Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2453: Ancient God's Tomb

The perception ability of a demigod-level powerhouse is far greater than that of a low-level powerhouse. When the warriors of the Jagged Brotherhood rushed into the underground world, the demigod-level blade demon Thomas had already sensed it.

After hurriedly sorting out his weapons and equipment and flying out of the temple, Tomast arrogantly looked at the enemy who had committed crimes. In this area, he, the demigod, had not encountered an opponent for a long time.

Generally speaking, when all the races in the vicinity see this demigod, their eyes will show panic and begging expressions, especially when a legion invaded the underground world a few years ago and saw him as a demigod, The desperation in his eyes made Thomast reminisce, and he wanted to take another look.

However, when he stopped in midair and looked at the ground, more than 40,000 human warriors looked at the demigod with only death stares, as if they were looking at a beast to be slaughtered.

Thomas was shocked. As a demigod, when was he treated by ordinary creatures with such eyes? In an instant, Thomas fell into a violent rage, and the long knife-like corners all over his body radiated purple-black light at the same time.

Countless purple-black light blades flew out from his body. Just as he was about to attack with these light blades, Lu Yang slowly flew into the air, and Thomas, who was frightened by the surging demigod power in his body, quickly switched his target to Lu Yang. Yang's body.

"Demigods? How can humans have demigods?" Thomas asked in shock.

"Is this your last word?" Lu Yang turned into the body of a demon, and his body was filled with violent crimson flames. A black long sword in his right hand was transformed by the body of the demon god, and he rushed towards Thomast. past.

"A flame demigod, dare to fight me in melee?" Thomast seemed to be humiliated, the blade-shaped corners around his body suddenly became longer, he curled up and twirled frantically, like a spherical whirling flying. Like a knife, it slammed into Lu Yang with a purple light.

Lu Yang stared at Tomast, and the Earth Demon God's long sword in his right hand slashed out against his spherical body.


A crisp cracking sound sounded, and the demigod-level body, the blade demon known in other worlds for its hardness, was simply cut in two by the Earth Demon Sword.

Tomast didn't even have time to let out a cry of pain, and he was simply killed. A purple light emerged from the black blade of the Earth Demon God's long sword, swallowing Thomast's soul.


The scene was extremely quiet for a while!

Countless dark demons and blade demons were cheering for Tomast, looking forward to a slaughter feast for the demigods, but in the blink of an eye, the biggest sustenance in their hearts was killed by Lu Yang with one sword, even if it was the Jagged Brotherhood. The warriors showed incredible expressions. After all, the power emitted by this blade demon was still a demigod one second ago.

With a move with his right hand, Lu Yang put the Blade Demon's corpse into the Bandarsburg space. His blood will become a human bloodline transfer item, and it will be hung on the guild warehouse shelf of the Jagged Brotherhood.

"The boss is mighty~!"

"The boss is mighty~!"

"The boss is mighty~!"


Zhuojiu, Bai Shi and the others suddenly reacted, raising their weapons and shouting in unison, "This is the slashing general. The strongest of the enemy was killed by Lu Yang like this. It is conceivable that the enemy's morale will be reduced." what becomes.

The more than 40,000 warriors of the Jagged Brotherhood also reacted and cheered wildly, while the Blade Demon and the Dark Demon side fell into infinite panic.

Lu Yang raised the long sword in his hand, slowly pointed to the dark side, and roared, "Iron Brotherhood, kill~!"



The soldiers of the more than 40,000 Jagged Brothers no longer had any fear, and rushed towards the Dark Demon and the Blade Demon frantically.

"Get up the defensive array." The dark demon clan's patriarch only remembered to set up a defensive array at this time, but unfortunately, it is no longer in a hurry.

The soldiers of the Jagged Brotherhood were very familiar with the terrain here during the drill. The various legions rushed to the position of the defense formation in an orderly manner, destroying hundreds of formations. Afterwards, the war became massacre.

The Dark Demon side, the strongest is only Tier 3, while the Jagged Brothers Alliance, the worst is Tier 3. Under the strong strength gap, even if the number of opponents is more than 400,000, they can still be slaughtered.

Lu Yang stopped quietly in mid-air, watching the massacre happening below, he had no pity or tyranny in his heart.

"All the slaughtered human beings, the parasitized human beings, as the younger generation, we are not qualified to forgive the enemies who killed you, but what we can do is to take the same revenge on them, I hope you can see it in the spirit of heaven. In this scene, I hope my brothers who died in battle can see this scene, your souls can rest in peace, your hatred, I will pay for you, and even the descendants of three generations of enemies, I will slaughter them cleanly." Lu Yang muttered to himself.

Inexplicably, countless rays of light lit up in the space, some flew from Lu Yang's body, and some flew around Lu Yang.

Lu Yang knew that this was the resentment of some of his dead brothers. He had always known that these resentments surrounded From when he set up the hero forest and swore in front of the tombstones of countless dead brothers, these resentments were all around him. The spirit was attached to him.

Now, Lu Yang has avenged them, and some of the brothers' resentment no longer have any resentment, and can truly dissipate between this world.





In the mine not far away, a crimson light suddenly appeared, as if calling for Lu Yang to pass.

He looked in the direction of the battlefield, and after confirming that there was no danger between the turbid wine and the white lion with the brothers, he flew over curiously.

The Blazing Demon God said excitedly: "The ancient god's tomb, this is the last spiritual consciousness of the ancient god, he is calling you, **** it, your boy is lucky again, the dead souls of countless brothers just naturally dissipated between heaven and earth. , seems to have touched the spiritual consciousness of the ancient gods, hurry up and take a look, there must be treasures."

Malthus also flew out of the turbid wine, attached to Lu Yang's body, and said, "This is the cemetery of the ancient gods, go in and have a look, there must be secret techniques and words from the ancient times, if there is any, for yours Legions are infinitely useful."

Lu Yang nodded and quickly landed on the top of the light curtain. The Blazing Demon God and Malthus activated their spiritual thoughts at the same time and carefully scanned the situation below. Soon, the two sent a complete image of the tomb to Lu Yang's soul. .

"Fire Soul Slash"

A crimson light appeared from Lu Yang's body, and punched a 100-meter-long deep pit into the mine not far away. At the same time, a red light shot out from the inside. Inside the pit. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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