Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2435: new enemy

"how so?"

"Damn elves, why did you see through our plan?"

"I'm not reconciled. If you have the courage to let us go back to the sea, we will fight again."


The high-level powerhouses of the water element roared furiously, but unfortunately, they were completely unable to stop the decline of the battle. The first old Borghese finally couldn't bear it anymore, and passed the message to Aparisti through his consciousness, but his consciousness was unexpectedly blocked. The barrier blocked it.

Xia Yuwei suddenly appeared in front of him, despite the protection of thousands of water elements around the elder, she rushed in like this, and the void dagger inserted into the chest of the elder, stabbing the soul demon core.

"How, how can people know my weakness." Borghese was actually shattered by this blow, he stared at Xia Yuwei and roared, "I want you to be buried with me."

In an instant, Borghese's body swelled frantically, turning into a thousand-meter-high water element giant, and Xia Yuwei was wrapped into his body by him.


The kilometer-high water element giant shook his body violently, and then, as if he had lost his strength, his body turned into a turbulent river and rushed in all directions.

Such a huge amount of seawater cannot be digested by the existing vines and flames. Just when all the water elements thought they could escape through this monstrous flood, Xia Yuwei's figure appeared in the air. In the middle, the incantation was recited in his mouth, and the dagger fiercely drew a purple-black aperture in the air, with a diameter of nearly 100 meters.

"Void Black Hole"

The area crossed by the dagger suddenly turned into a huge black hole, and the violent suction actually sucked all the river water above the legs of the water element elder into the black hole.

"How, how could this be?" All the water element warriors were stunned. They didn't understand how humans could have such terrifying combat power.

Xia Yuwei was also frightened by the power of her own move. This is a combat skill she has only learned in the past few days. After so many wars, her mastery of void spells has become more and more comprehensive.

"Boss, we are already in place." Liu Juan sent news to Xia Yuwei through consciousness.

Although the 3,000 Void Warriors were not as fast as Xia Yuwei, they had also arrived at the battlefield at this time and could join the battle at any time.

"Destroy all the water elements, leave none." Xia Yuwei's voice was icy cold.

"As ordered~!" Liu Juan said solemnly.

In an instant, the water elements, who had not yet reacted from their shock, suddenly appeared a large number of blue rays of light around them. Three thousand void warriors including Liu Juan, Li Mao, and Tao Fei walked out of the void and returned to reality. The dagger pierced sharply. The core of the water element in front of them.

All the water elements that were hit died on the ground without any reaction. Only a few kings and monarchs were able to evade the attack, but they were also stabbed by the void dagger.

When the water element family wanted to counterattack, their spells could not reach 30 meters, and they were absorbed by the transpiration of flames and plants.

Xia Yuwei attacked again, and almost every attack would take away a water element. From the beginning to the end of the war, it didn't take half an hour, all the water elements in the attack were all disbanded, leaving only one The magic core stayed where it was.

The only Water Elemental who didn't die turned out to be their vanguard, Chavez, who yelled, "Don't kill me, don't kill me, I surrender!"

Xia Yuwei fell in front of Chavez, inserted the dagger into his body, pressed it against the magic core, and asked in Elvish language: "Say, what is the purpose of your coming?"

"Kill all human beings and welcome the water god." Chavez's answer was very quick.

Xia Yuwei sneered and asked, "It's just you people?"

Chavez shook his head, looked at the dozens of large boxes lying quietly in the dry river in the distance, and said, "There are spiritual water magic cores in them, which are specially used to arrange the dehydration array. All creatures in the array, The water in the body will be sucked dry, this trick is only effective for creatures below the second rank, it was proposed by the patriarch Aparis."

"As expected." Xia Yuwei looked at Chavez with a sneer, and said, "How many people do you have?"

Chavez said neatly: "No, except for those big turtles that we spawned with magic, all the water elements standing on the sea are our clones."

"Are there any other clansmen in the sea?" Xia Yuwei asked.

"No, Aparisti just has the ability to communicate with our world. We are also the first batch of warriors to send over. Please don't kill me. I am useful. I know the position of the warped time and space under the sea. I can Take you there." Chavez said excitedly.

"You can survive." Xia Yuwei pulled out the dagger, let Chavez take care of her, took out the phone and called Lu Yang.

beach area.

Lu Yang was chatting with Aparisti very much. Looking at the boxes of Void Crystals, he said, "I will take people to destroy those warped time and space this afternoon. Thank you very much for your help."

Aparisti was even happier and said, "I'll accompany you there. A lot of twisted time and space are small gaps, but such a place cannot be spared. My perception ability is very strong, and I can feel it."

"Okay, how about we go now?" Lu Yang said.

"Okay, let your troops return to Shekou, I will go with you alone, we will be brothers in the future." Yaparisti said enthusiastically.

Just as Lu Yang was about to agree, he received a call from Xia Yuwei and said with a smile, "I have something to do, wait for me."

He took the phone and came not far away. After listening to Xia Yuwei's report, he smiled even more, returned to Yaparisti with a big laugh, and said, "Brother, I have something good to tell you. "

Aparisti was worried that his sneak attack was discovered in advance, but seeing Lu Yang's expression didn't seem like an accident, he restrained the anxiety in his heart, and pretended to be curious and asked, "What good thing is it?"

Lu Yang stretched out his arms and gave Aparisti a hug, and said, "I killed all your subordinates, and your conspiracy failed."

As soon as the words fell, eight chains flew out of Lu Yang's body, trapping Yaparisti's body firmly, which made Yaparisti stunned and said, "What, what did you say? Why can't I understand?"

Lu Yang said with a smile: "Why don't you Your vanguard officer Chavez has already told all your secrets, and your elders have also died in battle. Now you are A bare commander, surrender, and I will spare your life."

"What?" Aparisti's eyes widened in disbelief, and after a while, his face became grim and contorted, he stared at Lu Yang and said, "Do you think these chains alone can trap me? Don't think that you won this time, and I will come back again, human, you will never know the greatness of the gods."

Aparristi's body turned into a pool of stagnant water at a speed visible to the naked eye and fell to the ground. In the depths of the ocean, Aparristi opened his eyes and roared with a hideous expression: "Damn human, This is the only chance I can show in front of my father, you are all ruined, I can't spare you, I can't spare you!"

A humanoid creature appeared beside Aparisti and said with a smile: "It really failed, I told you, don't compete with humans for wisdom."

"What I need now is a solution, not your cynicism." Aparisti said furiously.

The humanoid creature was not afraid at all, and said: "Of course we have a way, but the premise is that you have enough troops. Human beings not only have Donghai, but also Jin City and further Fu City."

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