Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2452: the carnage begins

The legions that followed Lu Yang this time were all soldiers who had been tested by blood and war in the past five years, and they were also Lu Yang's most capable assistant.

They are:

A legion of 3,000 king-level wood-based mages led by De Buchangshi.

A legion of 20,000 demon-level god-blood orc warriors led by the white lion.

The 15,000 Demon-level Holy Light Knights led by Mokushu.

The 108 king-rank ghost-faced roar warriors led by the pride and pride.

500 king-level water elemental mages led by the deep sea.

The 3,000 king-rank Void Warrior Legion led by Xia Yuwei.

10 Red Mist soldiers led by Xiao Liang.

In this legion, the most inferior are the powerhouses of the third-order demon level. If there are no strongmen of the blade demon clan to stay behind, the two legions of the demon level can kill this dark demon tribe.

Lu Yang took these people to plan for a night. After determining how to crack each magic circle and how to defend against the poisonous miasma, he found an open space and stood there and chanted a spell.


A red teleportation array 50 meters long and 3 meters high slowly formed behind Lu Yang. This was the space teleportation channel of Bandarsburg. He looked at the more than 40,000 soldiers in front of him, and said solemnly: "According to the order. , everyone enters my space castle to rest, I will lead everyone to another world, and seek justice from the dark devil."

"Bang~!" More than 40,000 soldiers hit their chests with weapons at the same time, and the killing intent suddenly filled the grassland.

"The first team, follow me in." The white lion walked in front, leading his legion into the teleportation formation.

Kuai Bansheng, Zhou Tianming and others led the team to follow them, and the 40,000 people were silent, and even Malthus and the Blazing Demon God felt a chill with the condensed killing intent.

"What a murderous aura." Malthus said in amazement.

Lu Yang glanced at him and said, "The Dark Demon has a grudge against us, a big grudge."

The Dark Demon came to Earth in the first year of the arrival of another world. Compared with the powerful races such as high-level demons, two-headed birds, and demon-blooded orcs that have appeared in the past two years, the hatred of the Jagged Brothers team is far It is far less hatred for the dark demon, because when the creatures in the other world just came, it was the dark demon that caused the greatest damage to human beings.

At that time, the first batch of more than 100,000 soldiers gathered by the Jagged Brotherhood, more than 40,000 people died at their hands, more than 10,000 people were disabled for life and could not be cured, and millions of ordinary people died in the In the hands of these dark demons.

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Now it's finally time for revenge, everyone wants to avenge their dead relatives, and even wants to use massacre to vent their anger.

Malthus has only been here in the past two years. He is not clear about these things. After learning the cause and effect of the incident, he said: "You are qualified to slaughter the dark demons, and you can also destroy their race."

Lu Yang was taken aback for a moment, looked at Malthus with a smile and said, "I was thinking that if you don't agree, I won't let the turbid wine participate."

Malthus rolled his eyes and said, "I am the Holy Light, not the Virgin. In our world, there is a wordless blood monument formed at the beginning of the world. Every creature comes to the blood monument and sees different things. ."

The Blazing Demon God was excited and asked, "What did you see?"

"Fair~!" Malthus said: "The blood tablet tells me that blood debt requires blood to taste, and everything in the world has his law of operation. All I have to do is to stick to this law, so I despise you guys. Old God, there is not one good thing."

"I'm talking too much." The Blazing Demon God flew back into Lu Yang's body uninterestingly, sulking all by himself.

As Malthus said, the old gods really went too far, they destroyed most of the rules that work between heaven and earth, and turned to their rules to do things.

Lu Yang bowed to Malthus, clasped his fists and said, "Thank you for your understanding, I don't have to have any scruples anymore."

Malthus shrugged his shoulders, flew back into the body of the maiden, and followed him into the Bandarsburg space.

Four hours later.

