become a god, but the highest qualification is a lower god, and it still needs various opportunities.

Aparisti did not feel inferior about his life experience, and said: "I am a child abandoned by my race, but I love my race, so I want to find a stable place for them to live, and this sea is very suitable ."

Lu Yang frowned and asked, "But when your race comes, it will still invade our world, and so will other races."

Aparisti said: "This is the purpose of my coming to you, my clan has already come to tens of thousands of people, they all live in the ocean, and there will be no conflict with you, so I want to help you Destroy the space rift in the East China Sea area and make them return to chaos."

This kind of destruction will not cause the magic element to fail to pass, but it will make the space rift unable to pass over the powerhouses of other worlds. Lu Yang asked Blazing Demon God about this method, but the answer is that it requires huge void energy.

Lu Yang said, "We don't have this ability, do you have it?"

Aparisti said: "Originally there was none, but the Void Ghost Race brought a large number of Void Soul Stones, which can close some of the space cracks."

The Blazing Demon God was a little surprised and said to Lu Yang: "The biggest function of the Void Soul Stone is to destroy the space rift and make them return to chaos. This kind of thing can only be produced in the back mountain of the Void God Temple. I can't think of the new Void God thinking. It's going to be a big game."

Lu Yang sneered and said: "It's nothing more than wanting to monopolize this area. If we humans die, the Void Ghost Race will probably destroy part of the teleportation channel immediately, leaving only the next Void Race's teleportation channel, and let the Void Race occupy it from now on. In this area, I just didn't expect the Void Ghost Race to be defeated."

The Blazing Demon God also sneered and said: "It is estimated that the Void God decided to use the Void Ghost Clan to do this after thinking for a long time in order to make this plan succeed. Bring some less monarch-level masters, unexpectedly, these things will eventually fall into the hands of the water element family."

Lu Yang looked at Aparisti and said, "You mean to cooperate with me, right?"

Aparisti nodded and said, "Exactly."

Lu Yang smiled and didn't answer, staring at Aparisti's eyes for a long time, until the other party's eyes flickered, he said: "If you want to cooperate, you have to let me see all your clansmen. , and the full strength of your race, it is impossible for me to cooperate without knowing anything."

Aparisti said cheerfully: "No problem. After five days, I can bring all my clansmen to the beach. You can see how strong we are at a glance."

Lu Yang said: "Then we will meet and talk later."

The easier it is to negotiate the conditions, UU reading proves that the other party doesn't care about this matter, and Lu Yang doesn't believe that the other party will really bring all his strength out of the sea.

Obviously, Aparisti is setting up a set for Lu Yang. The water element race is a race that can connect with another world at any time. This is terrible.

Now the other party wants to help humans close the space fissure on the land, which means that there are still space fissures on the seabed, and these elemental races want to dominate the human region.

The water element family is in the sea. It may only take half a day for them to reach the East China Sea dungeon. The reason why they have not attacked is definitely not their kindness, but that there is still some problem on the side of Aparisti.

The current situation is that the wolf wants to negotiate with the sheep, saying that it will not eat you in the future, we will also eat grass, and the wolf and the sheep will coexist peacefully in the future, who can believe this.

Zhuojiu, Bai Shi and the others didn't believe it either. They flew away with Lu Yang, leaving Yaparisti alone on the beach, but Yaparisti was not angry, but smiled and watched the flying away. The expressions on Lu Yang and others' faces gradually became hideous.

"Damn humans, sooner or later you will be wiped out." Aparristi turned around and dived into the sea.

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