Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2434: river ambush

from day to night.

There was no change in the river, but in the middle of the night two days later, the moon on the horizon was covered by dark clouds, and a strange energy suddenly came from the calm river, and the Blazing Demon God said: "Come, there are at least a few thousand in number. "

Lu Yang sneered and said, "So that's what happened. The number of enemies is too small, and there is no way to fight us head-on, so I want to use the sneak attack."

The strength of the water element in the river is between the lord rank and the king rank. With this strength, if you fight the Jagged Brotherhood, there is absolutely no chance of winning.

Lu Yang's tracker, these water elements, flew about 20 kilometers upstream, and when they came to the corner, these water elements stopped.

It just so happens that this is the area where the Jagged Brothers has the strongest defense and the least attention. This is the rear of the central fortress of the Shekou defensive position.

All the soldiers of the Jagged Brotherhood take this road to and from the three cities of the East China Sea and Shekou every day. There are also the most patrol troops here. If there are enemies here, no one will believe them, but the enemies dare to be so bold. , let the water element ambush in this place.

After Lu Yang locked the position, he sent a message to Bai Shi, Zhou Tianming and others saying, "The enemy is already in place, everyone is ready."

"You can cut off the water source at any time," said the white lion.

Zhou Tianming said: "The dam downstream can be blocked at any time."

Lu Yang nodded, leaving a clone in the air, his body quickly flew towards the Shekou defensive position.

By the next morning.

Lu Yang left 20,000 people to defend the Shekou position, and quickly brought 30,000 people to the beach. In the sea, Yaparisti was standing on the sea with 30,000 water elemental people. They seemed to have endless resources. The magic power is average, constantly absorbing the sea water.

"President Lu Yang, we are here as scheduled." Aparisti was very excited, opened his arms to show his friendship, stepped on the waves to the beach, and when he walked in front of Lu Yang, he bowed respectfully and said: " I have brought all the void crystals and peace, and I hope that our two races will be on good terms forever."

Lu Yangxiao watched Aparisti's performance. If he hadn't analyzed the opponent's conspiracy, this sneak attack would have destroyed the entire human race. He imitated Yaparisti's appearance and bowed respectfully and said, "I Accept your Void Crystal and Peace, and our two races will be friends forever."

Aparisti waved his hand, and a spiritual sense flew out from his body, and dozens of water elements came over with purple-black boxes. At the same time, the army of water elements hidden in the river behind the Shekou defensive position got the Instructed to swim towards the three cities in the East China Sea.

Huo Niu controlled Lu Yang's avatar, and immediately noticed the change of the water element. He secretly communicated with Lu Yang and said, "The enemy has moved."

Lu Yang sneered and sent a message to Zhou Tianming and Bai Shi, "Cut off the flow."

"Yes." The white lion looked at the dam in the distance and said to Rustafa and Sarah, "Start."

"Infinite Vine"

Thousands of mages cast spells at the same time, and they have already been created. Thousands of vines lying at the bottom of the river suddenly swelled rapidly, and each one became 30 centimeters in diameter.

All the vines were intertwined to form a huge tree wall two meters wide and twenty meters high. A large number of warriors quickly moved the boulders and formed a new wood and stone embankment, so that not a drop of water could flow out.

In the downstream position, in order to prevent the water element from swimming back, Zhou Tianming took the earth mage to quickly divide a river into six rivers, and the water flow speeded up, which made the water elements who were moving fast in the river suddenly feel that something was wrong.

The chief elder of the water element family, Borghese, roared, "Stop moving forward, the water in front is not right!"

"What's wrong?" Pioneer Officer Chavez asked with a frown.

Borghese roared: "Not good, we may have been ambushed, the water level is dropping rapidly, we are running out of water."

Originally the river was several meters deep, and after the cut-off upstream dike, the water level dropped almost as fast as the naked eye.

"Damn, let's go back." Chavez said excitedly.

"It's too late." Algaia appeared on the south bank of the river with a large number of elves wood-type mages, and they chanted a spell in their mouths.

"Myriad Tree Barrier~!"

Countless big trees suddenly grew out of the ground. At the same time, the moisture in the surrounding soil was quickly absorbed into the big trees. For a time, cracks appeared on the surrounding ground that could only be seen in drought.

Gonzalez, the elder of the Hastur clan, appeared beside the elves, and they chanted a spell in their mouths.

"The Devil's Flame Burns Out"

A very high temperature flame suddenly fell in the sky, all the plants on the ground were ignited, the river water that was about to bottom was quickly evaporated, and a large amount of water mist splashed from the river water, but it was quickly evaporated by the flames clean.

Thousands of water elements stared blankly at all this, and the elder Borghese roared: "Damn elves and Hasturs, what are you doing?"

Algaia sneered and said, "Do what you want to stop you from doing? Surrender yourself or wait for us to catch you with our own hands. This is not in the water, you have no chance."

On land, the strength of the water element family is greatly reduced, especially in such a dry place that there is only flame and no water. If the water element wants to cast spells, it can only be released by the water in their own bodies, but how much water can they have in their bodies? , the strength has been cut off by at least 80%, even the monarchs are not as durable as the lords of Algaia.

Algaia shouted: "Everyone pay attention, be careful that the water element family is desperately fighting with us, they are already mortal, there is no need to let them pull their backs."

"Oh~!" Thousands of elf mages and Hastur warriors responded one after another, and everyone had a smile on their faces.

"The flame circle, get up~!" Gonzalez, the elder of the Hastur clan, roared.

In order to prepare for this ambush, the Hastas took out the third-order fire spar from the warehouse. Now that the enemy was surrounded, they released the magic circle. Suddenly, more violent flames erupted from more than 300 fires. The magic array spewed out.

The water element family in the river did not know what to do, and the elder Borghese roared: "Retreat, everyone retreats."

Thousands of water elements turned and ran, wanting to retreat along the river into the sea, but there was no water in the river, and their movement speed was several times slower than normal.

Seeing that he couldn't escape, the king-level master with the water element roared.


Like a flood, the river was instantly filled with river water, and as soon as the water source appeared, most of it was absorbed by the duties rooted in the ground. There was also a terrifying flame, and the river water produced by the self-destruction of a king rank did not wait for others to run more. Dozens of meters, it just disappeared without a trace.

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