More than 40,000 people entered the castle of Bandarsburg, and Lu Yang also flew in. Then, he opened the space-time channel and teleported into the dark forest.

Caution, he did not release his brothers immediately, but patrolled around the dark forest and made sure that there were no new enemies in this area, or that stronger enemies appeared before he opened the teleportation channel.

More than 40,000 soldiers quietly walked out in order. Standing in the dark forest, no one made a sound of amazement. They just lowered their heads and sorted out their weapons and equipment, making final preparations for the upcoming massacre.

Blazing Demon God and Malthus flew out again, looking at these warriors coming out of the passage, their faces were full of emotion.

"It's bad luck for the Dark Demon." The Blazing Demon God sighed a little and said, "If it wasn't for the teleportation array in the dark forest going straight to Bandarsburg, I wouldn't be able to do reverse teleportation."

The new **** of another world does not know the specific use of Bandarsburg. He has always used this castle as a treasure hunt place. Therefore, there are space teleportation arrays that lead directly to Bandarsburg in different worlds. The reason why Lu Yang could teleport in the reverse direction directly.

Malthus also sighed and said: "I don't know what kind of demons will be produced after this group of humans is massacred. I hope they won't be too badly attacked by the demons."

The Blazing Demon God thought for a while and said, "There may not be a demon of the heart."

"How?" Malthus asked.

Blazing Demon God said: "I have been here longer than you, so I have read the history of human beings here, believe me, the Huaxia race is a race that you cannot understand. When they are gentle, they are better than other worlds. Any race should be gentle, but when they are brutal, the most brutal race in another world is comparable to them."

"Really?" Malthus said in disbelief.

Blazing Demon God said: "I guessed it too, we'll find out in a while."

In the teleportation array, a large number of soldiers are running out quickly. Compared with the nervousness when entering the door, everyone becomes natural when they go out.

In just two hours, all 40,000 people walked out of the teleportation formation, forming a neat square queue in the dark forest.

"The first legion is complete." The white lion shouted.

"Second Legion is complete." Turbid wine shouted.

"The third legion is complete."


There were four legions and seven bloodline warriors in total. Lu Yang looked at them and said solemnly, "I don't need to say more. The hatred in this battle is death and hatred. I have only one order for you. Kill them all, and slaughter the dark demons in this underground world."

In an instant, the killing intent of more than 40,000 people increased to the highest level, but no one spoke, and they were asked before going out.

"Come in with me." Lu Yang turned around and took the 40,000 people into the entrance of the underground through the long tunnel and came to the cliff at the exit.

Beneath the cliff, none of the Dark Demon's population of more than 400,000 found Lu Yang and they were all living normal lives.

Lu Yang snapped his fingers, and De Buchan's corpse led 500 wood-type mages out. They chanted the incantation, and a green light shone from them. The next second, centered on the cave exit, countless The vines grew rapidly from the cliff, and continued to grow after climbing to the ground. In a short time, a vine channel with a length of more than 500 meters and a width of more than 80 meters was formed.

Lu Yang waved his hand and said, "Attack~!"


The white lion tapped the armor heavily, looked at the 108 ghost-faced roars and 20,000 blood warriors led by the pride behind him, and said loudly: "Iron Brotherhood, kill it~!"


The anger that the warriors had accumulated for a long time finally burst out, and tens of thousands of people roared and waved their weapons and rushed down the vine passage, and entered the world of dark demons.


"Enemy attack, enemy attack, this, this, this, this is a human, there is a human attacking us." An elder of the dark demon had some insight and immediately shouted loudly, but the next second, the elder Died under the arrogant sword.

"Follow me to break through the defensive array." The pride Wanzong led the Ghost-faced Roar Legion to the Dark Demon King City.

"Who dares to invade the dark demon clan, don't you know that this is protected by my blade demon clan?" There was a roar in the central hall of the dark demon city, and then, a blade demon with sharp spikes all over his body flew out. stopped in mid-air. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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